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Thailand Signs Treaty With ASEAN Nations On Laborer Protection

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Thailand signs treaty with ASEAN nations on laborer protection

10 countries under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) sign a treaty to protect and promote rights of laborers. Meanwhile, the Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRC) requests the Ministry of Labour to set up a center to provide legal services to laborers whose rights were violated.

Labour Minister Abhai Chanthanachulaka (อภัย จันทนจุลกะ) reveals that after the treaty has been signed, Thailand and the other nine ASEAN countries, including Brunei, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, are required to protect and facilitate alien laborers in terms of the issuance of work permits, wage rate, and basic human rights. In addition, the treaty requires the ten ASEAN countries to register alien laborers who have worked in the country without a work permit.

In the meantime, NHRC Committee Sunee Chaiyaros (สุนี ไชยรส) says the rights of alien laborers in Thailand have been violated more than 10 years, especially by illegal recruitment agencies. However, she says the government should find measures to make sure that the employers abide by the treaty and suggests the ministry to set up a center to facilitate alien laborers legally before they are sent back to their home country.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 09 July 2007

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