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Squatters In Ladies Section


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Hi Mods,

I have just read a post in the ladies forum entitled Squatter's Rights? complaining about guys posting irrelevant, (for want of a better word), comments in their forum. I can fully understand the annoyance, although the wording seemed a bit harsh.

When i view posts i go to the "view all posts" link and then click on any post that appears interesting. This means i have multiple posts open at the same time and read each one as it is loaded. Once to post is open there is only one place to see what forum it is in, that is in small grey letters at the bottom right of the page. Can you do something to make it more obvious what Forum the particular post is in?

For any annoyed ladies reading this, i apologise for any misplaced comments in your forum and will try to be more careful in the future.


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Nidge, as you know, I made the OP on that thread. It wasn't directed at you. I, personally can't remember anything you have said that I (personally) object to. I do know who I'm directing that thread at & they are habitual "squatters". I do understand that members are drawn by "view new posts", but these guys either do know exactly where they're going, or they know the niks of those (females) they're going to bait. The ones I'm talking about don't find the posts by accident, IMO. There have been too many by the same guys.

Thank you for your (unwarranted) apology. I hope you accept that in no way was my post directed at you or 99% of the male members of this board. That 99%, whether I agree with them or not, I respect & like very much. Sadly, the 1% do exist & let themselves be seen...

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