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What amazes me about this topic is the absolute stupidity displayed by some of the comments. If people feel compelled to discry someone else's behaviour, they should find fault with the behaviour, not the nationality. I know people from many, many different ethnic groups, european and non-european; and there are those among each who are disgusting, as well as those who are sterling human beings. Lets not forget: there is rampant bias among europeans. Many italians, spaniards and french(latins in general) who look upon northern europeans as low-class, spit-drewling barbarians; many irish and brits who think that latins are knife-wielding greasballs; and many germans who still believe that everybody in europe is inept but them; and, while we are at it, lets not forget that there are too many mohammedans who think that all non-believers should die, including women and children! For those of you who like to criticize people based upon nationality, why don't you do it in your own countries and leave those of us who understand what the word human respect means alone!

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No problem with people. I just can't stand puppies, children, and koala bears.

or...... maybe this topic has reached the end of the line.

What amazes me about this topic is the absolute stupidity displayed by some of the comments. If people feel compelled to discry someone else's behaviour, they should find fault with the behaviour, not the nationality. I know people from many, many different ethnic groups, european and non-european; and there are those among each who are disgusting, as well as those who are sterling human beings. Lets not forget: there is rampant bias among europeans. Many italians, spaniards and french(latins in general) who look upon northern europeans as low-class, spit-drewling barbarians; many irish and brits who think that latins are knife-wielding greasballs; and many germans who still believe that everybody in europe is inept but them; and, while we are at it, lets not forget that there are too many mohammedans who think that all non-believers should die, including women and children! For those of you who like to criticize people based upon nationality, why don't you do it in your own countries and leave those of us who understand what the word human respect means alone!

Excellent post and done with a touch of humour. :o

I do note that the topic starter was complaining about a group of American backpackers. As he himself is American he can hardly be accused of bias.

I just ate breakfast at JJ's and there was a table full of young American tourists sitting at a long table eating while their lovely Thai guide talked on her cell phone in a normal tone and with little accent.

All of a sudden a European tourist started yelling and shreaking about how Americans have no respect for anyone else and should go outside to use the phone. He was much more annoying than the girl on the phone and was screaching at the top of his voice.

He got up and made a big show of paying his bill while complaining about "Americans" the whole time. On his way out the door he leaned back in and bleated BLAH, BLAH BLAH! while everyone did their best to ignore him.

He sure showed us. :o

Lamphun has repeated this claim several different different times in this thread, but if you read what I actually said, he has somehow gotten the whole thing backwards.

I guess that some people see what they want to see. :D


I dont read UG's post as having a dig at a persons nationality.

He pointed out that a person of one nationality stood up and made a drama about how disrespectful another nationality was, based on (from what UG says) normal conversation and one girl talking normally on a mobile phone. In doing so, the European was being more disrespectful and making more of a distrubance himself.

I personally dont see any racist comment, just an observation of how ironic the situation was.

Please correct me if im wrong.

I just ate breakfast at JJ's and there was a table full of young American tourists sitting at a long table eating while their lovely Thai guide talked on her cell phone in a normal tone and with little accent.

All of a sudden a European tourist started yelling and shreaking about how Americans have no respect for anyone else and should go outside to use the phone. He was much more annoying than the girl on the phone and was screaching at the top of his voice.

He got up and made a big show of paying his bill while complaining about "Americans" the whole time. On his way out the door he leaned back in and bleated BLAH, BLAH BLAH! while everyone did their best to ignore him.

He sure showed us. :o

Lamphun has repeated this claim several different different times in this thread, but if you read what I actually said, he has somehow gotten the whole thing backwards.

I guess that some people see what they want to see. :D

Well I don't normally read your posts so you can't blame me for missing your point and thinking the best of you. Never mind.

I dont read UG's post as having a dig at a persons nationality.

He pointed out that a person of one nationality stood up and made a drama about how disrespectful another nationality was, based on (from what UG says) normal conversation and one girl talking normally on a mobile phone. In doing so, the European was being more disrespectful and making more of a distrubance himself.

I personally dont see any racist comment, just an observation of how ironic the situation was.

Please correct me if im wrong.

On the contrary, you are exactly right, and besides that, the girl on the phone that the man was complaining about wasn't even American - she was Thai! :o


whilst i was doing a visa run to laos about 6 months ago i went & sat at a table by the river in vientienne,& ordered a drink.virtually opposite me was a quite loud guy with a handle bar moustache & a few empty beer bottles in front of him,who had began talking to the lady owner telling her he was from the usa,& that he served in the vietnam war,but that he genuinely hated america.to the left of me was a very overweight european sat with two young boys,who were hopefully employees :o .i decided too just have the one drink.

on the following day i went & waited outside the thai consulate for the gate to open,& the same american guy was also waiting near another american,who obviously didnt know each other,& also a japanese guy.when they asked the american (from the river) where he was from he hesitated & then told them...... canada,& when the other guy said he was from the states he proceeded to give him a hard time because of this,basically saying the usa was cr!p,& that the usa should be ashamed,to the slight amusement of the jap.

very bizarre. :D

Well I don't normally read your posts so you can't blame me for missing your point and thinking the best of you. Never mind.

I didn't read it but, excellent post!

I just sort of have this sixth sense that you are a cool guy.. or girl.. whatever.

Actually I have no clue who you are or what you think. Never mind. :o


Maybe if you would have posted with the following changes, we wouldn't have had all this crap, and instead people would have just posted what annoys them without all the racial bias crap.

"I just ate breakfast at JJ's and there was a table full of young nondescript tourists sitting at a long table eating while their lovely Thai guide talked on her cell phone in a normal tone and with little accent.

All of a sudden another nondescript tourist started yelling and shreaking about how these tourists have no respect for anyone else and should go outside to use the phone. He was much more annoying than the girl on the phone and was screaching at the top of his voice.

He got up and made a big show of paying his bill while complaining about "tourist" the whole time. On his way out the door he leaned back in and bleated BLAH, BLAH BLAH! while everyone did their best to ignore him.

He sure showed us.

But then again, knowing this group and the way they post, we still probably would have ended up in the same place. :o

Maybe if you would have posted with the following changes, we wouldn't have had all this crap, and instead people would have just posted what annoys them without all the racial bias crap.

"I just ate breakfast at JJ's and there was a table full of young nondescript tourists sitting at a long table eating while their lovely Thai guide talked on her cell phone in a normal tone and with little accent.

All of a sudden another nondescript tourist started yelling and shreaking about how these tourists have no respect for anyone else and should go outside to use the phone. He was much more annoying than the girl on the phone and was screaching at the top of his voice.

He got up and made a big show of paying his bill while complaining about "tourist" the whole time. On his way out the door he leaned back in and bleated BLAH, BLAH BLAH! while everyone did their best to ignore him.

He sure showed us.

But then again, knowing this group and the way they post, we still probably would have ended up in the same place. :o

Besides being too boring for anyone to bother to read, I think that we would never have realized that the person on the phone was not even the nationality that the European fellow was complaining about which is an important part of the story. :D


Oh no, I left that part in because it was very intricate to the fact that regardless of the nationality, it was the Thai tour guide who was on the phone. The Complainer was just an ignorant oaf.

I was in Burger King the other day and there was a group of 6 people, around their 30's, they weren't speaking English....I have no idea what they were speaking, but it was VERY LOUD and rude. I don't care if the were Germans, French, Swedish or Swahili ! those 6 people were being RUDE and showing no consideration for the others around there.

Now it would have been very easy for me to find a label and and criticize that nationality.........Hmmm, they're not drinking, so they can't be Irish, they don't look rich so they can't be American, they don't have bad teeth, so they can't be English, they're not defecating in public so they can't be Canadian, they don't look like criminals so they can't be Aussies......AHA ! they are rude, they must be French ! Seriously though, inconsiderate people exist in all nationalities , what does it matter where they are from ?

I completely understand your OP UG. I thought it was a funny post as a matter of fact. Too bad others couldn't just post "annoying people stories" to follow yours instead of Nation bashing ! :o


Yesterday, I was eating Thai food in Black Canyon and this loud-mouth tourist came in (I'm glad that I don't have to say where he was from) and asked - very loudly - where he could get some "good" Thai food. The waitress replied, "We serve Thai food here Sir". "On no, I don't want any tourist crap, I want real Thai food" he replied.

I told him that he was in the middle of the tourist district and that the food here was quite good.

He told the whole restaurant that this is why he doesn't listen to people who don't know what they are talking about and that his "Thai friends" had told him that there was real Thai food around here somewhere and he was going to find it and walked out. :o

No problem with people. I just can't stand puppies, children, and koala bears.

or...... maybe this topic has reached the end of the line.

So what's wrong with Koalas? And koalas are not bears!!

He told the whole restaurant that this is why he doesn't listen to people who don't know what they are talking about and that his "Thai friends" had told him that there was real Thai food around here somewhere and he was going to find it and walked out. :o

I am sure if he walked out the door, there are only about 5000 food carts selling "real Thai " food everywhere you look. You should have pointed him to the nearest somtam cart and also told him to get a nice freah glass of TAP water from them also ! :D

He told the whole restaurant that this is why he doesn't listen to people who don't know what they are talking about and that his "Thai friends" had told him that there was real Thai food around here somewhere and he was going to find it and walked out. :o

I am sure if he walked out the door, there are only about 5000 food carts selling "real Thai " food everywhere you look. You should have pointed him to the nearest somtam cart and also told him to get a nice freah glass of TAP water from them also ! :D

REAL Thai water! :D


"So what's wrong with Koalas? And koalas are not bears!!"

Just sarcasm Old Blinky. To Americans they are bears, though it might be silly. Also Starfish not fish or stars..... I was just down in your country btw, and failed to see any koalas while there. Too bad. THough I did manage to cook up some roo with a nice demi-glace, and wash it down with some excellent wine. And I must say, with a belly full of good food most things in life seem quite un-annoying. Nice place down there. See, I brought it back to point!

Yesterday, I was eating Thai food in Black Canyon and this loud-mouth tourist came in (I'm glad that I don't have to say where he was from) and asked - very loudly - where he could get some "good" Thai food. The waitress replied, "We serve Thai food here Sir". "On no, I don't want any tourist crap, I want real Thai food" he replied.

I told him that he was in the middle of the tourist district and that the food here was quite good.

He told the whole restaurant that this is why he doesn't listen to people who don't know what they are talking about and that his "Thai friends" had told him that there was real Thai food around here somewhere and he was going to find it and walked out. :o

What would be quite funny is if his "thai friends" are on their first trip to Chiang Mai themselves and had just tried out a local restuarant. Or, that they have invested interest, such as a brother's/uncle's/cousin's restuarant in mind.

I wonder if, just because they are Thai, he automatically accepted their opinion, rather than the opinion of western person who has spend x amount of years in the region. (Or he made the presumption that you were also a tourist)

Oh well UG, at least you tried to help. :D


I once saw a tourist woman throw a fit at the waitress at Zen sushi because the waitress brought her a glass of water, instead of an unopened bottle of water that the woman could open herself. She made quite a scene, and somehow Zen doesn't serve bottled water (?) so she kept asking for it and the waitress kept saying the water is safe, they don't have bottled water, it's from a big jug in the kitchen, but the woman was just losing it. I was rolling my eyes and thinking what in the world are you doing ordering raw fish in a place where you don't trust the water?

Yesterday, I was eating Thai food in Black Canyon and this loud-mouth tourist came in

Geez man, everywhere you eat, a "loud-mouth tourist" walks in. You attract them, don't you ?

Could you please post an exhaustive list of your favourite eateries so I can shun them.

Yesterday, I was eating Thai food in Black Canyon and this loud-mouth tourist came in

Geez man, everywhere you eat, a "loud-mouth tourist" walks in. You attract them, don't you ?

Could you please post an exhaustive list of your favourite eateries so I can shun them.

You're going to get very hungry!! :o

JxP :D


As you know adjan, my main shop is right in the middle of the central tourist area and so for lunch I frequent the Art Cafe, JJ's, Arroon Rai, Black Canyon Coffee and they are all swarming with tourists! :o

As you know adjan, my main shop is right in the middle of the central tourist area and so for lunch I frequent the Art Cafe, JJ's, Arroon Rai, Black Canyon Coffee and they are all swarming with tourists! :o
You are bound to meet far more than the normal share of weirdos and malcontents in that neighborhood. Maybe I don't get out enough, but those kind of encounters happen to me maybe once a month. Unless I go to Patpong.....

Gentlemen, it is a wonder that with all the obnoxious tourists circulating in Chiang Mai that there has not been any reported cases of violence among them. Insults to a person's race or nationality can bring a person's blood to boil faster than anything I know. How sad to think that some people can't just go to a wonderful country like Thailand and be brought to peace by the experience! It disturbs me to know that these kinds of people(I'd like to say "creatures") are out there. Lets hope that if and when these troubled souls do provoke a violent response, that a sojourn in Thai prison teaches them a lesson they will never forget.

Insults to a person's race or nationality can bring a person's blood to boil faster than anything I know.

As far as I'm concerned I couldn't care less.

How sad to think that some people can't just go to a wonderful country like Thailand and be brought to peace by the experience! It disturbs me to know that these kinds of people(I'd like to say "creatures") are out there.

If it disturbs you, it's probably that you haven't been "brought to peace" as you put it. How Sad. :o

Gentlemen, it is a wonder that with all the obnoxious tourists circulating in Chiang Mai that there has not been any reported cases of violence among them. Insults to a person's race or nationality can bring a person's blood to boil faster than anything I know. How sad to think that some people can't just go to a wonderful country like Thailand and be brought to peace by the experience! It disturbs me to know that these kinds of people(I'd like to say "creatures") are out there. Lets hope that if and when these troubled souls do provoke a violent response, that a sojourn in Thai prison teaches them a lesson they will never forget.

Oh for Christs sake mate, what the fukc are you on? Chiang Mai is full of wierdos, besides the Thai wierdos there are the expat wierdos and there are the tourist wierdos. Where do you fit in?

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