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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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I just want to make one comment. While you might look a the old guy with the young girl and think that she is a 9, chances are that a panel of Thai men would disagree with you. I think Thai women have the best looks on this planet, but Thai men have different opinions. You probably know the type of girls that Thai men go for, and how often do you see one of them on the arm of an older farang gentlemen? Of course, if Thai men think a girl is a 4, and the farang think she is a 9, this works out to the farang's advantage.

There speaks knowledge! Most 'well educated' 'Thai' as opposed to Lao boys think we choose ugly women. My wife is Chinese-Thai. When she saw previous Issan/etc g/fs she said : If you (and your friends) thought they were pretty..help! help! You clearly did not have your glasses on at the time. Don't put them on to look at me. Because she has white skin and a thin face and european clothes most thais think a. she is japanese and b. cannot speak thai...she has fun teasing them

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I just want to make one comment. While you might look a the old guy with the young girl and think that she is a 9, chances are that a panel of Thai men would disagree with you. I think Thai women have the best looks on this planet, but Thai men have different opinions. You probably know the type of girls that Thai men go for, and how often do you see one of them on the arm of an older farang gentlemen? Of course, if Thai men think a girl is a 4, and the farang think she is a 9, this works out to the farang's advantage.

There speaks knowledge! Most 'well educated' 'Thai' as opposed to Lao boys think we choose ugly women. My wife is Chinese-Thai. When she saw previous Issan/etc g/fs she said : If you (and your friends) thought they were pretty..help! help! You clearly did not have your glasses on at the time. Don't put them on to look at me. Because she has white skin and a thin face and european clothes most thais think a. she is japanese and b. cannot speak thai...she has fun teasing them

Your wife sounds stuck up, looking down on such people.

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I just want to make one comment. While you might look a the old guy with the young girl and think that she is a 9, chances are that a panel of Thai men would disagree with you. I think Thai women have the best looks on this planet, but Thai men have different opinions. You probably know the type of girls that Thai men go for, and how often do you see one of them on the arm of an older farang gentlemen? Of course, if Thai men think a girl is a 4, and the farang think she is a 9, this works out to the farang's advantage.

There speaks knowledge! Most 'well educated' 'Thai' as opposed to Lao boys think we choose ugly women. My wife is Chinese-Thai. When she saw previous Issan/etc g/fs she said : If you (and your friends) thought they were pretty..help! help! You clearly did not have your glasses on at the time. Don't put them on to look at me. Because she has white skin and a thin face and european clothes most thais think a. she is japanese and b. cannot speak thai...she has fun teasing them

eh? that exact same description fits half of Bangkok, what are European clothes?

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So as it stands then..

You are not allowed to be overweight

You are not allowed to be over 50

You are not allowed to be ugly

You are not allowed to earn good money

You are not allowed to be with a younger woman

You are allowed to be deluded.

The stereotyping, generalising and racism that pokes its head above the parapet from time to time on here truley suprises me.

Multi racial, tolerant...hard to find around here by the looks of it, but so refreshing when it surfaces from some.

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I lurked around Thai visa a few years but have only started posting this year. I tell you what though, it doesn't take long reading these threads before you feel like you are staring in 'groundhog day' :o

Edited by garro
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So as it stands then..

You are not allowed to be overweight

You are not allowed to be over 50

You are not allowed to be ugly

You are not allowed to earn good money

You are not allowed to be with a younger woman

You are allowed to be deluded.

The stereotyping, generalising and racism that pokes its head above the parapet from time to time on here truley suprises me.

Multi racial, tolerant...hard to find around here by the looks of it, but so refreshing when it surfaces from some.

You forgot her:

She is not allowed to be from Isaan

She is not allowed to have a dark skin color

She is not allowed to be more than 5 years younger than you

She is not allowed to come from a poor background

I am glad I don't socialice with these shallow minded jerks :o

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So as it stands then..

You are not allowed to be overweight

You are not allowed to be over 50

You are not allowed to be ugly

You are not allowed to earn good money

You are not allowed to be with a younger woman

You are allowed to be deluded.

The stereotyping, generalising and racism that pokes its head above the parapet from time to time on here truley suprises me.

Multi racial, tolerant...hard to find around here by the looks of it, but so refreshing when it surfaces from some.

You forgot her:

She is not allowed to be from Isaan

She is not allowed to have a dark skin color

She is not allowed to be more than 5 years younger than you

She is not allowed to come from a poor background

I am glad I don't socialice with these shallow minded jerks :o


Does she have a sister? :D

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Does she have a sister? :o

Yes, but since she is a dark skinned Isaan girl, from a poor background and you are interested, you must be a fat old deluded geezer, twice her age , with to much money and we all now that is not allowed...sorry :D

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Thais are great opportunists.....including members of the female kind.

If someone comes along who appears to be considerably richer and/or more influential (in her peer group) then she's goin' to seriously start reappraising her relationship with you....no questions asked.

It's all about money.

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Thais are great opportunists.....including members of the female kind.

If someone comes along who appears to be considerably richer and/or more influential (in her peer group) then she's goin' to seriously start reappraising her relationship with you....no questions asked.

It's all about money.


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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

We all know that acquiring a nice gf here for any half respectable farang guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. Many guys here have clearly pulled way out of their league and had their gf been on a trip to the UK (not including bar girls in this statement) or whatever the country, when they met, what are the chances the girl would have chosen them? No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

I bet the ink on your temporary 30 day permit stamp is still wet :o

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A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible.

You are making a FUNDAMENTAL error in your calculations.........not your fault having been brought up with Western influences over the last 50/70 years.

You are ONLY looking at the physical attractiveness of each when deciding who is a 4 and who is an 8.

In the West this is only a recent concept and in any event rating folk on looks alone IME exists as the principal reason for relationships largely in the realm of fantasy / marketing / the pages of Cosmo :D .......in real life woman LOVE "their" men to have power. (and I am not always talking about being a neanderthal, at least not 24/7!)..........and this does compensate for a lot of shortfalls elsewhere. Obviously exceptions do apply. I am sure they will post shortly :o

Where this power comes from is not important, just that in practice in a Capitalist society this is usually based around money. But it fundamentally is not about the money - it is just a nice side effect.........

In Thailand money does make the average (and sometime very average!) Farang more attractive than he would be back home, not simply because of the money, but because of what it represents. In Thailand he simply does have more "power".

I am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing. it is just how it is. Primal.

Not to say of course that some women would not marry a Chimpanzee for cold hard cash. In Both Thailand and Farangland.......

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Regarding the OP: I didn't meet my wife on thai ground and she could have picked a lot of other interested guys , but she choose me. As a person that managed to find a wonderfull woman before I got old and bitter, sure, i'm proud. And ofcourse it's a bonus that several friends back home are interested in asian woman and have to settle without...

As we are of equal [young] age I'm typically not faced with too much ignorance regarding shopping for a wife, but that doesn't mean she hasn't heard it from some lowlifes when she walked on her own back home. Now we are in thailand since a few years and I have to face the problem with everybody assuming I'm rich, but that is the other side of the coin I guess. :o

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I guess it depends on your understanding of the meaning of pride.

I student of mine dated Thai royalty at a UK university. He was proud of her looks and status. Still I knew alot more about this guys history and personality than she did at the time.

But in the UK when your a fairly decent looking fella walking around with an asian girl the british girls give you and your girl a really nasty look, young and old. Fortunately, my girl doesnt tune into that cr4p.

Am I proud - quietly yes - but it could all change so quickly regardless of where she is from... such is life

But it depends on how she sees you, treats you and looks after you - amongst many other things that make and break relationships of any nationality - not to mention how you reciprocate

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From time to time there are some fairly bigoted and closed minded posts on this forum.

The original post is one of the worst that i have seen in a while.

I am proud of my Thai wife.

I love her, and have travelled all over the world with her.

She has met all of my family, and is accepted as part of the family.

Do you tell your girlfriend that you do not want to be seen in public with her?

How does she react to this?

How can you say that you are proud of her, but will not be seen walking down the street holding her hand.

In agreeance here. I took TW to Europe to visit my/our grandparents & some of the family on that side before coming to AU. Here she's been well accepted by family & the small circle of friends.

Proud of her: yes. of course. in the first month here she learnt to build PCs, she's learnt a good range of western cooking - inc making pizza dough. She's doing well here - still a way to go of course.

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I suspect that the OP can classify me as one of those "older" people who appear to walk around hand in hand with younger so called trophy wives. I am twenty years older than my wife and she has a stunning appearance. I have never considered female beauty as a pre-requisite for any relationship in the past and frankly I do on occasion get slightly embarrassed at being seen in public with someone who is so attractive.

But the reality is that my wife has personal characteristics that set her head and shoulders (in my view) above anyone else that I have ever met. She is honest beyond reproach, more culturally correct than I could have possibly imagined and asks for very little in exchange for my love. My wife is in every respect a near perfect wife and I consider myself extremely lucky to have met her, regardless of what she looks like. The only time we have difficulties (and these are rare) is when smug all knowing tourists make smart arse comments about us or suggest that my wife is an ex-bar girl. My wife's attitude to those things is to dismiss those comments as the words of people who simply don't understand, mine is I am sad to say, on occasion, confront. The worst time we ever had was when we were with friends in a beer bar some years ago and a Canadian tourist walked up to her and fondled her, presuming she was a bar girl. It took a little while to sort that one out and it got messy at times but it ended with the tourist being arrested (at my insistence, not hers) for sexual assault and being fined heavily.

Yes my wife is dark skinned but from Sukhothai and not Issan, yes her family is very poor and yes, many Thai males would not regard her as the beauty that most western males do. I think that the mistakes most tourists, newbies and idiots make about us and couples like us is to assume the stereotype made popular by the western gutter press. Personally I think that's very sad that people can't see further than the end of their noses or think about alternative answers.

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

Boy do you seem lost! Your entire scenerio evolves around the trophy aspect of your girlfriend. I hope you can get out the grading mentality you present here, if not, can't see you holding onto any girl for long.......

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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What the OP has said might possibly offend some people, or assume he's uneducated, however the majority of it is right. The thing is an Overweight guy in is 50s with a 20 year old very attractive young Thai woman is not going to, or unlikey to reply to this. And if they do, they are probably kidding themselves. These relationship are based on money, what can you do for me and my family. There are younger older relationships in the west but very few of them last, and even those are usually based around money, not all of course but the most. When i look at some of the guys, i say to myself, theres no way he would pull a woman like that in his own country.

I know of a guy in his 40s that had never had a GF. He was a loner, didn't really socialise and spent most of his time playing pc games, he is a Dr of Science. He went to Thailand a met an 18 year old girl/woman, why? Because the only way he could find someone is to choose a woman who is was more vulnetable and insecure than him. A poor attractive village girl.

There are lots of marriages that are very happy ones, but the most are based around finances. The older guy will always defend his relationship because in his head hes got what he want, but i assure you there are lots of guy out there who have very insecure thoughs.

And my personal opinion of some of the couples i have seen is nothing more than legalised Paedophilia. Thats just my opinion.

If i'm not allowed to say that word, apologies.

See, I actually understand this - in the West he wasn't cool enough for a lot of women, didn't know how to approach them etc...

Here, he's a Dr (Good catch) and it doesn't really matter if he's COOL or not and women will approach him. It's not about vulnerability or insecurity, he sounds like he was just shy and a bit of a Nerd. May be a big turn off for todays ladette back in the West, but here its endearing to the ladies. Why should someone like this be denied a relationship?

EDIT - In regards to the OP, the only reason that you would be especially proud of a good looking or intelligent girlfriend, was if you were not these things - else it's just a good match and nothing out of the ordinary.

Now that is funny, Because i am now with his beautiful ex-wife. The reason being he couldn't give her what he wanted, love and affection, and they wanted different thing, an age thing you see, and most of all she admitted she wasn't attracted to him. When i first met her i asked why young Thai ladys go for older men and ones that are not to good looking (Not all of course). Her answer was that most Thai ladies believe an older man will be more trustworthy and financially reliable, and these were her exact word (They won't <deleted> other woman), as that was the only terminology she new. I convinced her that some younger good looking men are faithfull.

Now a couple of friends of hers married Western men that looked like the back end of a pit Pony. looks are not everything i know, but whether we like it or not, looks are the first thing that attracts someone in a genuine relationship. One of these guys when he met his 20 year old wife, told her he was 42, after they were married, he then told her he was 55. She stayed with him for a couple of years and eventuallly realised that money wasn't everything and found a younger man that she was physically attracted to. The odd thing his her other friend did exactly the same thing. This is some thing that happens very often. Of course in the meantime a house had been purchased in Thailand. However i believe they are now very happy.

The fact is there are a lot of men out there that are very very shy. I am quite shy myself, but that doesn't make me think to go and find a wife in Thailand or any other country such as this, dateing sites are quite good, much better than meeting someone in a bar. Most go for girls abroad knowing that they wont have to do much in the way of conversation, knowing that the lack of understand verbally between the two won't show his true personallity. There are many relationships that a true, wether your an older man or woman, but the majority of wester/asian relationships are fasle, or based on financial gain, and at the same time a younger catch for the man. If either party wants to be taken advantage of then it's their business.

I will mention that i can speak a little Thai, and the conversations my GF and her friends have had, all mentioned they want western husbands because they have got money. And at the same time they comment on me being young and good looking and suggesting to her not to trust me. Pure jealousy. They amount of comments that my GF and I have had, some good, some very bad is unbelievable. Most say we look very good together, but other woman look at my GF as though they want to kill her and say nasty things.

I'm just an average looking guy, and only 5 years older than my GF who is 25. But when we get stopped in the markets the Thai people comment to us that there only used to seeing much older men with young women.

Before all the TV cliche jump down my throat, i'm not saying all. Obviously all the TV members are genuine!

Edited by TommyGun
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Interesting thread. My GF considers me a trophy BF. And keeps on trying to show me off to her family and friends.

I'm with you Abrak. All this talk about farangs and their trophy girlfriends is getting boring. I think it is time that some of us

TV trophy studs start getting some accolades and respect ! :o and the dream goes on............ :D

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There are a lot of defensive posts on this thread.

I can see the argument from both sides, but it's more complex than most of the emotional posters seem to understand due to the difference in Eastern and Western culture. It's not finite and not fully understandable.

Is Asian love the same as European love? I don't think so.

Is love functional? I would say so, in all cases.

I may be wrong. People have differing opinions on these subjects.

Personally, I'm not proud of myself having a Thai g/f, although I was with regard to my Mongolian g/f. Thai women have a stigma attached to them, but they shouldn't as they're all unique individuals... it's an unfair World.

Different people want different things from a relationship, which is just natural really.

If both partners are happy, great. Maybe it's that simple.

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

So, where do you come from? You should post your picture, so we all can appreciate what a handsome & suave guy you must be.

I think it is 300 HK dollars for short time. :o

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Thais are great opportunists.....including members of the female kind.

If someone comes along who appears to be considerably richer and/or more influential (in her peer group) then she's goin' to seriously start reappraising her relationship with you....no questions asked.

It's all about money.

I am quite sure I can tell that all the girls you meet are like that. :o

I wish I can be like you sometimes but unfortunately most girls are after me not my money. Not easy to get rid of them, you know? I should learn more from you. Honestly speaking, I envy you.

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Where do you have her walk with you in the street? 3 metres in front or 3 metres behind? Curious behaviour.

Fashioned a retractable barge pole which can reduce to a couple of metres for those intimate moments. :o Behind or in front very much depends on the mood.

Curious behaviour? To me that might be something like a secret desire to wear pink frilly knickers. Feeling a touch self-conscious about publicly advertising being one of the thousands of western men who come here cos they can't get much lovin' at home (whether that's the case or not, we're all by default tarnished with that brush in my eyes), not so much curious, more like aware of what other people might be thinking. Should i give a sh#t what other people think? Many of you obviously don't - great for you.

And to all the posters who have valiantly rushed to defend the honour of their woman, this was never a slight on Thai women, who i happen to hold in high regard. I was poking fun at the farang men here, many of whom seem to be either seriously deluded or p#ssy whipped, or both.

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it's an unfair World.


If both partners are happy, great. Maybe it's that simple.

Sure. But that's the problem - in some cases one cannot help wondering how happy the Thai partner can really be. It's a serious unfairness if all you can expect in terms of happiness in life is a partner from your father or grandfather's generation, with few common interests or shared points of reference, with whom you can communicate at only a very basic level, and who expects you to act as a maid and translator in addition to other much less palatable duties. Happy to have money when that is not easy to come by, yes, but that is a very relative happiness. I am painting the extreme picture but I see these relationships frequently enough to say with confidence that they are not unusual.

One reason this bothers me is because I can see that the promotion of good, useful education for all Thais would often not be in the foreign partner's "interests" (the Thai person would not then need them) and the foreigner knows this and will even sometimes express it - sometimes even in the presence of the Thai. :o:D:D . In the Thai partner & in other Thais in the vicinity you can sometimes see or sense the humiliation they are feeling just by virtue of being in a relationship that is obviously based primarily on need.

I really don't think either partner in those relationships is very happy.

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