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Hello there! Im new here in Chiang Mai moved 2 months ago from BKK and one of the things im missing is BALL HOCKEY!

So Im trying to gather up some people to take part on this. There is already a perfect place for it with all the boards and goals etc... (someone help where this was I have not seen it just heard of it).

In BKK we played with shoes on and hockey sticks & ball. Only goalies had some protection. Most of the players where Canadiens but we had some 5-8 europeans every week.

At the moment we have one American and atleast 3 Finns... we shold get atleast 10 guys so we could get started... so all you Canadiens and Swedish (u know it is very close to innebandy)... please lets make this happen at least for once a week...

I have been to 2 tournaments this year one in Phom Penh and another one in Phuket and those a lot of fun!!!

Please reply to this topic with any questions, comments and commitments !!

.Ozzi (not so flying Finn...)

Hello there! Im new here in Chiang Mai moved 2 months ago from BKK and one of the things im missing is BALL HOCKEY!

So Im trying to gather up some people to take part on this. There is already a perfect place for it with all the boards and goals etc... (someone help where this was I have not seen it just heard of it).

In BKK we played with shoes on and hockey sticks & ball. Only goalies had some protection. Most of the players where Canadiens but we had some 5-8 europeans every week.

At the moment we have one American and atleast 3 Finns... we shold get atleast 10 guys so we could get started... so all you Canadiens and Swedish (u know it is very close to innebandy)... please lets make this happen at least for once a week...

I have been to 2 tournaments this year one in Phom Penh and another one in Phuket and those a lot of fun!!!

Please reply to this topic with any questions, comments and commitments !!

.Ozzi (not so flying Finn...)

Glad you mentioned that you had a ball. I would imagine it's fairly hard to play "BALL HOCKEY" without a ball.

Mittua vitua.....


I know a guy who would be very interested. I'll pass on the info on to him.

Also, there is a very informal (and non-competitive) group that plays every Saturday morning during the cool season. I'm sure that some of the guys would be interested in joining a competitive league as well.


I haven't played in about 25 years and won't be back in CM until October, but I'd be very interested in a weekly game. Please keep me informed.

Just to confirm, is this what the whole world except North America calls 'hockey' (field hockey), or some Ice-Hockey derivative?

well what we played in Bangkok was kind of mixture of ice-hockey, field-hockey and floorball (played in europe mainly). Perhaps this link gives some idea: http://www.flyingfarangs.com/FF_News_BH_01_innutsh.html

But I think the "ball-hockey" u guys play in states & canada is played with roller-blades right ? What we did in bangkok was with just shoes on...

Count me in but won't be back in country until Nov. By the way, where does one get a hockey stick in Thailand???


I bought my CCM at Bangkok. They sell hockey sticks in - Imperial World Mall - Samrong

Bangkok, Thailand


ok looks like we have around 10 guys now... we need few more to sign in and we could get started. We also have some sticks im not sure about the balls but I find out.

Does anyone know about the Central Kad Suan Kaew hockey ring situation?? Is it still there... how should we contact if we want to use it ?


Hmm .....

If those Finns at NiceFriendBar play hockey as bad as they play football......count me in :o

moi,moi muuten ,kuukauden kuluttua nähdään taas!

In the US it's called "deck hockey" when played w/o roller blades.

What state are you from? I never heard of deck hockey. In Mass we called it street hockey.

New York.

The original poster, Ozz1, said "There is already a perfect place for it with all the boards and goals etc..." I've played "street hockey" too, but that's exactly what it sounds like -- set up 2 nets anywhere in the street, very informal, and certainly no boards. Deck hockey is played on a purpose-specific "deck", complete with boards. I'm sure the deck is used for other things when it's not used for hockey. That's the difference, afaik.


Thanks boss, playing on the street was a pain sometimes having to move for cars. We sometimes played in Basketball courts where we used the fence for boards, and once we were such bad-asses that we cut down the nets in a tennis court.

I played In-line in california..I think they called it sport court...maybe that was the same as dek surface

Thanks boss, playing on the street was a pain sometimes having to move for cars. We sometimes played in Basketball courts where we used the fence for boards, and once we were such bad-asses that we cut down the nets in a tennis court.

I played In-line in california..I think they called it sport court...maybe that was the same as dek surface

I had a brilliant idea when we played street hockey -- we used to jam an unused stick into a manhole cover in the center of the street. That forced the cars to wait for us, instead of us having to stop the game while they passed by. Seems that not too many drivers were interested in watching even a few seconds of our game and the constant honking upset the neighborhood. The police put an quick end to my scheme.

"Sport court" sounds like the deck we used, but we played with sneakers. This was back in the day before in-line skates, but there were games played on old-style roller skates

Here is one more Finn :D who wants to play. Just send details when and where.

so we have already a whole line of finns, now we still need the first line :o

we are all the Canadiens and Swedish players hiding ?


the ring in the kad suan kaew is still there, i just couldnt find anybody in there to ask about it. but i believe that we can us that place, doesnt looked like its in active use for anybody else.


I had some extra time this morning so I just sketched a logo and name for a team :o all feedback welcomed... post-46869-1185686970_thumb.jpg


come on we need 4-5 more guys and we ready to start... anyone have connections to "Kad Suan Kaew" ?? That would be the perfect place to play... I could go ask from there, but would be better If there is some one out there with a good thai language skills..??


I got 2 more players recruited from Payap University so I think we have enough numbers to start next week... I will try to find few more at the BQ party next weekend and will let know here if I get the Kad Suan Kaew field for our use.


here is some pdfs one print version other for web if you want to spam them to your friends or print them and hang in some bulletin board. I will take one with me today to Payap and onether one to Saturday BQ party if the kind people at Tuckers will let me hang it somewhere there...


  • 5 weeks later...

We got the guys but we still need some sticks... so if anyone have some extra hockey sticks please let me know... sticks can also be bought from Bangkok

FBT building (Opposite the National Stadium at Ramkhamhaeng). They are Chinese made, not good enough for ice, but should be good for street or ball hockey.

And good hockey sticks at Pro shop at the Hockey ring: Khun Jeab (081-400-2004). His email is: sakchai_jeab(at)hotmail.com

I will ask for the prices and delivery options! Let me know also how many would need stick and what kind... the Chinese sticks should be around 500-600 b and proper CCM sticks around 1.700 b, but I will check this now!


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