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Reimann P20 Sun Filter


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Hi ladies,

I'm in Thailand until the middle of September, and my sunscreen is about to run out. I use Reimann P20, which by some miracle of science is designed to be applied once and lasts all day. I haven't been able to find it anywhere here (have tried Bangkok and Chiang Mai: Boots, Watsons, various other chemists). As one applcation lasts all day, it is ideal for my very pasty skin. I did try 'normal' suncreen today (factor 30) and am a little burnt after about an hour outside. I fear I may have to be nocturnal for the rest of my time here unless I get some more of this stuff!

Any ideas?

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Have a friend send you some from the UK. If they have it at Boots or Watson in the UK and you haven't seen it yet, then they don't have a distributer in Thailand. The Sun Creams available in Thailand I have found to be really bad and always bring enough to last me for the six months I'm in the country.

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They don't even carry it in Boots in the uk, I was just hoping they might by some miracle have it here! I may have to ask my mum to post me some.

Slightly related note: does anyone know much about the johnson & johnson talc that says it has uv filters? there is no indication of spf or anthing, so I'm guessing it isn't anything useful in the sun protection stakes, but it is handy to slap on over sunscreen to get rid of that 'tacky' feeling, and it can't hurt.


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I've been using P20 for years and have never found a stockist in LOS. I usually ask anyone visiting from the UK to pick up a bottle or two from Duty Free on their way to the departure gate!

The nearest equivalent that I've found is a new product from Boots, which is similar to P20. You apply it 15 mins before sun exposure and it's supposed to last 6 hours. It comes in SPF25, 30 & 45, I think. It's much more pricey than normal sunscreen but much cheaper than P20!

There are also some websites in the UK that sell P20 and offer international delivery. I Googled P20 and came up with a list of possible suppliers.

Good luck with your search and let us know if you do find the Holy Grail of sunscreens!


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oh, what is the one in Boots called, is it their own brand? Is it a normal cream formulation, or closer to p20 formulation? I'm only here until mid september, and am staying in a guesthouse... all my cards are still registered to the addresse back home. I thought I probably couldn't get an order sent to a foreign address, but I must look into that. Thanks!

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It's part of the Boots Soltan range I think. I saw it last week at the branch at Tha Phae Gate and it was displayed right by the front door. I haven't bought any myself yet, as I still have some P20 left, but I think that it's a similar formulation.

I also have my credit cards registered to a UK address but can get things delivered here. I just checked on eBay (www.ebay.co.uk) and they have loads of stock on there too. I'm a regular eBayer and usually get things posted directly here. I also saw that P20 has a new formula - 15 mins rather than 90 mins application time. Very interesting...


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yeah the new formulation is what I have been using... who has the time to wait 90 minutes! I must check out that soltan stuff, as the p20 is sadly almost done! Failing that, I'll give ebay a shot.


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