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Shortly I shall be off to Vientiane on my own to apply for a Non Imm o based on support thai wife.

I've been on a 1 year support wife visa for the last 5 years but failed to get an extension this year.

After failed attempts in BKK and Maesai for changing visa, this is my last opportunity.

My possible problem is proving my wife is the same person as shown on her identity card and the person I married in UK.

Her name when I married her was............ gained from a previous marriage, subsequent divorce

and marriage to me has changed her name again. Would a letter from her written in Thai stating how

her name has evolved from A (ID card ) to B name on marriage certificate help together with her expressed desire to continue living with me at our

address help the cause? I have a letter from the UK Embassy that

verifies her ID somewhat, but this is in English and didn't cut the mustard with the Lady in Amphur Laski Bangkok.

Also will my bank book and letter showing 400K + dated yesterday be acceptable next Wednesday in Vientiane?

I also have certified pension letter from Embassy which together with wife's tax receipts shows income of 40K+ monthly.

If I don't get a Non O what can I do ?

If I do get a Non O does it guarantee pretty much me getting a 1year extension in 3 months time.

My dear Lopburi, if u kind enough to reply here, can you answer all my questions as I am desperate to get things right.

Thank you.


You seem to be saying you had one year extension of stay for last five years but this year you were not able to obtain and your current extension is about to run out, but I don't understand how there can be name confusion in that case however - as any would have had to be resolved long ago.

Or have you previously obtained a new multi entry non immigrant O visa from outside Thailand each year and have been making 90 day border runs?

If her name matches the name of spouse on marriage certificate and ID is also your name there should not be any question. They are not interested in her previous names. Nor will bank account money be required. You just need the marriage certificate and copy of ID card signed/dated by her to show Vientiane. Now if her ID card has not been changed to your name and it is not the name you married suspect you will have a problem and by all means have the UK letter to show (Consulates normally accept English better than District Office) and the financial information. If unable to obtain the best thing would be to obtain a tourist visa, return and have her change the ID card. Her name change history should also be in her home register document but suspect it may not have been updated.

If you can qualify for extension of stay from Immigration (the 40k income) and have 400k in bank account (old method) you should be able to extend your stay from a tourist visa entry if required by an extra 2,000 baht step.


Non O expired 10 April (applying in Maesai for renewal)

Under consideration til 4 May ( Maesai )

^^.......ditto...............^^ 6 May "

^^.......ditto...............^^ 9 May " Rejected and given 7 days to leave

Permitted to stay until 15 May .....whereupon I walked across to Burma and got 3 consecutive VoE's

However in the meantime I was advised by Imm to go and get a Change Visa which can only be done in BKK. Room 303 Suan Plu

The requirements for this ( TM.86 TM.87) are different to a support Thai wife in that I had to get a Ror Kor 22 from the Amphur, and that is where

the name difficulty reared it's ugly head. The name on the Marriage cert does not match her Thai ID.

How could we possibly have anticipated that when for 5 years our marriage was accepted as true? ( 5 extensions in Maesai that were obviously approved in Bangkok?

Only the Ploenchit translation lady foresaw this difficulty when she was translating our Marriage certificate, but we decided to carry on as I was fast

approaching the 21 days before visa expiration rule. So we never managed to get back to Suan Plu. Just came home and that is

where I am now.

Last knockings for sure, 3 (THREE) pages filled up in my passport for what , and many many thousands of Baht wasted. So that is why I want to get this right.


Does her ID card have your last name? If it does and she married you that is what would be expected and to obtain the non immigrant O visa should not be a problem.

I expect that there is a problem on review of her home register with a missing name link and this was not closely looked at previously but now has come back to bite. You might want to involve a local layer to help resolve the name after your return.

If her current ID card does not have your name then you may only be able to obtain a tourist visa (but if over age 50 give retirement as your reason and show the 400k - that may well get you a non immigrant O visa).

Does her ID card have your last name? No

If her current ID card does not have your name then you may only be able to obtain a tourist visa (but if over age 50 give retirement as your reason and show the 400k - that may well get you a non immigrant O visa). Tried this already in Maesai on Thursday and was turned away, insufficient pension and money , tax receipts not acceptable......I started drinking at this point :o

Her ID is her Thai name = Miss Thailand

1ST marriage = Mrs Europe....name on Icelandic passport ( N.B. when u marry in Iceland you are given a christian name that begins with the same letter as your Thai name.

2nd Marriage to me = Mrs England....name on British passport ( N.B. Only her surname changed )

The problem is Mrs Europe is on our marriage cert, and that is what is so hard to prove despite having Thai birth certificate, Icelandic marriage & divorce, British marriage, and our son's British birth certificate.

If she whipped down to the local Amphur here and changed ID to reflect her British Passport name, would that throw up a new set of problems ?


She needs proof for the name change from miss Thailand to mrs europe and that probably will involve a copy of that marriage certificate and divorce and the passport you have and the paper you have all being translated and legalized in order to update her home register. Believe the expense of a law firm would be well worth it. And believe it will take quite a while.

If you are over age 50 you might want to consider retirement extension of stay rather than marriage - then it would not matter. The retirement means 800k or 65k pension or combination.

As for obtaining a non immigrant O visa from Vientiane; that is not the same procedure as from Maesai. At an Immigration officer you have to prove ability to extend your stay and convert your current entry to a non immigrant visa - at a Consulate you only have to prove you are married or over age 50 and thinking about extension.


MY wife for reasons only known to herself decided she wanted to change her name. I was told about it after the fact and of course thought of the added complexities involved. Fortunately my wife has a copy of the name change document which is stamp as authentic by the Amphur.

This seemed to suffice when I got my visa in Savannakhet and for the visa extension at Suan Plu in Bangkok. Try to get things clearly documented by the Amphur in Thailand and your situation should be OK.

If may be helpful for you to get married again at the Amphur once all the dust settles.

Don't forget you will have to show 45 k combined monthly income if you want to stay, as the 400 k issue is now dead. Of course if you are over 50 and that father of a Thai child things suddenly become a real cake walk!



Thank you Lopburi3 & BB for trying to help me in my dilemma.

I've taken on board all that you've said and will depart Mon pm and report back here.

BB - I'm over 50 but 400K short....until I sell or inherit something of value.

ETA: My missus has just come up with the idea that we divorce and Re-marry

using her Thai identity. Whilst I'm sure it is feasible, I don't like it.

She needs proof for the name change from miss Thailand to mrs europe......

OneeyedJohn, sorry that I cannot help you for the moment. But I want to draw your attention to my thread "Legal Thai Documents" recently opened in the Thailand Forum\General\General topics.

If a marriage licence is lost, first your wife should go to the police station and inform them about the loss. The police will issue her a paper and with this document she then has to go to the Amphur where you both registered your marriage to issue a new marriage license. That Amphur may or may not (all to their power) ask you to bring along 2 persons as guarantors.

Once she gets her marriage license she then goes to the Amphur where she now lives and has the name of her ID card changed.

My lady has done this i.e. on two occasions for changes in a Birth Certificate and for Proof of Civil Status and both papers were subsequently issued by the corresponding Thai authorities supplied with a red stamp and also got approved by my Swiss Embassy.

What I wanted to know and still do not know is, what type of guarantor Thai authorities are really looking for.


This really has nothing to do with posters problem as his marriage is not registered in Thailand.

As for "guarantor" believe the best is a government official, village headman or such. Also believe that in most cases collage degree holders can sign such documents so if any family members have graduated they can help out. They may accept others but you should ask to be sure.

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