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I just read in my local newspaper that in China these days there are 117 male births for 100 female and in parts of China, the ratio is as high as 140 boys to 100 girls. This is because families want boys to look after the farm, etc. in old age and are aborting girls.

I wonder what the ratio is in Thailand? I get the feeling that girl babies are more desirable because the parents get a dowry when married off or they stay home and look after the parents or get a job. Where as boys typically grow up to piss away the family money on alcohol, gambling and hookers (sorry if i'm offending any Thai men!).

Does anyone know if there is a population bias and if girls or boys are prefered by most Thai families?



The reason for such an inbalance in China is due to the one family one baby law. In these circumstances infanticide and abortion are not uncommon. As Thailand has no such draconian law I would not expect the same situation to arise. Thailand is also a Buddhist country which would further make infanticide or abortion culturally undesirable. China on the other hand is technically an atheist country, although many do practice religion discretely.


In the year 2000 there 50.2% of the Thai population were female.

The ratio of Men to Women (100 x M / W) in Thailand by age range is as follows:

0- 14 = 102.6

15-49 = 101.3

50-59 = 93.7

60+ = 85.2

So more boys are born than girls. The excess males tend to get killed off by motor cycle accidents, shootings etc. There are lots of extra women in Thailand over 50 years old. :o


Any 'unhealthy' male habits one could foster in Chinese society?

Any amateur motorbike races or extreme sports waiting for sponsors?

Legalise gun ownership?


I was in Beijing in 1993, I witnessed baby girls left outside the railway station because their parents want boys. I remains one of the most distressing things I have ever seen.

In Thailand, while Chinese Thais prefer boys there is no law restricting the number of children so there is no practice of aborting girls.

One of things to act in the favour of girls is perhaps the dowry system which places a value on girls.

In India where the dowry system is paid to the man's family and boys are preferred above girls their is also a high level aborting girls.

I understand that this is an issue that is seldom discussed in the west where there are large asian populations and these practices undoubtedly continue.

What I don't understand is why people can't see through their own stupidity. Give me a team of women workers every time over a team of men.

Women in low income families around the world take less out of the family budget than men.


For "real" men in Thailand, there is no need to worry about the ratio of males to females. With the extremely high numbers of Male on Male relationships and the multitude of gender reassignments here. There will always be more than enough unattached nubiles available to help one spend his idle hours.


I really wonder how this gender imbalance will effect future politics. Men are more aggressive than than women, so will a nation were men significantly outnumber the women start to act in a more aggressive manner? If so, the thought that the most populous nation on Earth might get more aggressive is a bit disturbing! :o


May I suggest some are being just a little bit paranoid here? Asian culture is very different and can seem much more complex than western culture. I don't believe there is too much to worry about! :o:D

If so, the thought that the most populous nation on Earth might get more aggressive is a bit disturbing!

It won't be a problem, trust me.

Name me one war China has won in its entire history.


I really wonder how this gender imbalance will effect future politics. Men are more aggressive than than women, so will a nation were men significantly outnumber the women start to act in a more aggressive manner? If so, the thought that the most populous nation on Earth might get more aggressive is a bit disturbing! :o

Particularly men, who unless they are rich, will have no opportunity of ever marrying (already happening in parts of China) and so a lot will be getting very, very sexually frustrated.

Particularly men, who unless they are rich, will have no opportunity of ever marrying (already happening in parts of China) and so a lot will be getting very, very sexually frustrated.

China has to do something to control the population with about 1400 million people, and this includes one-child-politics, abortion and ignoring all these moralists, human right activists, or religious related propaganda. No other way possible.

Very very sexually frustrated? Unless you are rich? Such a situation you can find among young men every day in Western Europe since decades...no need to mention China.....

It is one of the main-reasons, why so many Western European men are looking out for a foreign wife. I did it and I recommend international marriage to everybody.

If there are not enough women available and if financial requirements are so high, what can a young man really do about it? If not successful, to keep on trying for years might bring him into huge debits. If he is not financially well-off, looking for a wife is surely not a cheap affair. Other cheaper alternate solutions are using porno-materials and prostitutes.....

According to statistics, over 40 percent of all young men in Western Europe are using regulary porno and prostitutes....Why not, what is wrong with it?

According to statistics, over 40 percent of all young men in Western Europe are using regulary porno and prostitutes....Why not, what is wrong with it?

40%? I have a sneaky feeling that some of the other 60% may be telling porkies. :o

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