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How Do I Insert A Quote In A Reply?


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I am trying to learn how to insert quotes into replies.please give me some pointers,or directions to instructions.

I can manage the

part but I don't know how to get the quote into a boxlike form as seen on many threads.

Appreciate any help.Thanks,mellow1.

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name='mellow1' date='2007-08-01 13:18:03' post='1449784']

I am trying to learn how to insert quotes into replies.please give me some pointers,or directions to instructions.

I can manage the quote part but I don't know how to get the quote into a boxlike form as seen on many threads.

Appreciate any help.Thanks,mellow1.

Click on the "reply" button and you will see the text with a "quote" at the begining of the text as well as at the end.

Type your reply below the second quote and select "preview post" to make sure you have included everything.

Then if it is to your liking, click on "add reply"

Hope this helps

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name='mellow1' date='2007-08-01 13:18:03' post='1449784']

I am trying to learn how to insert quotes into replies.please give me some pointers,or directions to instructions.

I can manage the quote part but I don't know how to get the quote into a boxlike form as seen on many threads.

Appreciate any help.Thanks,mellow1.

Click on the "reply" button and you will see the text with a "quote" at the begining of the text as well as at the end.

Type your reply below the second quote and select "preview post" to make sure you have included everything.

Then if it is to your liking, click on "add reply"

Hope this helps

Yes,thank you.

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You can also click on the little quote bubble and insert the text you want quoted. Like this.
I don't know how to get the quote into a boxlike form as seen on many threads.

I cliked on the little quote bubble,but it only put another

onto the writing area,without any apparent other options.

Hope I'm not a bother to what is obviously simple to many.

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I cliked on the little quote bubble,but it only put another onto the writing area,without any apparent other options.

Hope I'm not a bother to what is obviously simple to many.

You can type what you want then select the text with the mouse that you want then click on the quote button above.

Also, click on the Preview Post to test it before you submit the reply.

[quote]Anything you type between the two quote tags will show up as a quote.[/quote]

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Just highlight the text you wish to quote BEFORE clicking on the quote bubble



If its only part of a reply then cut and paste what you want to quote and follow the above


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I cliked on the little quote bubble,but it only put another quote onto the writing area,without any apparent other options

When you click on the bubble. You will get 2 quotes Inbetween the 2 in the middle you will then put your text.

To put text in. Left click and highlight the text you want. Then right click and copy the text. You then will paste the text in between the 2 . Hope this helps. [ ] text here[ ] Just so i can post this i havent written the quote words in the brackets.

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[ ] text here[ ] Just so i can post this i havent written the quote words in the brackets.

That's where the code tags come in useful. You can put anything in between and the board won't try to interpret them. :o

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Here is a link to a thread in this forum that goes into detail on the quote function, and how to do multiple quotes in a post.

Quote Function(s)

After awhile, you'll notice that all the code functions operate in a similar fashion. To hilight (Bold) something, select the text you want and click on the "b" button above and you'll see the selected text now has code tags at the start and end like this:

[ b] (selected text here) [ /b] (note I added an extra space in them so you could see the tags.)

Quote works the same way. [ quote] selected text [ /quote] Without the extra spaces in the tags, it would look like this:

selected text

Another option is when you want to quote from another persons post, is to click "Reply", and then edit out (delete) the bits that aren't important to your response.

You could also click on the little icon at the bottom left of a persons quote (the "+ Quote" icon), and you'll see it change to a

"- Quote" icon. Then if you click "Add Reply", the quoted post will show up in your new post.

You can do this for numerous posts (clicking on the "+ Quote" icon) and when you are ready, click "Add Reply" and all the posts you've selected will show up in your new post. Nice thing about doing it this way, is the Quote Box will show the name of the member that made the post you are quoting (and the date it was originally posted). This helps to avoid confusion about who posted what and when.

Big thing to watch out for though, is quoting large posts in their entirety and not editing out the non-essential parts you want to respond to.

Another thing to watch out for is inserting your comments inside the quote box, but not hilighting them or changing the colour. For example:

Click on the "reply" button and you will see the text with a "quote" at the begining of the text as well as at the end.

Type your reply below the second quote and select "preview post" to make sure you have included everything.

Then if it is to your liking, click on "add reply"

If I added my comments here, they would get confused with what Buckwheat originally wrote.

However, if I hilight my comments (and change the colour), then they will stand out from the previous content

I generally prefer to add my 2 satangs worth underneath the quote box though. :o

OK, a quick "Preview" to see if this looks like I hope it will and then "Add Reply" and I can go for another cuppa coffee !

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I'm hopeless, as you can see in the other thread. I can do bold and italic and underline (that's not a link to a URL) or even all three. I can quote an entire post, edit out what I don't want, or put my reply in piecemeal by using bold or italic.

I cannot, however, take one long post and insert my comments in parts, as the thread in post #10 tried to explain. I hope they don't take my moderator's license away from me. :o See, I can do emoticons, too! I can perform the moderating functions, like deleting posts, closing threads, etc. Ijustwannateach did show me how to keep commenting on one post, but I didn't do it even five times, and I forgot. Maybe I'll get by fine without some of the bells and whistles.

For those who try to help us idiots, our supreme thanks.

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I'm hopeless, as you can see in the other thread. I can do bold and italic and underline (that's not a link to a URL) or even all three. I can quote an entire post, edit out what I don't want, or put my reply in piecemeal by using bold or italic.

Ahh, but can you change colours ? What about sizes ? :o

I cannot, however, take one long post and insert my comments in parts, as the thread in post #10 tried to explain. I hope they don't take my moderator's license away from me. :bah: See, I can do emoticons, too!

To split up a post into pieces (as I've done here) takes a little bit of manual work. I split the post up into pieces by inserting some blank lines between the parts I want to comment on. Then I copy the top line of the original post (i.e. [ quote name=PeaceBlondie' date='2007-08-02 12:45:21' post='1451560]) and paste that above the individual sections.

Then you have to add the "[ /quote]" and the end of the section(s).

You could just hilight the individual sections and use the "quote" icon to create individual boxes, but you'd have to remember to "close" the first part (using the "[ /quote]" tag), and add a "open" tag ("[ quote]") to the last part, otherwise you'll get an error message. It's a lot of extra work, and the drawback is you don't have the name/date details like you do if you cut and paste the original line as described above.

I can perform the moderating functions, like deleting posts, closing threads, etc. Ijustwannateach did show me how to keep commenting on one post, but I didn't do it even five times, and I forgot. Maybe I'll get by fine without some of the bells and whistles.

Well, you're ahead of me then ! :bah:

I keep pushing the "Delete" button on my keyboard and nothing happens ! :D

I add the :o icon to posts, and everyone ignores it and keeps posting ! :D

I try giving kayo a "holiday" three or four times a day, and he keeps coming back ! :D

I don't have a bell, and the security guy in the TukCom parking lot has the only whistle around. :D

These things take practise and experimentation (and it's always a good idea to use the "Preview" function before actually adding the reply, to make sure it's going to come out the way you intended it to). It also helps to have the time and patience to do this.

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Ahh, but can you change colours ? What about sizes ? :D

It also helps to have the time and patience to do this.

Would appear you have plenty of both. :D

It kinda suks when I go to bed at midnight, wake up at 5am, give up trying to sleep by 6, and am on here by 06:10. :o

What about sizes ? :D
Please don't get me started on the subject of SIZE. :D

I've heard size doesn't matter ?

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For those who try to help us idiots, our supreme thanks.

Have you tried this method PB, I finally cracked it doing it this way, although it was in the same thread as linked above.

1. The reply page with original quote


2. Selecting text you would like a separate quote


3. Cutting the text


4. Pasting the text below the original quote


5. Highlighting the text


6. Clicking on the Wrap In Quote Tags icon above


7. Adding comments at the end of each quote segment.


Thanks for the step by step goes to Tywais :o


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