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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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I am proud of my Wife, I love her and she is my best Mate

and She is Thai

Just to copy someone's phrase I wholeheartedly agree with...

"I am proud of my Wife, I love her and she is my best Mate"

& I think you all know she is Thai,,,

Thanx bronco.


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I am proud of my Wife, I love her and she is my best Mate

and She is Thai

Just to copy someone's phrase I wholeheartedly agree with...

"I am proud of my Wife, I love her and she is my best Mate"

& I think you all know she is Thai,,,

Thanx bronco.


Me too, its all about selection ,some can some cant, my marriage is fine, it dosent matter where she is from but as it happens she is thai,
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If someone is ashamed of their girlfriend they really shouldn't be with them. Be proud of yourself and whoever you decide to spend your time with. If you are not proud of yourself and the woman you are with then maybe you are doing something wrong. If you think that you have to wear a woman on your arm as a trophy then you sadly misunderstand relationships to begin with. Yes, my girlfriend is 14 years younger than me and I could find the same in just about any other country in the world if I were looking for some beauty queen or young woman. It just so happens that I met her here and fell in love with her. I have had many girlfriends from many nationalities (both younger than myself and older) but never found someone as wonderful as the woman that I am with now. I am a large man and I forget to realize this sometimes, so when I see the two of us together I will sometimes laugh at the size difference. None-the-less, I am never ashamed of the incredibly intelligent, hardworking, and lovely woman that I plan to marry. If you have a problem with this then kindly jump in front of the next passing bus.

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As stated previously do you tell your GF you are ashamed? Why would you even date a woman you were not proud to have with you?

I am extremely proud to have my Thai wife by my side. Sure I wouldn't have trouble pulling girls back home (I am younger than the majority of the expats) but I grew up in a 97% white area. Vanilla ice cream is good, but do you want to eat it all the time? My mother has met my wife twice and loves her, now she will be coming back with me for a visit to meet my father, grandmother and friends. She is fluent (truly fluent) in English, has multiple degrees and has a very respectable job. Not only that she has wonderful manners as well.

A girl doesn't need an MA or have influential parents etc etc for most of us to be proud. I think a lot of the guys here are proud of their Thai partners because if they caught a quality girl they are nicer and harder working than alot of the girls back home, plus they are easy on the eyes to boot!

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I have been proud of every GF I was ever with or they wouldn't have been my GF. I am especially proud of my wife.

I disagree about it being more difficult to attract a women in the UK. Perhaps this is just the OP's experience.

I never had any problem attracting women in the West. Especially in the UK where the women loved my Irish accent and the twinkle in my eye.

I am curious as to why the OP is so bothered about other peoples girlfriends/wives?

Perhaps the Op would be better spending his time refining his chat up lines because if he thinks it is hard to get a girl in the UK he has big problems.

Hahaha.....more probably like the girls in UK aren't worth having :o

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gf? is there anything lie this in thailand? any and all relationships i have seen, by far not all ex-bargirls....are moneybased.....but again, i might be living in the wrong place (pattaya)...things might be different in bangkok or so....around here i definitely agree with the looser scenario...watching these fools with their who....on the pool is ridiculous and often disgusting....by the way.... i have found a young lady recently....she is not like the others, she is different....just kidding....

looking for better times and new hunting grounds....m.

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I have been proud of every GF I was ever with or they wouldn't have been my GF. I am especially proud of my wife.

I disagree about it being more difficult to attract a women in the UK. Perhaps this is just the OP's experience.

I never had any problem attracting women in the West. Especially in the UK where the women loved my Irish accent and the twinkle in my eye.

I am curious as to why the OP is so bothered about other peoples girlfriends/wives?

Perhaps the Op would be better spending his time refining his chat up lines because if he thinks it is hard to get a girl in the UK he has big problems.

Hahaha.....more probably like the girls in UK aren't worth having :o

Check out the posters in any average girls room. They are all young good looking guys with great bodies. So why do Thai girls go out with 3s and 4s? Because compared to the average young Thai guy their wallets are 9s and 10s. Having said that, girls are usually too self absorbed in their own minor imperfections to notice if a guy is as ugly as sin. Dont forget all the Thai girls with 3 and 4 rating boyfriends are getting lots of flak for it from the average Thai guy in the street. When I am shopping for things sometimes thai guys, usually businessmen hit on my wife. She always tells me and it surprises me that there is so little respect for the average Falang in Thai mainstream culture, they always assume she is available and with me on sufferance. They do it right to my face while smiling, secure they think that I dont understand and she wont tell

For the bulk of couples with great age disparity its good looks on one side and money on the other.

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

Im proud of my Thai wife she is the kindest person I ever met and Im even prouder to say I didnt find her hanging out at a bar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you probably think like this out of guilt from praying on povrety and buy sex !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Leaving out the true love scenario and addressing the suspect relationships, I really don't have enough interest when I see such couples to comment.

If I were asked to speculate on their reasons for being together I might suggest that there's a lack of self esteem in both parties and that each is using the other as a prop for the ego.

Fair trade?

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Besides my huge pot belly, my balding head, my broken twisted nose, my pock marked face, my hairy back and ears and my rancid smelly feet, I know that women find me absolutely irresistable....why is this so.....after long and careful deliberation, I can only put it down to my uncanny sense of dress when out on the pull....green cordoroy flared pants and a lovely red velor collared shirt...this drives em crazy :D:D:D:o

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For the bulk of couples with great age disparity its good looks on one side and money on the other.

Your statement is interesting in the sense that even when I see couples in Thailand with no age disparity it is also usually with good looks on the girls side but not much in looks or money on the other side.

I hate to break some of the bubble that some of the younger guys are living under, but just because many of us are over 60 doesn't mean some of us aren't in the 8,9 or 10 in the looks and muscle category. Walking down the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya, most of young guys that I have seen are not that great looking and would never qualify as a trophy or pinup for any girl of any nationality.

Even more important to most woman is maturity in the personality department which many younger guys seem to lack. The fact is that looks come and go in most people but personality is forever and is what you have to be able to live with on a day to day basis. I know on a personal level, I am many times the man I was 30 years ago when it comes to knowing how to respect and treat a woman in order to have a happy and productive life. :o

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Jetjock speaks for me.

Appearances can be deceptive.

I'm no longer young, bald as a coot and plain as a pikestaff.

But my wisdom, old world charm, impeccable manners and high intelligence have carried me through many conquests (and still do, occasionally).

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Jetjock speaks for me.

Appearances can be deceptive.

I'm no longer young, bald as a coot and plain as a pikestaff.

But my wisdom, old world charm, impeccable manners and high intelligence have carried me through many conquests (and still do, occasionally).

Totally agree. One more to add, has good 'sense of humor'. :o

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Why wish the OP jump in front of a bus or challenge him to a fight. This post has fostered some interesting replies. Many are madly in love with their partners and have taken offense to the OP. Others have made us all aware of their power to attract women of any nationality. Personally I can't help thinking some of the latter ilk are insecure and are trying to justify their Thai long and short term relationships.

A couple of the posters are proud of having a TGFs that are fluent in English, educated, financially well off and from a good family. Sure sounds like the girls in my home country - hmm. I wonder if other characteristics other than the ones just mentioned, are the real reason you have a TGF.

In Thailand most of us are comparable to the wealthy and successful in developed countries. I'm currently in America and am well off and successful(just ask me :o ). I can't wait to move back to Thailand for a myriad of reasons which include the chaos, food, affordability, lack of stress... Enjoying yourself sure seems much easier in Thailand than where I am now.

If you're shallow and are satisfied, good for you. If you're not then do something about it. Loving and supporting a poor TGF and her kids is noble regardless of age and attractiveness disparities. I might make superficial judgments, but oh well. Most in these type of relationships probably don't lose too much sleep over what I think without knowing their individual situation.

We are luckier in many respects than many Thais and we don't have to beat ourselfs up over it. If you're 20 years older and twice the size, you are going be superficially judged, in the same way you would be in America. Right or wrong, I make judgments like these everyday.

Edited by siamamerican
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I recall that Proud was one of "our" words from a few years or so back.

Sometimes we used to sit in bed reading Thai / English dictionaries (sometimes in Thailand you really can't make it up :D ) after we came up with a word we liked we would then find a way to talk about it / incorporate it into something. Some words "stuck" with us. Some did not.

When I told the Missus (then G/f) that I was proud of her (for doing / trying to do something), she went thoughtful on me and we discussed what proud meant, I got the impression that she understood what it meant (she had a dictionary!) but wanted to understand how seriously I was using the word.

I got the feeling that no one had told her that they were proud of her for a long time. if ever.

a ) So, am I proud of my wife? - Yes.

b ) Is it because she is Thai? - No. (being Thai is a small part of who she is, but by no means all - and I did not marry her simply for being Thai).

c ) Do we make a handsome couple walking down the street? - No! despite our similar ages she does look like a BG (the Tats don't help) and I do look like a drunken Sex Tourist (even when sober)........but I long ago stopped seeing what she looked like on the outside, although I am not so sure that she would say the same about me :o:D

d ) Do I understand what OP was saying? - Yes.......am I defensive about the Missus? - Yes

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I recall that Proud was one of "our" words from a few years or so back.

Sometimes we used to sit in bed reading Thai / English dictionaries (sometimes in Thailand you really can't make it up :D ) after we came up with a word we liked we would then find a way to talk about it / incorporate it into something. Some words "stuck" with us. Some did not.

When I told the Missus (then G/f) that I was proud of her (for doing / trying to do something), she went thoughtful on me and we discussed what proud meant, I got the impression that she understood what it meant (she had a dictionary!) but wanted to understand how seriously I was using the word.

I got the feeling that no one had told her that they were proud of her for a long time. if ever.

a ) So, am I proud of my wife? - Yes.

b ) Is it because she is Thai? - No. (being Thai is a small part of who she is, but by no means all - and I did not marry her simply for being Thai).

c ) Do we make a handsome couple walking down the street? - No! despite our similar ages she does look like a BG (the Tats don't help) and I do look like a drunken Sex Tourist (even when sober)........but I long ago stopped seeing what she looked like on the outside, although I am not so sure that she would say the same about me :o:D

d ) Do I understand what OP was saying? - Yes.......am I defensive about the Missus? - Yes

Great reply - never worry about what other people think (and I'm sure you don't).

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Funny to see all these posts, b'coz all are written by men, who fail to understand the fundamental difference between the men & women, go ask any woman >> looks are NOT the top attraction trigger for a female, we men go for looks first, but women put personality FirsT, so in female eyes ur looks are a minor inconvenience at most ! What come first is the status u project, support u provide etc . !!! Now we men fail to notice that in women >> REVERSE the Question > U all proudly accept ur thai wifeys as your extended family members, your moms/dads uncles etc. Now how integrated, and accepted member of a thai extended family ARE YOU ?!? think of that , and let us all know :o

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Proud happy family man.

Maybe the PC definition of "loser needs closer examination". Is a loser someone who wants more from life than living with an overweight, over opinionated, career and self obsessed third rate office underling?

There was even an idiotic comment on here about it being contrary to nature for a man to have a girlfriend more beautiful than he could get at home!

On the contrary, anybody who re-produces (ie has a family) is a winner in the game of life. The sole definition, since life first existed, of success is to breed. Therefore, a lot of dead end Pc genetic strains will be coming to an end in this generation, unless they get back to basics ie. realising how they got here and how the next generation will get here.

We can all get "wimmin" back home, but who wants one? Better to have a life, fun, friends and family anyday. If they were so happy with their lot, they wouldn't be constantly slagging us off over here.

We should all look round every morning at our families and thank the heavens for what we have. We are winners!!! To paraphrase the L'Oreal advert of the 90's. "Thai girlfriend/wife... because I'm worth it!!! :o "

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On the contrary, anybody who re-produces (ie has a family) is a winner in the game of life. The sole definition, since life first existed, of success is to breed. Therefore, a lot of dead end Pc genetic strains will be coming to an end in this generation, unless they get back to basics ie. realising how they got here and how the next generation will get here.

Generally, as populations become more educated, they reproduce less.

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Feeling a touch self-conscious about publicly advertising being one of the thousands of western men who come here cos they can't get much lovin' at home (whether that's the case or not, we're all by default tarnished with that brush in my eyes), not so much curious, more like aware of what other people might be thinking. Should i give a sh#t what other people think? Many of you obviously don't - great for you.

OK, now I see where you are coming from.

Not a question of not giving a shit what I think, if I didn't give a shit, I wouldn't have wasted my time replying. If you had included the above in the original, then I would have read it differently.

On a similar tack

A friend of mine has a Luk Krung daughter - he is around 50, she being 18, (and stunning to boot) the looks he gets when he goes out in town with her...some of the farang may as well spit on him, thinking he is with a hooker when it is his daughter. Imagine how he feels, a trip to tesco with your kid and you are branded a paedophile in some peoples eyes - it's just stereotypes.

As being tarnished with a brush, do you never think they are just jealous???

Saving up all year for their 2 week vacation in an exotic place, with the fat assed ugly missis and their two spoilt overweight kids, and they get here and see people actually HAPPY, with some beautiful Thai G/F or wife? just enjoying life - because they know that in two weeks they will be back to there dreary existence in their babysitted, politically correct little world far far away from "the obnoxious, ugly farang who cannot score without a banknote round their di??s.

They are probably seething inside and wondering why they didn't come over here, "why did eye marry the bitch" , "I could have had that kind of life" ....wondering what they are doing, slaving every hour to pay the mortgage, put food on the table and keeping up with the Jones's,

I know where I would rather be......

and proud of it!

well spoken albert could not have said better myself i have a long time thai g/f of 35 im 65 and just been to chiang ria for weekend bye god the looks i got you would think i was baby snatching

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

We all know that acquiring a nice gf here for any half respectable farang guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. Many guys here have clearly pulled way out of their league and had their gf been on a trip to the UK (not including bar girls in this statement) or whatever the country, when they met, what are the chances the girl would have chosen them? No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

I married my Thai girl friend in 1969 and she is still with me. Never really though of her as a trophy, just a life partner. But yes, I am proud of her. She has suffered me all these years.

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On the contrary, anybody who re-produces (ie has a family) is a winner in the game of life. The sole definition, since life first existed, of success is to breed. Therefore, a lot of dead end Pc genetic strains will be coming to an end in this generation, unless they get back to basics ie. realising how they got here and how the next generation will get here.

Generally, as populations become more educated, they reproduce less.

Doesn't sound very educated to make yourself extinct! but for many in the West it seems the way to go.

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On the contrary, anybody who re-produces (ie has a family) is a winner in the game of life. The sole definition, since life first existed, of success is to breed. Therefore, a lot of dead end Pc genetic strains will be coming to an end in this generation, unless they get back to basics ie. realising how they got here and how the next generation will get here.

Generally, as populations become more educated, they reproduce less.

Doesn't sound very educated to make yourself extinct! but for many in the West it seems the way to go.

We will all "become extinct" sooner or later.

China's still working with a 1-child policy, so concern about over-population is not confined to "the West".

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Generally, as populations become more educated, they reproduce less.

Besides my dazzling velor shirts and my "how about a banana smoothie?" cordoroys, I find that the chicks are almost always swept away once introduced to my 47 volume encyclopedia of the western plains bogon moth and its reproductive capabilities.....on a more sombre note, I'm sure the dwindling offspring is more to do with the trappings of capitalism....back when maekhong was 28 baht a tall bottle the feathers in our caps were irrelevant.

play the game, don't let it play you

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Like many of the guys who have posted, I am extremely proud of my thai fiance. Anyone who knows the thai people will understand the immense warmth and personality that emanates from them. She has a masters degree and has never needed a falang guy to look after her. She has also had to deal with racial stereotypes with her own family and village people. I think the original post is slightly racist but I can also relate to it. I have yet to take her home to show her off to my mates and have done a little soul-searching about what their reactions will be. My mum and dad visited last month and love her to bits as does my best mate who visited last year. The whole idea of taking her home to do the whole " this is my gf" thing horrifies me however. I really think that as long as i'm happy and confident that we both love each other then that is all that matters. I have never had a problem getting white chicks but am really tired of their money grubbing ways, worse than thais i reckon, but that could just be previous experience talking.

If I go home and my friends sneer or think i'm an idiot then so be it. They can go back to their overpriced mortgage and I'll go back to the land of smiles secure in the knowledge that i am truly blessed to have found such a loving, forgiving and genuinely beautiful person.

I will NEVER, however, get used to her eating pocky,watching cartoons and giggling like a schoolgirl a 7 in the morning!

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On the contrary, anybody who re-produces (ie has a family) is a winner in the game of life. The sole definition, since life first existed, of success is to breed. Therefore, a lot of dead end Pc genetic strains will be coming to an end in this generation, unless they get back to basics ie. realising how they got here and how the next generation will get here.

Generally, as populations become more educated, they reproduce less.

Doesn't sound very educated to make yourself extinct! but for many in the West it seems the way to go.

We will all "become extinct" sooner or later.

China's still working with a 1-child policy, so concern about over-population is not confined to "the West".

But the strange thing is every mainland chinese I know has brothers and sisters. :o

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