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Energy Drinks I.e M150, Redbull


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How many of us feel the benefit of drinking energy drinks like ‘Red Bull’? Personally I have tried many, many different brands of these energy drinks both here and in the UK, and feel nothing after drinking two or three bottles. I love the taste of the Thai M-150 and Red Bull, but sadly don’t feel at all invigorated by them. In the UK whilst playing squash I used to drink a couple of these in the hope they may give me a boost, but they never did. Likewise when I have drunk Vodka-Red Bull. I know many people that claim the benefits of these drinks and wonder if generally most people feel the same.

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Years ago when I first came to Thailand, I asked a Thai engineer friend of mine what that stuff was. He told me that it is poison, it's not good for you and only ignorant people drink it. Was he right?

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How many of us feel the benefit of drinking energy drinks like ‘Red Bull’? Personally I have tried many, many different brands of these energy drinks both here and in the UK, and feel nothing after drinking two or three bottles. I love the taste of the Thai M-150 and Red Bull, but sadly don’t feel at all invigorated by them. In the UK whilst playing squash I used to drink a couple of these in the hope they may give me a boost, but they never did. Likewise when I have drunk Vodka-Red Bull. I know many people that claim the benefits of these drinks and wonder if generally most people feel the same.

Ive often heard that drinking 2 or more per day of these drinks arent to good for you, but hey what is.

Contains stimulants mainly caffine

love a vodka redbull as well and get a nice buzz going after 3 or 4 but dont think its the energy drink doing that :o

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Years ago when I first came to Thailand, I asked a Thai engineer friend of mine what that stuff was. He told me that it is poison, it's not good for you and only ignorant people drink it. Was he right?

S'pose so. Thai blue collar workers drink it for the supposed boost and increased energy. A guy who used to work for me used to drink this crap all the time, thinking he was clever. He died of a massive heart attack aged 24... :o

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Only once did i touch the stuff (red bull), because i was desperate to stay awake to finish something important. I drank way too many cans and although I finished what i needed to, i was seriously buzzing. I felt like a walking zombie. Eyeballs hurt like hel_l, head was pounding, body ached, and was shaking like a leaf. NO idea what part was lack of sleep and what part was redbull, apart from the serious shakes, which i KNOW was the caffiene. Was impossible to get off to sleep properly, although shattered, and when i did i had awful nightmares. Horrible horrible stuff...at least in that quantity. Well, definately put me off for life anyway.

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I never thought about an danger in drinking these things. As I say, I never feel any different, but I like the taste. I didn't think of them as being in any way 'cool' either. Anyway, the web site says I can drink 169 of them before I die. I hope that doesn't mean in total, as I've probably had 30 already. I switched to drinking 'Sponsor' today. It doesn't taste as good, but may be safer.

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I drink 3-5 M-150 a week for the good taste. I feel nothing special. But when I ordered a guesthouse built, the workers drank a lot of M-150. When the guesthouse was finished, maybe 100-200 bottles of M-150 lay all over the place.

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love a vodka redbull as well and get a nice buzz going after 3 or 4 but dont think its the energy drink doing that :o

Most of the time I'm a social drinker and stick to draught.

But if I'm in PI for a couple of days (and nights) then it's vodka and Red Bull all the way.

Maybe doesn't give you wings, but it sure keeps you going all night!

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drank red bull just the once - gave me palpitations and a quesy feeling so haven't touched it or any other 'energy' drinks since.

Strangely I don't think its the caffeine - I can drink a few espressos with no similar bad effect - probably other chemcals in them, just look at the ingredients:

Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrate, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, inositol, niacin, D-pantothenol, pyridoxine HCL, vitamin B12, artificial flavours, colors


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I think the caffeine is the main active ingredient and everyone seems to react to it differently. Some people feel nothing and some (like me) can not sleep after one. Personally, I am strongly affected by it. Also, a Thai friend of mine told me that the Red Bull in Thailand has something like double the ingredients in it that the same product has in the U.S. I have no idea what those are, but I've definately noticed they are stronger in S.E.A. than back in the states.

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When I have to drive from BKK to Phuket (about 12 hours), I usually drink about 3 M-150s throughout the journey to keep me alert. It certainly works! Anymore than 3 and I start to shake :o


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It's like taking a liquid no-doze.. high dose of caffeine.. Now they have red bull extra which has twice the caffeine... yummm... I dont drink the stuff because most of it is sugar, but when I cant get my coffee in the morning or if I am staying out late and want to squeeze out a a hour or so more out of the night I will drink one or two of them. Yes yes your right... sugar and caffeine.. just like coke or Pepsi.. or what I liked once in a while Jolt cola with twice the caffeine of regular soda. Drink it all the time and it will kill you... but that being said coke, pepsi coffee.. etc... are no better...or worse...

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Years ago when I first came to Thailand, I asked a Thai engineer friend of mine what that stuff was. He told me that it is poison, it's not good for you and only ignorant people drink it. Was he right?

GarryA, I agree, you know what you're talking about.

Long..long ago, Only poor-lower class drank 'Krating-daeng' (RedBull) because it was the only kind that they could afford a dormesic product.

Now it markets all over the world, thanks to the Austrian guy with his genius marketing strategies, everyone in the West willing to pay exhorbitant rate to drink one.

I only seen Thais drink 'Gatoraid' mostly.

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Well it seems to work for some of us "idiots" (according to SamuiJens), but not for others (presumably the non-idiots). Thanks for the kind words, Samui - I look forward to reading your future pearls of wisdom...

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Remember when guarana drinks were all the rage. Health food ######s would always say "This isn't caffeine, it's a natural plant". Always loved the looks on their face when they were told that guarana contains 3 times as much caffeine by weight as coffee beans.

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