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Thailand Deadliest Destination.


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I'm terribly sorry old chap, but I'm one of those people that love living in a place where you can walk the streets safely at night, without fear of being set upon by a drunken lout/louts who's been turfed out at closing time. Or where you can send your kids safely to school, without fear of one of the pupils armed with an AK 47 or whatever you call them, mowing down the entire 6th grade class. Or of course, wearing my Chelsea shirt in any part of any city I wish to visit. Thailand hasn't a problem as such. The World has that problem and Thailand's is insignificant to some places.

Couldn't agree more.

From my experience, the majority of Brits I've met here have been rather "hot headed" & seemed willing to be involved in any scuffle, should one happen. As a matter of fact, they seem to out-do the yanks when it comes to bad behaviour. Mind you, three of my best friends are Brits, whose behaviour totally contrasts that of their beer "yobbo" countrymen.

Can one of you Brits please explain to me why people kill each other (in England) over soccer matches etc? What sort of person is prepared to kill or harm another human simply for liking another soccer team? I don't get it.

Sorry can't explain the above , but hey, hang on a minute -"in England"- What about France, Germany, Holland,Denmark, Italy, Spain, Greece,Portugal,Israel etc. Let's not forget all of South America, Latin america etc need I say moe. Morons the world, over with hardly a brain cell between them.

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. Thailand hasn't a problem as such. The World has that problem and Thailand's is insignificant to some places

Sorry can't explain the above , but hey, hang on a minute -"in England"- What about France, Germany, Holland,Denmark, Italy, Spain, Greece,Portugal,Israel etc. Let's not forget all of South America, Latin america etc need I say moe. Morons the world, over with hardly a brain cell between them.

What do you mean? I think really 'The World' covers most of the countries you mentioned.

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In my humble opinion, all these statistics are made to prove a point and are more often than not complete rubbish, and/or manipulated.

You can find negative things about any country. I prefer to look for the positive aspects of whichever place I visit or have made my residence, but you very rarely see statistics about that.

And one more thing, If you are ready to bash other countries than your own, you must accept that the favour might be returned.



But the stats are probably true and it's no surprise.

Thailand's a popular venue for young Brits and lots of them leave their brains in a safe deposit box at Heathrow. Get pissed out of your mind, rent a motorcycle for your first ever ride and, with no helmet, the consences are inevitable.

The unregulated, frontier feel of Thailand is part of the kick. Jump on a speedbost from Samui for the Full Moon Party at Hat Rin and it's a heady experience. The boat's overloaded and never makes it back. But that's what Thailand's all about.

Health and safety isn't a priority here, so of course there are loads of accidents. I suspect though that altercations with the locals are low on the scale. I hope it still is the Land of Smiles.

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The boat's overloaded and never makes it back. But that's what Thailand's all about.

i've seen some dumb statements about thailand before but that one could win a prize.

you should write a book.

According to him he allready has. :o

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The boat's overloaded and never makes it back. But that's what Thailand's all about.

i've seen some dumb statements about thailand before but that one could win a prize.

you should write a book.

What an unwarranted comment. The chap has used a reasonable metaphor for the skein of irresponsibility that tangles most of Thai society.

Perhaps your criticism might benefit from a little amplification?

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