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Possible to buy a condo with a FET foreign exchange transfer that is a decade old ?

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A few years after I moved here, I sold my house in the old country.


I did send that money in a K bank euro account.


That gave 0% interest and at a point, I converted it to Thai Baht.


I knew nothing about FET papers and how important it was for the future to return this to my home country.


I did not need the money, and moved between banks that gave 'the most'...


Golden times when I got 3.5% or some weird step up over several months.


I am thinking now, of either sending back to my home country before I move back, or to buy a condo here...


Will the land department make a problem with a FET that was never to buy a condo, just proceeds from the sale of my house over a decade ago ?


I apparently converted money twice but I only have one FET.


To your knowledge or experience, could I ask the bank to make me a new FET for the conversion that I lost the paper or for the total amount of all the euros I converted ?


I did close that K Bank euro account after conversion to Baht as I had no use of it and threw the books away.


But my money is now all back at Kbank as strangely they are the only bank offering 2% right now.




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If you want to buy a condo in Thailand the "FET" must name this condo, including address. 

This name and address must be written onto the transfer form (the form you filled out for your European bank) as purpose of the transfer.


K-bank still has documentation of all your transactions at least during the last 10 years, but they may be a bit unhelpful.

They also keep your old account numbers in their system, but they probably won't tell you. 

But even if they could find your transactions I doubt they would issue a new "FET" (it's called credit advise AFAIK)

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  • 3 weeks later...

so my money, the part I did not need for daily life, has been earning a little interest but useless to buy a condo now, unless I transfer it first back to my home country and again... paying for bad exchange rate twice because land department otherwise think I am doing what? money laundering of my own money sitting in the bank for a decade...  well best is always to ask them, but the average teller does not speak Angrit, so it will be a call to their translator, which has a very strong accent that I hardly can understand...


thanks for the input/info


guess renting is king...

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