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Bargirl Appreciation Thread.

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Eight pages of mostly positive feedback on a subject that seemingly gets alot of flack. Several of my friends and I are married or in long term relationships with good women who at one time or another spent time working in a bar or an equivalent place. I like all of them and totally agree that there are good and bad in all walks of life. I have never been threatened or hassled by a bargirl and most of the males who slag B.G's have been real <deleted> around these women.

The guys who really cause the problems are the ones who want to get laid for nothing after they have given a girl a complete gynaecological check up while sipping on a Heineken

I think most of the women who work in the farang oriented bars are strong characters but underneath that patina of toughness there often lurks a kind, loyal and, given the chance, considerate human being. And contrary to popular belief some of them make damned good partners. And please don't go on about the fact that they have nothing to talk about. I know many professional Thai women /University students who also have no conversation because they do not read enough books or the papers and know very little of what's happening outside Thailand.

If I want intellectual stimulation, I can seek out my farang friends for a beer and usually have more fun.

When I read about some of these women and the backgrounds they have come from it's enough to make the average guy weep. Poor Isaan farmers daughters from villages where all they can aspire to is getting on a bus to the big city of Bangkok or the lights of Pattaya or Patong.

Sure there are the career women who live for the next email from one of a dozen boyfriends scattered around the globe. They are clever and capable. They are no more evil than politicians or lawyers (if you consider them evil). The point is politicians and lawyers will screw you whether you like it or not. At least with B.G's you are usually in control if you are in Thailand. And even if you are in some other country and you send a girl some money, if it makes YOU feel good then so what.Just be aware that there are many scams going on too.

My compliments to Scamp who started this refreshing and interesting thread and to all the other posters who have made a contribution on this forum subject..

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I did not reply to that one.

Because there is no point replying.

In my job, I meet a lot of prostitutes.

From many, many countries.

And in summary:

In developped countries, most of them are prostitutes because they want to make money, more money.

In developping countries, they are prostitutes because they have no choice.

Because nobody gave them any choice.

It is easy to judge people.

Other people.

Girls or boys.

But before judging, please, what would you do if you were them?

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But before judging, please, what would you do if you were them?

Way to go, Bluecat!

I for one really appreciate your postings also.

I like to joke.

Everybody needs to joke.

In order to release the presure.

In order to release the stress

But we are the lucky ones.

We joke, we do not joke, we are here.


Because we can afford to be here,...

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Well...for anyone who as read this far into the thread and still feels that they are somehow better/superior to a "bargirl".... that a "bargirl" is some sort of lower lifeform whose only purpose in life is to provide you a means to act out your sexually frustrated aggressions.... well there is no amount of words said that will help you understand. Hopefully, you will one day come to a realization (much in the way that Rod did).

For those, like most contributing positively to this thread, who frequent the bars and have many friends working in the bars.. well, I think we are extremely lucky. I could go on and on (actually, I did, delete key is a wonderful thing), but I'll say this. For those that take the time, frequenting the bars and finding friends or a girlfriend, or even possibly a wife can be extremely rewarding. But....There is also the possibility of having your head done in as well :o



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Well...for anyone who as read this far into the thread and still feels that they are somehow better/superior to a "bargirl".... that a "bargirl" is some sort of lower lifeform whose only purpose in life is to provide you a means to act out your sexually frustrated aggressions.... well there is no amount of words said that will help you understand. Hopefully, you will one day come to a realization (much in the way that Rod did).

For those, like most contributing positively to this thread, who frequent the bars and have many friends working in the bars.. well, I think we are extremely lucky. I could go on and on (actually, I did, delete key is a wonderful thing), but I'll say this. For those that take the time, frequenting the bars and finding friends or a girlfriend, or even possibly a wife can be extremely rewarding. But....There is also the possibility of having your head done in as well :o



That sound just about right, that has been my experience as well, there is many lovely honest girls in the bars, don't look down on them.

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