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I visited Snooky 4 years ago, and a year later, does anyone on the forum see any future here? for any type of business.

I just got back from my third visit at the weekend,and I can't make up my mind,it seems stagnant to me, whereas,you dont need to look too far in Thailand to see some amazing developement,anyone with any suggestions/opinions? The Ruskies have purchased an island, the Koreans have started a resort developement,and Chevron has just struck oil, whats gonna happen?

Edited by tonythailand
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cambodia is the future IMHO.

Thailand's had its heyday

S'nook is my next home.

In twenty years time I wanna be able to say that I've been "here" (s'nook) since before it got big.

Now is the time to invest.

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It only crossed my mind as a place to avoid; I wouldn't normally have posted that thought, but since it's being mentioned...............

I've never been there, but wouldn't it be great is someone could post a few photos.

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It only crossed my mind as a place to avoid; I wouldn't normally have posted that thought, but since it's being mentioned...............

I've never been there, but wouldn't it be great is someone could post a few photos.

Go outside. Locate dustbin. Empty contents on unpaved road. Locate fat farang wearing a dirty vest. Position next to rubbish. Add a handful of maimed beggars (pun intended). Mix in a sprinkling of rats.

Take a picture.

there you go . . . . no need for someone else to do it for you.

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Local cuisine and delicacies such as fried rats and tarantulas on-a-stick have never really lured me to the delights of Cambodia.

Firing a LARS rocket at a tethered cow really appeals to my adventurous sporting nature though...

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It only crossed my mind as a place to avoid; I wouldn't normally have posted that thought, but since it's being mentioned...............

I've never been there, but wouldn't it be great is someone could post a few photos.

Go outside. Locate dustbin. Empty contents on unpaved road. Locate fat farang wearing a dirty vest. Position next to rubbish. Add a handful of maimed beggars (pun intended). Mix in a sprinkling of rats.

Take a picture.

there you go . . . . no need for someone else to do it for you.

My ,you do have a thing about Cambodia ,dont you Bendy,remember this from another thread re Sihanoukville.

QUOTE(cdnvic @ 2007-04-02 12:40:58)

You mean recent posts about Sihanookville being a paradise where you walk on rose petals and angels sing you to sleep have been exaggerated?

You have to consider the source of those posts, cdnvic.

Does anyone remember the 1980s acronym FILTH? Failed in London, Try Hongkong.

Perhaps we could redub it FITTC for this decade . . . . . go figure . . . .

Thats right you were referring to my posts regarding Sihanoukville which I personally find to be an ok place, it may not suit your Beamer and brogues but for we simple country boys,well we just sort of fit in there. :o

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Gosh. It's nice to have some of my classics resurrected. Thank you, but don't you think searching around for my Collected Works is just a bit . . well . . creepy?

Still, putting that to one side. Nahhhhhhh. . . . . . . I kinda like Cambodia, as I've said many many times. Wouldn't want to live there, cos I'm perfectly content and comfortable here thank you very much.

Anyway, I'd say only 50% of my posts bear any relation to my true feelings. I make them up as I go. I'm shallow, see? Trouble is, I've kinda forget which 50% I believe in these days.

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It only crossed my mind as a place to avoid; I wouldn't normally have posted that thought, but since it's being mentioned...............

I've never been there, but wouldn't it be great is someone could post a few photos.

Go outside. Locate dustbin. Empty contents on unpaved road. Locate fat farang wearing a dirty vest. Position next to rubbish. Add a handful of maimed beggars (pun intended). Mix in a sprinkling of rats.

Take a picture.

there you go . . . . no need for someone else to do it for you.

Trolling again Mr. Bendix?

I'm looking forward to seeing some photos of the beach, town and general surrounds in Sihanoukeville.

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I visited Snooky 4 years ago, and a year later, does anyone on the forum see any future here? for any type of business.

I just got back from my third visit at the weekend,and I can't make up my mind,it seems stagnant to me, whereas,you dont need to look too far in Thailand to see some amazing developement,anyone with any suggestions/opinions? The Ruskies have purchased an island, the Koreans have started a resort developement,and Chevron has just struck oil, whats gonna happen?

That is what I thought when I went last December.

Buisness could take off there but how do we know

it will happen in our lifetime ? :o Many buisness owners

I spoke to were either trying to sell up or trying to find

partners - not a good sign :D

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It has beautiful beaches, constantly warm climate, is nice and cheap and has an airport.

All the important things are in place for it to be a popular tourist resort but from what i gather it hasnt moved on to much in the last 10 years.

As gambling is legal there surely one of the big casino companies will be looking on with interest, everyone knows how much Asians love to gamble.

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It only crossed my mind as a place to avoid; I wouldn't normally have posted that thought, but since it's being mentioned...............

I've never been there, but wouldn't it be great is someone could post a few photos.

Go outside. Locate dustbin. Empty contents on unpaved road. Locate fat farang wearing a dirty vest. Position next to rubbish. Add a handful of maimed beggars (pun intended). Mix in a sprinkling of rats.

Take a picture.

there you go . . . . no need for someone else to do it for you.

Trolling again Mr. Bendix?

I'm looking forward to seeing some photos of the beach, town and general surrounds in Sihanoukeville.

I will try to tell it as I see Sihanoukville and the surrounding area,I have had five trips there in the last four months and have a one year business visa.

First off I am happily married to a Thai lady and am to old to chase after desires of the flesh,I drink probably one beer a week and dont use drugs,so those arnt my reasons for going back and enjoying the place.

I dont read the financial pages anymore but I get a buzz out of seeing a man working his rice paddy with a buffalo and a plough made out of a tree limb or a family travelling in a trap pulled by two small ponies.

Overall I find the Kmer people to be extremely friendly and helpful, maybe this can in part be attributed to the tough times they have endured and continue to suffer in one form or another,the general population is very young as the elder folk were decimated by Pol Pot and his KR.

The average wage is between $1and $2 dollars US a day,50 cents will take you about 7 km on the back of a motodop which are nothing like a Bangkok motorbike taxi,speed is definately not their thing.

I retain a motodop and rider for about 15hours a day for the princely sum of $5 (170 baht),he speaks very good english ,married with an infant child,he is well educated and spent years in Vietnam where his mother took him after his dad ,a school principal was exterminated by the KR.

Accomodation ranges from $2 a night beach huts to $450 a night 5 star hotels and everything in between.Food is excellent with most cuisines represented,a Kmer meal for $1 or excellent fish and chips $3 up to a fillet mignon done by a genuine french chef for $50 accompanied by the finest wines you will find in any cellar.

A hotel equal to a 4 star almost anywhere will set you back $15-20 ,adjacent to the beaches of which there are many.

Treasure Island a chinese owned seafood place on their own private beach is great ,you get your own private cabana 10 feet from the ocean,with your own personal waitress(she even peels your prawns), a meal of fresh fish ,prawns ,rice etc will set you back $6-8.

A great massage on a deck chair on the beach will cost you $2 for not one but two ladies.

The town is undergoing a big change with many new hotels,condos etc being built, the downtown area,

originally the home of many bars is becoming the business area with new banks etc displacing the old haunts to the chagrine of the expat proprieters who didnt see the writing on the wall.

The entertainment areas are relocating to the beachside areas.

A one hour drive out of town and you can be wandering around in a mountain or forest or sitting under a waterfall if thats your cup of tea.

The bad and the ugly exist in Sihanoukville just as anywhere else in S/E Asia, the tuk tuk mafia will test you but tend to back off if you hold the moral ground.

Everybody and their dog will try to set you up with a "beautiful "Viet lass and they are there in droves,but unlike Patteya they are inconspicuous as they are restricted to certain areas, (chicken farms as the Kmer call them). PM me if you want more info re this pastime, Ill be pleased to pass on the little I know, :o

Sihanoukville may not be everybodies cup of tea,but to an old country boy , a nice hotel and three squares a day for $30 and less a day coupled with the many activities available, (beaches, fishing etc)even a flutter at the casino suit me fine,



Footnote; I think the travelogue writers at Lonely Planet need fear me not. :D

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It has beautiful beaches, constantly warm climate, is nice and cheap and has an airport.

All the important things are in place for it to be a popular tourist resort but from what i gather it hasnt moved on to much in the last 10 years.

As gambling is legal there surely one of the big casino companies will be looking on with interest, everyone knows how much Asians love to gamble.

Prior to the crash of 97 there were many casino,s in Sihanoukville now there is one,Holiday Palace on Victory Beach is owned by the same crowd as the big Holiday Palace Casino at Poipet,there is talk that the Russians and Koreans are building two more offshore.

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Gosh. It's nice to have some of my classics resurrected. Thank you, but don't you think searching around for my Collected Works is just a bit . . well . . creepy?

Still, putting that to one side. Nahhhhhhh. . . . . . . I kinda like Cambodia, as I've said many many times. Wouldn't want to live there, cos I'm perfectly content and comfortable here thank you very much.

Anyway, I'd say only 50% of my posts bear any relation to my true feelings. I make them up as I go. I'm shallow, see? Trouble is, I've kinda forget which 50% I believe in these days.

Those remarks struck me as a very low and facetious attempt to belittle somebody you know to be of inferior intellect to yourself, a bit of a schoolyard bully approach. The old chang didnt forget them but a retort at the time was pretty senseless as I know who would be victorious in a battle of words :o

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Those remarks struck me as a very low and facetious attempt to belittle somebody you know to be of inferior intellect to yourself, a bit of a schoolyard bully approach. The old chang didnt forget them but a retort at the time was pretty senseless as I know who would be victorious in a battle of words :D

Yes, you're quite right. Very low and facetious indeed. It won't happen again ozzydom. Really.

I feel heartily ashamed of myself. :o

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I travelled around South East Asia in 1999 looking at places which I though might have some future potential for business. Sihanoukville was one of the places on my list. At the time I thought with the opening up of Cambodia and the fall of the Khmer Rouge that it could work but at the same time I didn't think it was a place that I could live. I haven't been back since but from what I understand it still hasn't really picked up so it looks like I was wrong with my predictions!

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