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Who Runs Home Pro?


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Well, where to start...

So many tours to the different shops (adding stuff like waterheaters and whatnot to the houses) we have seen a lot of things. And it's not just me that have oppinions, mostly it's my wife that is vocal in complaints when we are alone, while I try to smooth it over. "They aren't payed much, you cannot expect them to be experts." I say...and it's true - but it doesn't look right for the store when the 'seller' tries to close the vacuumcleaner we just looked on for over 10 minutes and calls two other staff-members...and they still don't get anywhere.

Most stores seems overstaffed. It's impossible that they are all needed. And having to say 'No, we are just looking [not gonna buy] today' to 6 different sellers when moving within 6x6m and looking at beds are rather silly. Do they get commission on sales? Then I can atleast understand that they want to sell [overpriced crap] instead of listening to what one wants to get.

Before we go to buy a new bigger TV I will look up all the models and decide before, since last I started getting blank stares when I got too technical...and the answer wasn't on the factsheet infront.

But anyway, I cannot help to think that while I _don't_ want staff-empty setups like back in europe (staff-per-customer ratio of 1:30 or less) I always wonder if the shops couldn't earn more/reduce prices if they reduced the number of employees here a bit, since often during the days the staff outnumbers the customers in many of the big places...

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Wanted to repaint black railings around the house asked for undercoat for black (in UK we would use dark grey undercoat) ''sorry no undercoat no need'' it was not Hammerite, even my wife explained in Thai undrcoat needed, like banging head against a brick wall, so they are still unpainted to this day.

Global house has a metal primer, typical red oxide type.

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I find the Global House staff in CM most helpful.

Every member of staff you come accross says "Sawadicrap" and moves on, but they are there if you need them, they are not pushy, just plain helpful.

I bet Homepro are loosing out big time to them now. I would never set foot in a Homepro again out of choice

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annnnnnnnd if that is the case then they are even bigger dummies for not stocking their stores properly! Inventory control? Why not just open up the warehouse and sell from there?

The warehouse near [50km away] BBK is almost 1km x 1km long/wide..... houses-- Home Pro, Carrefoure, Big C

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