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Thailand For 3 Weeks Howm Much Spending Money


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Hello all,

My girlfriend and i are going to thailand for three weeks in the middle of September 2008.

We are spending 3 nights in Singapore

5 nights in bali

3 nights in Hongkong

3 nights in Bangkok

7 nights in Phuket

All our hotels are booked and pre-paid for. The hotel in Phuket includes breakfast all the rest are room only.

We are not planning on living the highlife for three weeks. We would like to visit one nice resteraunt in each city and maybe a night club or two. During the day we are just planning to east at street stalls etc.

We would like to visit most of the attractions in most places and go on some day trips in Bali and Phuket and maybe even hire a car.

Our last week in Phuket we would like to if we can to spoil ourselfs and have a nice relaxing final week before we return home.

We had in mind a figure of £2000 in total but we are not sure if this amout is to much, not enough etc.

Any help will be very helpfull

Thanks :-)

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Hi in my opinion i'd say half that was too much, but if you want to take advatage of the great shopping opurtunities whilst there then take excess. If I remeber correctly I spent a little over £2000 in three month traveled up and down the country and to Cambodia although I wasnt staying in plush hotels I was comfortable enough and done some shopping b4 coming home buying genuine makes. Just be aware and maybe dont change itoo much into thai currency. Hope you enjoy your hols and both have a great time. :o

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Hello all,

My girlfriend and i are going to thailand for three weeks in the middle of September 2008.

We are spending 3 nights in Singapore

5 nights in bali

3 nights in Hongkong

3 nights in Bangkok

7 nights in Phuket

All our hotels are booked and pre-paid for. The hotel in Phuket includes breakfast all the rest are room only.

We are not planning on living the highlife for three weeks. We would like to visit one nice resteraunt in each city and maybe a night club or two. During the day we are just planning to east at street stalls etc.

We would like to visit most of the attractions in most places and go on some day trips in Bali and Phuket and maybe even hire a car.

Our last week in Phuket we would like to if we can to spoil ourselfs and have a nice relaxing final week before we return home.

We had in mind a figure of £2000 in total but we are not sure if this amout is to much, not enough etc.

Any help will be very helpfull

Thanks :-)

Can't speak about Bali as far as costs go. Hong Kong can be expensive! When my wife and I used to come to Thailand on holiday through a tour operator for 3 weeks we would struggle to spend £2,000! However having been to Phuket recently...there are some captivating breathtaking scenic spots... so the heart could well overtake the mind and end up overspending! Suggestions....take the credits cards too. Enjoy :o

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7 nights in Phuket

Our last week in Phuket we would like to if we can to spoil ourselfs and have a nice relaxing final week before we return home.

Bring some books to read in Phuket, you might need them. It may rain dogs and cats, day in day out.

It's not the best time to be in Thailand.

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do you plan to buy big expensive things? like tailored suits and dvd players etc?

first time i went i bought this kind of stuff and had to buget for it. second time just lived it up paying for drinks, tourist stuff, etc, that was way easier to budget for

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Thanks all for the advice,

This was the only time of the year we could really book, so we are exprecting rain in phuket..no to much i hope :o although it would also be great if we could catch a few thunder and lighning storms!!

we are not really planning on buying a lot..maybe some clothes etc but no electrical goods.

We are also unsure if it will be best to take some cash for each destination, travelers cheques and some cash or just take cash cards and use the ATM's to take out cash as and when we needed it?

We have a lot to arrange and plan so all advice is very usefull.


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It sounds like you have a great holiday planned. A couple of tips:

1) Do as much research using the Internet on each of the destinations you plan to visit. ThaiVisa is a great site with plenty of ideas, opinions and often, helpful advice.

2) Even in the remotest parts of Thailand, you will find ATMs. Try not to carry too much cash. Before you leave your home country, inform you bank which countries you will be visiting and the dates. That way they can 'flag' your cards so you will be able to use overseas ATMs. There's nothing worse than your ATM card being 'eaten' by an ATM in a foreign country when you are low on cash.

3) I wouldn't use travellers cheques. They have gone the way of the dinosaur. You may get a slightly better exchange rate - but often there are fees which negate this. Also check with your bank as to the fees they charge when you use your ATM (debit and credit cards) in an overseas ATM.

Cheers, Peter

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yeah those foriegn ATM fees are nasty, i've found a good idea was to make a big ATM withdraw and leave a lot of cash in the hotel room safe. ofcourse when i didnt have a safe or secure room, i just put up with the stupid $10 AUD ATM fee for each smaller cash withdrawl.

i think it was $10 - too scared to look to be honest with you.

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If you have time open a Nationwide Flexaccount, overseas ATM withdrawals are FREE, put your budgeted cash in there also comes with internet banking so you can see how your finances are holding up :o

Make sure you have several working ATM cards if possible, just in case one gets eaten and don't keep them all together, carry one each, maybe a third concealed in your luggage.

I would also bring some travellers cheques as emergency 'get you home' funds just in case (Belt and braces? Me?).

BTW a couple of grand total should be plenty if the accomodation/travel is pre-paid, but watch the cost of those hotel breakfasts.

Have a GREAT holiday :D

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