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Thai Social Security: how good and useful is it, really?

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I am an insured person under the Social Security Act, under Section 39, having been previously an employee under Section 33. I see this as a safety net for later years. Currently, I am still covered by international healthcare insurance, but naturally this will come to an end eventually, while the Thai SS scheme will go on until the end (as will the equivalent in my country of birth).


As healthcare coverage goes, this looks like excellent value, guaranteeing extensive benefits without limit of age, provided one pays a nominal monthly contribution. 


An insured person is entitled to receive the following benefits:

  1. Injury or sickness benefits, including health promotion and disease prevention
  2. Maternity benefits
  3. Disability benefits
  4. Death benefits
  5. Child benefits
  6. Old-age benefits


Never having actually availed myself to the benefits though, I wonder how extensive the cover actually is. Is it totally free? Are all conditions covered? Is it better than the universal scheme that most Thai citizen enjoy? First-hand experience and feedback would be welcome.


I've had it for over a decade but only started using it about three years ago. Been great so far. The issues are the waiting times, learning the procedures, seeing multiple docs to get to the specialist, appts into the future, and being limited to your designated hospital. Another issue is that it's not very useful for preventative care. First, you need to have an issue that needs fixing.


So realistically you might see a specialist first at a private hsp. then take the diagnosis to the SS hsp, Also pay out of pocket for anything you want done quickly and for some preventative care. It's affordable. :)



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