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Best protein powder without stevia or sucralose.

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Why "even" Lazada? I get all my protein powder on Lazada.


I buy pure whey protein and casein protein powders with no sweeteners or flavouring. These days I prefer casein because it's a lot cheaper and there's no compelling reason to use whey protein. It's marketing nonsense with attractive packaging and flavours.

1 minute ago, JensenZ said:

pure whey protein and casein protein powders with no sweeteners


Link if allowed, or full product name for Lazada search.

Thank You.

15 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

Why "even" Lazada? I get all my protein powder on Lazada.


I buy pure whey protein and casein protein powders with no sweeteners or flavouring. These days I prefer casein because it's a lot cheaper and there's no compelling reason to use whey protein. It's marketing nonsense with attractive packaging and flavours.


Casein powder is more expensive than protein isolate powder. I buy 5.28lbs ultimate nutrition - prostar usually for ~1700 baht after discounts.


Would like to see a link for casein that is cheaper for the same amount.


Disclaimer; Prostar has sucrose added



12 minutes ago, CallumWK said:


Casein powder is more expensive than protein isolate powder. I buy 5.28lbs ultimate nutrition - prostar usually for ~1700 baht after discounts.


Would like to see a link for casein that is cheaper for the same amount.


Disclaimer; Prostar has sucrose added



Casein should be cheaper because casein protein is 80% of milk protein vs only 20% of milk protein is whey. The only reason you might have found it more expensive is because it's not so commonly sold. After all, everyone is convinced we should be shelling out for whey protein. Unless you're a competitive athlete who needs faster absorption (benefits are debatable), the slower absorption rate of casein is an advantage for most of us. It's more like eating whole food. There's only so much protein the body can use per hour - a slower release is better in most cases.


You'd save a lot of money if you stopped getting ripped off by paying 2 or more times what it's worth because it's sold in attractive containers with added flavouring and sweeteners. Also, with flavoured and sweetened products, you have a limit to how much you can consume in a drink or it will be sickly sweet, not to mention becoming sick of the flavour by the time you've finished a whole container.


My last casein order on Lazada cost me 660 baht (including shipping) for 3 x 500 grams of pure casein powder, which makes it 440 baht per kilogram. Unflavoured whey protein costs me about the same as your product, about 700 baht per kilogram including delivery.  


Sorry, I'm not selling it so I won't provide a link, but if you search on Lazada you will find it.

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