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This Forum Has A Serious Flaw


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I have no doubt this will be deleted before anyone gets a chance to read it.

Of the few hundred members who regularly visit the forum, it must get very boring for them to read the same old same old time and time again. Unfortunately this manifests itself in regular posters who unwittingly (or otherwise) intimidate and bully new members. Perhaps this is why there are only a few here all the time.

Regular posters have to understand that there is going to be some repetition of old subjects amongst members who have only recently joined. Also, the search facility on the forum is far from perfect so old subjects don't always appear in the results.

A recent thread of mine was closed for no reason other than the moderators found it boring and apparently had been covered before. Yet threads containing racist and hatefull comment are allowed to continue with impunity on a regular basis (I refer to numerous threads with America bashing, some of which are racist and filled with vitriol. Now don't get me wrong, I'll be front of the queue when it comes to America bashing but I thought this sort of thing was against forum rules).

I have a friend who joined the forum 2 days ago who's forum name is 'Satuk Days'. He is building a website and would like to inculde a section about expat life and will include expat profiles, pictures and a brief story of their expat family lives. He posted a thread yesterday wishing to open a dialogue with other expats. He simply wanted to know if anyone would be interested in being included in this section of his website. His thread was immediately closed by Doctor Pat Pong, who said it was spam and basically told him to get lost. WHY!? It most certainly was not spam. He simply wanted to increase his involvement in expat life and put a few expat family profiles on his website. He thought it would be a good idea to meet them through Thai Visa. The fact that he was dismissed in such a callous way has put him off his idea already. I've tried to tell him to try again elsewhere for some volunteers but his attitude is now such that he really doesn't want to get to know these people. Nice work Moderating team.

I point out again... why are innocent posts like this deleted or closed, yet racist and hatefull threads continue with impunity?

Kindly delete my profile from this old boys club of a forum.

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Tell your friend that this forum is to kill the time, occasionally get to know few good real members, to write something and enjoy reading how others react, play some mind games time to time, of course hide and seek...anything I have missed..?

I do not think foreigners in Thailand are interested in coming to a forum and to learn about Thailand. May be to get some small help or an advice, yes.

If you have free time, then this is one good way to enjoy your free time.. :D

BTW, this topic itself ...?


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I can't speak for all moderators, obviously. You make a very fair point that some topics will be repeated as new members join. I think I will try to keep this in mind more. However on certain topics I really feel they should not take over the board as a whole. Say someone joins, and in his first couple of posts he starts a topic like "Marrying bargirls, why?" then sorry but I really do feel we've seen this before, and at any time there are other discussions going on this topic anyway. Many topics of this nature are troll posts as well. But getting back to your fair point, if someone starts a topic like "Why is traffic such a mess in Thailand" then of course we let it go, even though it came up a couple of times.

Then you made a point about hateful posts with America bashing. Those are not allowed either, the 'bearpit.net' forum was created specifically to keep this off-topic hateful rubbish off this board. If things slip throught then it may be because the same post contained on-topic insightful comments as well, or because simply nobody noticed it, or was too lazy to delete it. Nobody is perfect, and running a discussion forum is not an exact science. Also, when already others have already responded to a hateful post then it's a lot more difficult to just delete it, otherwise you leave those replies 'hanging' and it makes no sense anymore.

> I have a friend who joined the forum 2 days ago who's forum name is 'Satuk Days'. He

> posted a thread yesterday wishing to open a dialogue with other expats. His thread was

> immediately closed by Doctor Pat Pong, who said it was spam and basically told him to get lost. WHY!?

Don't really want to speak for Dr P, but in this case the answer is quite obvious: You can't tout competing web boards on Thaivisa.com, it's in the rules. I haven't read that post so I don't know how tactful he was in presenting it, but in the end if you're setting up another web forum, and everyone is very welcome to do it, you can't mention it here.

Oh and I don't know why this post should be deleted. It's in the wrong sub-forum perhaps, so I'll move it to suggestions & questions on the forum. But I'll leave a link here so people can find your comments. I do actually thank you for taking the time to make these points, rather than just leave the forum. Many of your points are valid and/or require an answer. Thank you for helping to improve this site!!!



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I for one am glad that you decided to pull the pin on this forum,,It seems like the PC lifestyle has got to good a hold on most feeble minded folks and they can say nothing without including "RACIST" in every thing they say, I guess I do not really know what "RACIST" means, but I always thought that it had something to do with starting a riot and burning things and minotities killing whites.

We are all people and supposed to be adults,so as far as I can see,no place where folks congregate is someone with so small a mind needed or welcome..Maybe you could put "RACIST" on your hotkeys and that way it would cut down on the time that it takes you to write a post.

Now that is just my 2 baht worth.

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Here, here, finally someone who making sense!

I agree with the OP!

Many of the posts on this forum are stupid little dumb immature farts for ideas.

But when I have asked some important questions that I really needed help on they were trashed very quickly. Led by the Doc himself!

I really doubt the usefulness of this forum most of the time for me to tell you the truth.

I hope this OP gets the people in charge here to pull their heads out (start thinking of how you can really make this place a better forum) or I for one am out of here too!

The moderators set the tone for sure and a few should be replaced ASAP!

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It was not a competing board, as he made perfectly clear. It would have been something he did as a hobby, with no forum involved. Just a few pictures and commentary on a few expat couples lives. Where's the harm in that?

The way I read it it was. Are you his father/ brother helping him through a tough patch ? My understanding was that you took your leave from this site anyway.

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I would have to call into question your fitness and state of mind to be a moderator of this forum? You seem to be not of a stable mind and if rudeness is the main criteria for this forum then I feel very sorry for you dr! :o

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i come to this forum to check up on new rule and laws of immigration, also listen to people that have experiences how to deal with situation about visa, hear story about their visa run good or bad...etc...etc..

other than that the rest are just fun and game...

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Here, here, finally someone who making sense!

I agree with the OP!

Many of the posts on this forum are stupid little dumb immature farts for ideas.

But when I have asked some important questions that I really needed help on they were trashed very quickly. Led by the Doc himself!

I really doubt the usefulness of this forum most of the time for me to tell you the truth.

I hope this OP gets the people in charge here to pull their heads out (start thinking of how you can really make this place a better forum) or I for one am out of here too!

The moderators set the tone for sure and a few should be replaced ASAP!

I just want to say I stongly disagree with this thinking.

I found site by chance some time ago. I had several goals while contemplating retiring with my beautiful Thai wife in Thailand.

First and my greatest intertest, to try to get a clearer idea of Thai social psycology.

My first thread, "This concept of face" lead, through gradual and progressive interactions with board members, really, in time to shed great light on a very perplexing dilema.

Other questions about "The Move" or my favorite Cars in Thailand , or anywhere else for that matter have been both informative and entertaining.

I am a family physician in San Diego. A lot of my spare time is spent volunteering in the treatment and research of patients infected with HIV or have developed AIDS.

My medical advice is, if this forum doesn't float your boat you should get a snorkel and soak your head in a bucket of ice water and call me in the morning, :o:D:D

Yeah baby! :D

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"Please get off your high horse Doc and be helpful! If not go back to your bedroom until youi can be a nice person again!"

He is very nice today, which I wouldn't always say. There are a few troll posts here and in other threads which should disappear soonish.

I wouldn't mind if some of my posts made in response were taken of as well.

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I would have to call into question your fitness and state of mind to be a moderator of this forum? You seem to be not of a stable mind and if rudeness is the main criteria for this forum then I feel very sorry for you dr! :o

Bit of "the pot calling the kettle black" here isn't it.


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I would have to call into question your fitness and state of mind to be a moderator of this forum?  You seem to be not of a stable mind and if rudeness is the main criteria for this forum then I feel very sorry for you dr!  :o

Bit of "the pot calling the kettle black" here isn't it.


An example please? :D

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This is rediculous, I don't even know why I'm bothering to post.

This forum IS informative more than anything and it also has a bit of everything else.

I am a regular and I've been put in my place and even suspended without warning before for going off topic but I didn't let it dampen my appetite and I didn't take it personally.

As far as I can tell, the Doc is somebody who spends a lot of his time reading most of the posts on this site, many of which are from whinging dickheads who can't get their own way and who expect to be treated like a guest the moment they join.

It's not a 'boys club'... Anyone is welcome but to an extent you have to earn respect from other posters as well as moderators who do not suffer fools gladly.

In short - if you don't like it then you know what you can do.

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I rest my case.

I repeat... where was the harm in ANY of my posts... and I repeat, Where was the harm in Satuk Days request? Why was it deleted?

It seems like you are fighting against the "forces of evil" around here...seems to be falling on deaf ears! There is only rudeness here! :o

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