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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.

I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.

She had no toys.

She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.

She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.

She watched with a child's eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to repossess the refrigerator.

She worked in the fields enduring scorpion bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.

She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.

When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 baht needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck.

She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything. Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest, caring, hardworking, compassionate woman...and have no doubts about our feelings for each other.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

My wife and I are 4 years apart in age. She is a respected member of my family, and my community.

The OP's comment's are frankly, insulting. Not all Thai women are young bar girls. Most are hardworking women with more guts and fortitude than the OP could muster in a lifetime.

Am I proud of my Thai wife? I would do anything for her. I would die for her.

And if anyone said things like the OP in her presence.....I would defend her honor, with my fist.

Most are hardworking women with more guts and fortitude than the OP could muster in a lifetime.


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