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The Snatch

Gonzo the Face

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There was a thread the other day [now closed] re shoplifting/runners/ and potential perps.

I have to say in all honesty, after being in business here for close to 11 years now, all I have had pilched was one blanket.

That is until today ! ! !

Now I feel VI-O-Lated, and am coming to my fellow CM'ers for succor and solice.... [looks good when I read it in the books]

About half hour ago, one of the motorcycle riding , mail box stuffing, start of the street spammers, pulled up to my gate and stuffed a flyer into a crack.

The occasion was unique as they only put in one, when normally they leave 20 - 30 [looks better when they talk with the boss later in the day]

My kids got the flyer in just minutes, but guess what.....

Something was missing ! ! !

I don't necessarily want to go to the establishment, but I want to know what is missing so I can know what it is that I dont want to go for.....

Can anyone out there help me...... Did you get one like this..... is it such a great special that someone is cutting the coupon and selling them....... are marketing cost going up and the sponsor just decided to save a little ??? What is going on ...





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Me thinks someone is gonna make a killing on these coupons..don't be surprised to see someone outside Burger King selling them for 10baht each...bit like ticket touts.

Had a similar thing happen in the UK. The local brewery printed "a buy one pint get one free" advertisement. The unfortunate salesman that did the copy neglegted to put a use by date. Cost him his job.

Then some clever dick went round to every house asking for a copy of this free newspaper that hardly anyone read and collected a thousand or so of them.

A thousand free pints of beer !!! In the end the Brewery had to buy them from him at half price the value of the pint, full maks to the guy for his ingenuity, but my old employers had to foot the bill

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The occasion was unique as they only put in one, when normally they leave 20 - 30 [looks better when they talk with the boss later in the day]

So you're the reason I never get any of those things! :o

My kids got the flyer in just minutes, but guess what.....

Something was missing ! ! !

There now, ya see? I have always said that children belong on the BBQ, not in the home but does anyone listen?


What's this? Burger King? I thought they had closed down! Had I known they were still open, I would have been down there wolfing down Cheese Whoppers and plastic fries like a fly on.. well.. you know. :D

When I opened your "snatch" graphic it wasn't quite what I expected - I thought perhaps it was a pic of one of those furburgers I keep hearing about.. :D

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The occasion was unique as they only put in one, when normally they leave 20 - 30 [looks better when they talk with the boss later in the day]

So you're the reason I never get any of those things! :o

My kids got the flyer in just minutes, but guess what.....

Something was missing ! ! !

There now, ya see? I have always said that children belong on the BBQ, not in the home but does anyone listen?


What's this? Burger King? I thought they had closed down! Had I known they were still open, I would have been down there wolfing down Cheese Whoppers and plastic fries like a fly on.. well.. you know. :D

When I opened your "snatch" graphic it wasn't quite what I expected - I thought perhaps it was a pic of one of those furburgers I keep hearing about.. :D

THATS GOT TO BE IT ! ! No wonder the coupon was cut out..... but back to the question,,,,, does anyone know how much you got off ????? :D

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