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I've been here for just over 2 years and I thought that I had the names figured out until today. What do most people call the "ring road? Based on what I have heard, it is the following:

1. Superhighway (Carrefour and Makro are on this road).

2. First Ring Road (Rimping - Meechok Plaza, Global House and Payap are on this road)

3. Second Ring Road (The last ring with nothing much on it at this point... at least no landmarks that I can think of).

(This seems to be what most maps use as well).

However, today a Thai person told me that it's actually:

1. First Ring Road (Carrefour and Makro)

2. Second Ring Road (Payap and Rimping)

3. Third Ring Road

I know that some are called by the highway number or other names but how do you number the "rings?" Is it two or three? Do farang use a different system than Thais?


In four years here, to me, and I'm a dummy, I've always thought the superhighway going to Bangkok was not a ring road, although it does circle the north side until heading south. I thought that the ring roads are.....heck, I don't know. But my roommate, a native of Chiang Mai and almost 40 years old, says the superhighway is separate, and it merely connects/intersects with the ring roads.

says the superhighway is separate, and it merely connects/intersects with the ring roads.

That it does. The superhighway intersects all three ring roads. Some call them inner, middle and outer. Inner (1) is the road starting at the Airport intersection, Middle (2) is the 1st 4 way light intersection going out on Hang Dong road from the inner, and the Outer (3rd) ring road (where I am) is the next 4 way light intersection, left going to lampang/lamphun and right going to Samoeng. Might call the superhighway 1,2 & 3 in that it completes the ring.


After looking closer, not so sure about ring 1 - looks like the superhighway (Chiangmai-Lampang) road could be 1.


FYI. I have the Chiang Mai Big Map in front of me (the only map that I have found with all the ring roads on it). It lists them as:


Ring Road 1

Ring Road 2

I guess there is no formal method used as it appears that people have different roads in mind when they call something Ring Road 1

FYI. I have the Chiang Mai Big Map in front of me (the only map that I have found with all the ring roads on it). It lists them as:


Ring Road 1

Ring Road 2

I guess there is no formal method used as it appears that people have different roads in mind when they call something Ring Road 1

Yes, I believe that's correct. I sometimes hear it called the first ringroad as well, with your 1&2 being 2 and 3 in that context.

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