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Afghan women escape for a chance at education

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In her university room in Bangladesh, Nina, 19, holds her boxing gloves up to her face, staring into the mirror.

She is learning to protect herself. She says there is no other way. Nina is one of hundreds of Afghan women who have taken up the offer of an education abroad, despite knowing they may never be able to return home.

Nearly 12 months ago, walking through Kabul airport, she says she felt far less strong. She remembers her hands shaking. She knew it was dangerous to flee Afghanistan.

When airport officials questioned her, she lied: "The Taliban don't allow women to travel alone so I said my mother was sick in Pakistan."

She was relieved when they were convinced, but a harder challenge was yet to come.

As Nina stepped onto the plane she stepped away from her home and family. "On the day when I left I was crying that I might never see my mother's face again, it was so hard for me," she says.


"It broke my younger sister's heart. When I think about them, it hurts."


'We want to get 1,000 women out'

Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan two years ago - in August 2021 - life has drastically changed for women in the country.

They lost their right to be educated past the age of 12, their right to wear what they want or travel alone for more than 72km.

Nina is among those who was offered a way out - an education through programmes organised by the Asian University for Women (AUW).





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What a hideous backward religion that would make 50% of its population less than human it’s also really stupid to handicap a nation by taking half of the population out of the creative mix just really wrong and sad ???? 

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Mixed thought on stories like this.   


I hate that the USA is the world's police force at times, especially if not asked to enter a country & help, or encourage a regime change, for the elite, instead of the citizens of a country.


But the tyranny of some 'govts' is simply mind boggling.  I think it's not 'our' fight, and why don't the people rebel.  Are the male dominated societies that heartless, or are they simple defenseless.


Then I think, USA, and the 2nd Amendment was a damn good idea, and kudos for the fore thought.  (not to start a 2nd Amendment debate...please, as off topic).


Although, if you watch the news, every Afghan is walking around with an AK.


Seriously, apart from invading & occupying again, before, during or after another regime change, what other options does the rest of the countries have to assist countries like this.


USA has a hard enough time taking care of itself, technically bankrupt as it is, taking on more debt due to foreign aid, some needed, some just silly.


Sanctions & the UN are total useless.  The hypocrisy of the UN, trying to stop the atrocities, while supplying all the weapons to enable them.  Yea, back to the 5 permanent members of the 'Security Council', the ultimate oxymoron, as being 5 of the top arms suppliers of the world.


Really have no solution to the problem, just thinking out loud.

Edited by KhunLA
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