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Chris Christie's niece kicked off New Orleans plane, injured 6 deputies, officials say


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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Lock her up!

Briefly was!


"She paid $10,750 bail and was released from the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center later on Thanksgiving Day.

Epstein is scheduled to return to Jefferson Parish for court on Jan. 23, although Rivarde said most airline-related cases move to federal court."

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As an airline employee one of my roles is as a GSC, Ground Security Coordinator.


You have no idea how common this stuff is unfortunately. 


We try to keep them from boarding, generally it's intoxication, but they do slip through then after the aircraft has pushed flight crew have to deal with it, and if necessary return to the gate.


I have been spat at, threatened with various forms of violence when I've told a passenger I would not be allowing them to board.


People are in general idiots, and when at an airport it seems perfectly acceptable to start drinking at 6am and get totally hammered before a flight.


With experience as soon as things start getting seriously abusive I have no qualms to call the boys with the guns to come and calm things down. I don't get paid enough to deal with that <deleted>.


I have dealt with more than my fair share of folks like this; "Do you know who I am" well No and I don't really care

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On 12/4/2022 at 10:22 AM, Pawpcorn said:

Briefly was!


"She paid $10,750 bail and was released from the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center later on Thanksgiving Day.

Epstein is scheduled to return to Jefferson Parish for court on Jan. 23, although Rivarde said most airline-related cases move to federal court."

Sorry but it does cause thinking people to ponder … you have money? Post bail. Don’t have money? You remain in jail. “And equal Justice for all”. Right USA such a shining example for the rest of the world. “Shining City on a Hill”? “ A beacon for all the world”? Hogwash …

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Another retrumplican Karen at least Chris Christey has been offering a tepid rebuke of trump if she assaulted 6 officers she should do jail time tho I doubt it to well connected ah well and so it goes……sad

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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

Another retrumplican Karen at least Chris Christey has been offering a tepid rebuke of trump if she assaulted 6 officers she should do jail time tho I doubt it to well connected ah well and so it goes……sad

Yeah if we have to have any republican president, Christie would be much better than 45 or DeSantis.

He's not responsible for his neice.

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36 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

I wasn't joking when I said previously when I said passengers will start drinking at 6am at an airport, something they would never consider doing normally.


I work the early morning shift from 4am, and every day I'll walk through the terminal to the gates, and sure as sh*&t there will be folks at the bar slugging the booze as soon as they open.


Seriously it's like people lose their minds when they are embarking on a flight.


My best one was the crazy preacher.


Drunk as a skunk, cowboy hat, adorned with the Cross of course left the bar only to be denied boarding since the flight had already closed.

Barged past the gate agent down the jetbridge, which had already pulled back, out of the security door down on to the ramp. How he thought he was going to get on the the aircraft from the ground I have no idea. 


So I'm chasing him, while the agent is calling the LEO, I corner him, he's ranting about how he needed to be in Texas tonight to deliver a sermon, and I was the Devils agent from preventing him from doing Gods work.


At this point the aircraft has pushed, engines are running I had to tackle him to the ground before he ran into a running engine.


The Lord had a way of getting him into some shiny bracelets that day..


Thats how crazy it gets!

And even crazier was the fact that people actually went out of their way to hear this heathen preach! They were spared that say. Perhaps it gave them a moment to reflect! 

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Finally updated with PICTURES!  ????




"At one point she “broke free” as officers tried to handcuff her, forcing cops to block her path. She “was belligerent and displayed unusual strength” during the struggle, according to the report.

The niece of the ex-gov and failed 2016 presidential candidate “slurred her words” and “had white foam coming from the sides of her mouth.

“Epstein punched me, kicked me, spit in my face, and twisted as she attempted to free herself from my grip,” the officer writing the report said."

Edited by Pawpcorn
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