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What Is Giving Sense And Pride To Ur Life?


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I mean.....once I met a guy in a pub in LoS who was listing all the things he was "in charge" and all those things making him feeling so important......

among those:

-- be a credited SCUBA diver (150 us$ lessons in Pattaya)

-- President of a association of ..... don't remember anymore

-- moderator in some forums (no TV)

-- musician (amateur level)

-- he was attending classes for Thai cooking

This man was over 55+ and I admired his enthusiasm in listing all the above, but after the fifth beer he started to yell at his family in UK, 2 diverced wifes, sour relatioships with his sons, debts, health not so good, ..... whoever chats in a pub with a stranger knows what I am talking about.

He was telling me about the problems with his young BG, that he hates LoS and is looking for Cambodia or Laos, that life in UK is crap....bla bla.

....and that all those listed things were the only reason he was still very active and was proud of it ....

....I recently found some people taking things a little bit too serious, I can understand that also a rusted container can be considered as a King palace from someone and just a "rusted container' for someone else.......but recently I'm finding people (face to face, at work, on line on TV and other forums) taking things a bit too seriously, like we say in my country "put a rat in the flour and he will will feel like the millowner" (sory for my french.

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I mean.....once I met a guy in a pub in LoS who was listing all the things he was "in charge" and all those things making him feeling so important......

among those:

-- be a credited SCUBA diver (150 us$ lessons in Pattaya)

-- President of a association of ..... don't remember anymore

-- moderator in some forums (no TV)

-- musician (amateur level)

-- he was attending classes for Thai cooking

This man was over 55+ and I admired his enthusiasm in listing all the above, but after the fifth beer he started to yell at his family in UK, 2 diverced wifes, sour relatioships with his sons, debts, health not so good, ..... whoever chats in a pub with a stranger knows what I am talking about.

He was telling me about the problems with his young BG, that he hates LoS and is looking for Cambodia or Laos, that life in UK is crap....bla bla.

....and that all those listed things were the only reason he was still very active and was proud of it ....

....I recently found some people taking things a little bit too serious, I can understand that also a rusted container can be considered as a King palace from someone and just a "rusted container' for someone else.......but recently I'm finding people (face to face, at work, on line on TV and other forums) taking things a bit too seriously, like we say in my country "put a rat in the flour and he will will feel like the millowner" (sory for my french.

sounds like BS bar talk to me. Sounds like he needs to work on his personal relationship life and not blame the world for his problems, hate to see him after 8 beers, will probably turn violent. :o

how about being proud about your family and your friends for a start

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im 23 and live in australia, i recently completed my electro technology degree with 2 years payed work experience. now have accpeted a job in thailand, although its not really anything to do with my work / education history. cant wait to start.

never been married, but pom mee EX fan khon thai who is stressing me out - but thats another story.

i dont smoke or touch drugs and have no criminal history - thank god, as that would ruin so many jobs.

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I'm proud everyday I wake up and realise I've made it through another day without having to start dialysis. My efforts through diet and careful medication have once again extended the time to the inevitable.

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I'm proud to had lived a frugal life for over three decades. Which enables me to enjoy the fruits of my labor in retirement.

I always tell the young people to work hard and spend money wisely. Don't waste your money in unnecessary like have to take a bank loan to finance your vacation. I had seen people I knew doing all the time. I never let that happen in my household. No money, no problem, you just have to try to be a little creative like going to the beach...park....zoo etc where the whole family can have fun together at the fraction of costs.

In my younger days, my budget for a house rental (with a start -up family) was never over 20% of the grosss income. Whenever I charged, I would paid off in a full amount right away.

Now, I'm well set for the rest of my life.

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I feel good about being able to give my wife and her two daughters better lives. I'm also very proud to have a beautiful daughter (number three) as well. I also feel good about helping my wife's sister and her family a little. We don't have wonderful lives like many of the posters who post pictures of beautiful homes here but things are better for everyone. I have seen my savings decrease a bit along the way and now I have to think more about money. But we have a nice home and the kids are living happy and healthy lives. As for helping my wife's younger sister's family, I only help her because she has some difficulty compared to my wife's other siblings. The others have assets and opportunites so I don't do anything for them. The way I have always seen things is that we should all rise together. I never wanted to be that rich guy surrounded by a world of poverty. I'd rather be George Bailey than Mr Potter! This is all I am proud of. To be honest, I really haven't done to much but what I have done has made a difference in my wife's village.

One more thing which I do which I feel good about is take books to the local schools in my wife's town when I go there. I'll buy a bunch in Bangkok and give them to the primary school or high school. it doesn't make that much difference I would guess but it makes me feel good when I do it.

Don't be confused that my life is rosy because its not. Lately I have been very unhappy here and I plan on going back to the west. Thailand doesn't treat people from outside the country as well as other country's treat Thai people. If you've got a lot of money, can be corrupt, or have no other choices then living in Thailand might be the thing for you. It's just the way it is. I don't really make enough to take care of my family and to live normally here and I hate being asked to do visas all the time and tell the government where I live every 90 days. So now I am thinking about going west where the money might be better and I won't be treated like a suspect. BTW I hope that my country soon requires a 90 day registration for all Thai potential criminal suspects living in the country. I've worked for the Thai government for 14 years and live on government land! It's ridiculous. I just get angry when I think of it.

Sorry about the ranting!!!

Edited by Aujuba
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I'm proud everyday I wake up and realise I've made it through another day without having to start dialysis. My efforts through diet and careful medication have once again extended the time to the inevitable.

Now, that's something to be proud of! Good luck to you. :o

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I'm proud to have made it to my venerable age without being:


Certified insane

Becoming a chronic alcoholic drug abuser

Being more than once revived in intensive care

Succumbing to two potentially fatal illnesses

Botching the job of raising a child

And much more.

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I'm proud everyday I wake up and realise I've made it through another day without having to start dialysis. My efforts through diet and careful medication have once again extended the time to the inevitable.

Now, that's something to be proud of! Good luck to you. :D

Well done Mate, congratulations, and keep up the good work/lifestyle :o

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