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Inquiries, Suggestions, Or Just Plain Wonderment

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I know I can probably find the answers to this by checking out all the threads in this forum but anyhoo...I would like to know what were some questions that you may have had when first arriving in Thailand or current unanswered wonderments about Thai etc...? It can also be tidbits of info that you wanted to know but were to shy or embarrassed to ask about....

Thanks in advance for the feedback!


Well I was in wonderment on how HOT it was Also had the very good opportunity of being taught by many a thai not to show the bottoms of your feet to anyone. :o I learned the customs from my mom later on I was amazed at how friendly thai people are and how much they smiled. I left thailand when i was very young. 3 yrs old Use to people in the US not as much smiles as in thailand. i had the question the first time i visited why men walk with men and women walk with women but men and women don't walk hand in hand like the aboved mentioned other than that i didn't have that many questions

chok dee


Hello Shopgurl,

What makes me wonder about is just how poor people are in my wife's village. The strange thing is there all happy. To this day I cant understand it. No one tries to better themself's they have to work for other people ( when there is work ) cutting sugar cane or planting rice for 100 baht a backbreaking day.

When I was visiting her back and forth I would always bring 3 extra suitcases full of childrens clothes . The whole village would always turn out and everything would be gone in a second. It is such a joy to see them smile. The problem is I could give them everything I have and they would need more.

When you hear the " sick buffalo " story , yes it probally is not true but they just do not have any money.

I dont know it just makes me wonder....


Hey Jeff Remember the line at the US embassy that is if you are American, Long line reached out to the street. Well last time i was there i guess she was thai- chinese girl asked me if i could marry her. Little did she know my wife was standing right next to me. The whole time she was asking she wasn't crying she was smiling.

chok dee


Like jeff,,our village is poor to but cheerless leader says that he has got the country in good shape now and there are no more poor.

My wonderment and the folks in the village also wonder what the ###### he is talking about,they can't see any difference. :o


Do you happen to know if there's ever any such thing as a tour of any part of Chitlada Palace?

I was lost one day while walking away from Victory Monument, and ended up walking down one side of the palace grounds. Can't see that much but what I could see looked beautiful. Generally not that much fun to be a walking tourist in terms of the heat, but you really can soak in whatever you go by....... :o


I know I can probably find the answers to this by checking out all the threads in this forum but anyhoo...I would like to know what were some questions that you may have had when first arriving in Thailand or current unanswered wonderments about Thai etc...? It can also be tidbits of info that you wanted to know but were to shy or embarrassed to ask about....

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

Well, why does a Thai girl wants to know this and why doesn't she want to tell the board why she wants to know this? :o

Good luck!



Maybe she was just keeping the forum alive and back to Thailand . I think it was a good start for a thread. That said , you could ask WHY a thread about adolph hitler, how old are you , what kind of motorbike do you drive , what is a good breakfast , ect. ect


AT first I was in awe of all the rubbish in Krung Thep, but then I headed into the country and found it was a city major problem only. Well, except for some places.

I have since seen been in other places around the world that are much worse off.

I am currently working in Baku, Azerbaijan here is a quote...

Environment, current issues:  

local scientists consider the Abseron Yasaqligi (Apsheron Peninsula) (including Baku and Sumqayit) and the Caspian Sea to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world because of severe air, soil, and water pollution; soil pollution results from oil spills, from the use of DDT as a pesticide, and from toxic defoliants used in the production of cotton 

From this website...http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/aj.html.

Scroll down and look for :Environment - current issues.

It is a real mess there. :o


I am still in wonderment at how beautiful so many young ladies are??????

Particularly in Pattaya.......

I am also in wonderment as to why more people don't break their bones by falling into those great holes in the pavements?????

I am also also in wonderment at why the Cops stop everyone not wearing a helmet whilst riding a motorbike. Yet ignore completely those clouds of poisonous fumes pouring from the exhausts of lorries and buses??????

In Thailand one is constantly in a state of wonderment.......I love it.

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