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Famous Singer Tik Shiro Involved in Fatal Bangkok Car Accident, Two Dead


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4 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

I said from the start he had probably had a few after leaving a licensed premises at 4am with friends


But you bizarradly were trying to blame it on his glasses.


Don't forget the window tint !!!


I'm actually attributing the reasons that he didn't see the stopped motorcycle to handful of factors


1) Under the influence of alcohol (new info)

2) Wearing dark Glasses while driving (probably)

3) Dark tint on the windows (probably)

4) Drifted out of the driving lane (possibly - onto the shoulder - due to drink or visibility or both)

5) No / very poor lighting on the bridge (as per photos)

6) Motorcycle lights not working or turned off (possibly - not uncommon here for rear lights not to work)

7) Motorcycle not stopped fully out of the driving lane (possibly - careless parking is not uncommon)


All of the above are possible factors and causes for the incident - but I'd put the primary factors down to drink (new info) and him not being able to see clearly.



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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Don't forget the window tint !!!


I'm actually attributing the reasons that he didn't see the stopped motorcycle to handful of factors


1) Under the influence of alcohol (new info)

2) Wearing dark Glasses while driving (probably)

3) Dark tint on the windows (probably)

4) Drifted out of the driving lane (possibly - onto the shoulder - due to drink or visibility or both)

5) No / very poor lighting on the bridge (as per photos)

6) Motorcycle lights not working or turned off (possibly - not uncommon here for rear lights not to work)

7) Motorcycle not stopped fully out of the driving lane (possibly - careless parking is not uncommon)


All of the above are possible factors and causes for the incident - but I'd put the primary factors down to drink (new info) and him not being able to see clearly.




i put it down to 7 and the biggest killer on the road, speed.




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9 hours ago, MalcolmB said:


i put it down to 7 and the biggest killer on the road, speed.


Not the booze the…


Results have been released… 

His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was reported to be 0.106%.

Thailand’s legal limit for drivers is set at 0.05%.

So only 4x the DUI limit - you’ll be ok to drive like that won’t you MalcomB ???….

…. any incident is surely someone else’s fault for getting in the way…. 
After all… you are going fine (until someone stops in front of you !)

Note: it was also reported (in Thai media) that the Motorcycle was sticking out into the ‘driving lane’ by 20cm. 


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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was reported to be 0.106%.

Thailand’s legal limit for drivers is set at 0.05%.

So only 4x the DUI limit - you’ll be ok to drive like that won’t you MalcomB ???….

Sounds like you can not handle your booze if you think that is 4x the DUI limit.


He was speeding. I never speed after having a couple of beers.


So I would be fine to drive at 0.106%, but if I was four times over I wouldn’t, especially if I was wearing sunglasses and had tinted windows. 

Many places in the world the limit is 0.08%. So it is just slightly over. 


You won’t believe this but I actually got let off and allowed to drive home at .01% previously. The policeman could see I was fine to drive.

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17 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Sounds like you can not handle your booze if you think that is 4x the DUI limit.


He was speeding. I never speed after having a couple of beers.


So I would be fine to drive at 0.106%, but if I was four times over I wouldn’t, especially if I was wearing sunglasses and had tinted windows. 

Many places in the world the limit is 0.08%. So it is just slightly over. 


You won’t believe this but I actually got let off and allowed to drive home at .01% previously. The policeman could see I was fine to drive.

You’re the only person in the world not impacted by booze….  Well there is also the flash…. His metabolism is so fast that he can’t get drunk - he lives within the same world of ‘make believe’ as you do !!!  Through all know the flash is just film & stories… whereas you believe your own BS drunk driver….


(4x was a typo - it’s 2x, however that’s still driving while impaired & illegal - not for you of-course, you don’t get impaired by such low limits & the policemen let you go !! ) 

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11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You’re the only person in the world not impacted by booze….  Well there is also the flash…. His metabolism is so fast that he can’t get drunk - he lives within the same world of ‘make believe’ as you do !!!  Through all know the flash is just film & stories… whereas you believe your own BS drunk driver….


(4x was a typo - it’s 2x, however that’s still driving while impaired & illegal - not for you of-course, you don’t get impaired by such low limits & the policemen let you go !! ) 

I think you are missing the point as usual Dick.

The bar is set very low for the % because some people are affected by alcohol more than others. I seem to remember you saying that after a couple it affects you.


secondly, some people go stupid on the booze and drive faster than they normally would or more reckless. Which is why I am advocating if you do have a couple, make sure to drive at a very safe speed and follow all road laws.

This will not only stop you getting pulled over most of the time but it will save lives.

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1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

I think you are missing the point as usual Dick.

The bar is set very low for the % because some people are affected by alcohol more than others. I seem to remember you saying that after a couple it affects you.


I think YOU are missing the point...     DUI is illegal, even for fools who think using the world 'dick' to play on the name 'richard' is a clever thing to do... 


Do you think the bar should be set differently for you ??...  because you metabolise alcohol differently than anyone else ?...      


1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

secondly, some people go stupid on the booze and drive faster than they normally would or more reckless. Which is why I am advocating if you do have a couple, make sure to drive at a very safe speed and follow all road laws.


I do get your point, if having one or two beers and remaining under the legal limit to drive, of course behaviour is more readily moderated. 

However, you champion the example of someone unable to moderate their behavior given the idiocy of some of your comments on this forum - a sensible limit for someone such as yourself who is so capable of pulling the wool over their own eyes really should be zero !!!.. 


1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

This will not only stop you getting pulled over most of the time but it will save lives.


You know what saves lives ???  Idiots who don't believe they are beyond the law and attempt to apply their own interpretation of DUI rules and how alcohol impacts them. 


Additionally, while I have no proof other than the reckless disregard you have shown in previous comments... I don't believe you stop at two cans of beers etc...  you just drink whatever you want and think you can drive carefully because you decided to 'go slowly'....  Those halfwitted attitudes are what causes accidents.... 


I'm sure Tik Shiro thought... He's ok... He's only had a few beers, if he drives carefully it'll be ok - just like all the other drink drivers who end killing people - you all suffer from the same antisocial delusion. 




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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I'm sure Tik Shiro thought... He's ok... He's only had a few beers, if he drives carefully it'll be ok -

That was his mistake, he wasn’t, he was speeding. A classic example of someone that should not have been drinking.

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I don't believe you stop at two cans of beers etc...  you just drink whatever you want and think you can drive carefully because you decided to 'go slowly'...

You are correct.

But there have been times I knew I had had too much and then I got a taxi, slept it off or got a ride.

That happened three weeks ago, I knew I was gone, I handed my keys over the bar, only a short trip but I still didn’t risk it.

Some people shouldn’t drink at .05 and will drive like idiots some people are ok at .15%,  will drive safely. 
I know you don’t agree, but it is the reality.


We don’t really know if Tik would have hit them if he had not of had a drink at all, he was speeding and they had stopped on a narrow bridge.

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He don't have to run, he's famous and can afford it. Already apologized and ready to move on with his life. 

They just need to figure out how much 2 lives are worth............


Edited by balo
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11 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

We don’t really know if Tik would have hit them if he had not of had a drink at all, he was speeding and they had stopped on a narrow bridge.

How fast was he going? 
& where has it been mentioned that he was speeding.


He was over the limit & wearing dark glasses - they why he failed to react. 

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On 10/10/2024 at 5:06 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Just in case there is someone else out there who never heard about this famous person.

I can confirm I also never saw him before.




He's a Jackie Chan impersonator?


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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

How fast was he going? 
& where has it been mentioned that he was speeding.

Oh gawd.


Maybe you should start reading the facts before making up your own conspiracy theory ranting.

You really make yourself look very stupid the way you carry on with all your nonsense.


On 10/11/2024 at 4:45 AM, Georgealbert said:

Overcome with grief, the victims’ mother questioned Tik Shiro, asking why he had been driving so fast, leading to the tragic death of her daughter and the critical injuries of her son. Tik Shiro, visibly shaken, knelt down to apologize at the spot where Ms. Thianporn had been found, expressing his sorrow for the tragedy.


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6 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

How fast was he going? 
& where has it been mentioned that he was speeding.

Oh gawd.


Maybe you should start reading the facts before making up your own conspiracy theory ranting.

You really make yourself look very stupid the way you carry on with all your nonsense.


On 10/11/2024 at 4:45 AM, Georgealbert said:

Overcome with grief, the victims’ mother questioned Tik Shiro, asking why he had been driving so fast, leading to the tragic death of her daughter and the critical injuries of her son. Tik Shiro, visibly shaken, knelt down to apologize at the spot where Ms. Thianporn had been found, expressing his sorrow for the tragedy.


‘Overcome with grief, the victims mother……’

… asked a question - and you call substance of that question a fact ???


AW gawd indeed….     Such is the utter stupidity of you level It’s embarrassing being associated with you in this discussion.




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On 10/11/2024 at 4:45 AM, Georgealbert said:

Ms. Jinnipa, 24, the younger sister of the victims, who was also riding on the motorcycle, explained that the three siblings were on the bike when a water bottle she had dropped caused them to stop. Her brother, Jakrapat, pulled the motorcycle over to the side of the bridge while she went to retrieve the bottle. It was at this moment that the van came speeding towards them

14 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

‘Overcome with grief, the victims mother……’

… asked a question - and you call substance of that question a fact ???


AW gawd indeed….     Such is the utter stupidity of you level It’s embarrassing being associated with you in this discussion.




Predictable nonsense.

So the people at the scene are all wrong, and Mr Know It All from the Internet who wasn’t there is right.

A complete Dick.



If you had of watched the Thai news you would know that Tic admitted going to speeding and apologized, Jinnapa was there and saw it.

But Dick, who was asleep at the time, miles from the scene, refutes this and is blaming Tic’s glasses that he was not wearing while driving.
Are you going to make a police report?


You just can’t make this stuff up.

But you did.


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35 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Predictable nonsense.

So the people at the scene are all wrong, and Mr Know It All from the Internet who wasn’t there is right.

A complete Dick.



If you had of watched the Thai news you would know that Tic admitted going to speeding and apologized, Jinnapa was there and saw it.




cene, refutes this and is blaming Tic’s glasses that he was not wearing while driving.
Are you going to make a police report?


You just can’t make this stuff up.

But you did.



ok.. childish name calling aside... 


Where was it reported that Tik was speeding ? where is there any witness statement that he was speeding ?



Who are these people at the scene you are talking off ???...

.... his was on a bridge... do you think there were 'other people' standing around on the bridge and witnessed this incident ???


... On the scene at the time of the event were 5 people (if I'm not mistaken)

- 3 with the motorcycle (1 dead, 1 in hospital serious injured and another)

- 2 in the car (Tik and a female who appears to be with him)



Tik admitted to breaking the speed limit in the Thai media ?  really - share that link, I have not seen any Thai media where he admits to breaking the speed limit on that road.


Jinnapa was there... did she see the van approaching ?

Did she make any statement as to the speed of the approaching van ?

(if she did make a statement how the van's speed) How can she possibly guess the 'speed' and know the van was speeding ? 




You are doubling down on every possible way to argue that it was everything else other than the obvious - booze and poor visibility that cased this accident.

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On 10/11/2024 at 4:45 AM, Georgealbert said:

It was at this moment that the van came speeding towards them


25 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Where was it reported that Tik was speeding ?



25 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

How can she possibly guess the 'speed' and know the van was speeding ? 

She saw it.

You didn’t but you know? 
Tic admitted it, but you know he wasn’t.





If you want to believe your nonsensical wearing dark glasses when driving conspiracy theory, when he wasn’t, then that’s ok, you can believe it.


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6 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:





How fast was he going ??


The female presenters simply stated 'fast' - that's not evidence or even indication that he was speeding...    its just her opinion that from the CCTV is looks like he's going 'fast'...  


The CCTV footage does now show Tic speeding - it just shows the van's travelling.

It also shows the car travelling in the opposite direction taking a similar amount of time to cross the screen - thus travelling at a similar speed.


Speed limit on that road is likely to be 80kmh...   

Does the footage show he was exceeding that ? 

IMO - its impossible to tell from that footage... 


Again - where is the proof that he was speeding ?? - there is none.



BUT - there is proof that he was DUI... and he was wearing dark glasses in every photo. 

Speeding may 'also be involved'....  


In fact - as he was likely to be wearing dark glasses, and was 2x the legal driving limit his reactions would have been slower to a) initially see the motorcycle, and b) to react to it - so if travelling faster than he 'could see' - i.e. outdriving his vision and reaction, then yes, speed is a factor - but there is no evidence of 'speeding'.... 







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