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New Drug For Aids


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why would you need a HIV test? don't you wear condoms?(risky!!) and how often doyou have HIV tests?

Mostly because I'm a VIP member of about a dozen massage parlours, and as a fairly young modestly successful businessman, I'm more handsome than I really am to an awful lot of people.

And yes of course I wear condoms, but the risk is still there, especially with volume (which over the years probably equals nearly a thousand partners). I get a full health check each year and have them add those checks mentioned to the yearly blood test that comes with it. Getting to know an awful lot of girls over the years, and also more than a few of their acquaintences who have died of AIDS, I can say without a doubt that if I weren't practicing safe sex, I'd be HIV positive. Naturally I could afford the best care available, but it's still best to catch it early.

So, I take it you haven't really been tested then eh?


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why would you need a HIV test? don't you wear condoms?(risky!!) and how often doyou have HIV tests?

Examples of why you might need a HIV Test.

As a prerequisite ...

To get a Permanent Residence Visa for Signapore

To get a work permit for China

To get a work permit/residence permit for Saudi Arabia

To have surgery

To become a blood donor

To get life insurance

To get a job

To continue a sexual relationship with a new partner where you both want to stop using condoms.

I've had HIV tests for seven of the above, some of them more than once.

Added to this, women are routinely tested for HIV in the UK during pregnancy and ALL children born in the UK are tested for HIV within the fist six months of their birth.

Nothing to do with a judgement of being in a 'high risk group' nothing to do with the chances of being HIV+

The UK NHS (and the Terrance Higgins Trust - Orgnaizations that actually know something about HIV) estimate that a third of people in the UK who are infected with HIV are unaware of their infection.

I personally believe that testing should be compulsory, a routine when you go to the doctor or the dentist - it is not, but dee123, there's nothing stopping you getting tested - Face your demons.

Edited by GuestHouse
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In the last ten years.

1998 - Once

1999 - Once

2001 - Twice

2002 - Twice

2005 - Once

2006 - Once

2007 - Twice (Once at the end of July and once two weeks ago)

How about yourself, have you ever been tested and if so how often?

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In the last ten years.

1998 - Once

1999 - Once

2001 - Twice

2002 - Twice

2005 - Once

2006 - Once

2007 - Twice (Once at the end of July and once two weeks ago)

How about yourself, have you ever been tested and if so how often?

Answer this question (as I asnwered your question) and then I'll answer your other question.

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No, I'd like to have an answer to the quesition I asked.

It is the same question you asked me, and I was glad to be able to asnwer for you.

Do me the courtesy of answering my quesiton and then we'll get back to your later questions.

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I'm not asking for your medical history, I'm only asking the same quesiton you asked of me.

Have you had a HIV Test and if so how often.

I take it you don't mind answering questions that you expect others to answer when you yourself ask.

And no I don't want to know the results. (Afterall I haven't told you my results).

So, please let's get to where we can move forward.

Have you been tested and if so how often?

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He's not asking your identity. Geez, it's just a needle and some blood. It takes less than 15 seconds to draw blood and then a short 2 hour wait and then you know. Just like that, all of the fear you currently (and clearly) have will be gone.

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Another way to go (this takes a bit more effort especially if you are afraid of needles... because you have to have a needle stuck in your arm for 10-15 minutes) is the blood donation route. You can donate daily during working hours at the National Blood Center (part of the Red Cross here). Haven't done it personally, but they screen all of their blood for the major nasties and I'm told they'll let you know if your blood isn't acceptable.


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It is not a case of my medical history that matters rather than what are high risk groups which is the main concern ,....and as you and your fellow hecklers have still not supplied the exact number and source of AIDS deaths by the group that I come under,

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Before we can discuss this as adults, I would like you to do me the courtesy of answering the exact same question that you asked me and that I gladly answered.

Have you ever had a HIV test and if so how often?

(it is not a difficult question to answer - I answered that quesiton for you very easily)

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