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How Do You Deal With Snoring?

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I have had the surgery. Didn't work.

Been to the sleep lab, they said I had a problem with snoring. Their suggestion was to hook a machine up that would help with sleep apnia? Not sure how to spell that. Very uncomfortable way to deal with the problem.

Sometimes it could be brought on by allergies; make sure the room is clean of items that can accumulate dust ie carpet, there are also pillow and mattress protectors u can get that may help.

Sometimes it can be associated with being overweight?

Alcohol or certain medication can make it louder.

Sometimes it is just passed on in the genes, my whole family are affected. Even my young son nearly 2 has that nasal type sound happening at night, poor kid.

The best remedy is sometimes sleep in another room, unfortunately.

Good luck

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My dad has the machine, its called a CPAP, he said at first it was uncomfortable but now he doesn't even know its there and says that the major increase in his own well-being was worth the initial discomfort.

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My dad has the machine, its called a CPAP, he said at first it was uncomfortable but now he doesn't even know its there and says that the major increase in his own well-being was worth the initial discomfort.

Unfortunately my specialist doctor thought I would have too much trouble coping with this machine, so I have not used one; I have heard from some people the improvement it gives and also some that have only had minor improvement.

Its a terrible thing snoring not only for the people sleeping but also for the snorer.

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Tell me about it. hubby is a bit congested and actually woke me up from a sound sleep with his snoring twice :o I can't get mad as he isn't doing it on purpose, but it does make sleep interesting :D

My dad also has emphysema so that is perhaps one of the reasons why he has had such a major benefit, I don't know, just know he loves it now.

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This is actually a very very serious problem.

Snoring almost certainly means sleep apnea and that means serious strain on the heart and a heart attack is just around the corner. Get hubby to a sleep clininc asap. If sleep apnea is diagnosed then either get the surgery where they cut the flap of skin from the back of the throat, worked for me cost me $5,000 dollars to get it done in Houston probably cheaper here, or a CPAP or BIPAP machine.

Do not delay, trust me this is a serious medical condition.

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think the last part of your statement is right sego, try & see the cuteness a few years down the line, night in, night out especially if you have been up feeding a new born & can't get back to sleep cause his snoring is so loud!!! :o

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Well, this has certainly been a very topical thread for me. The husband and I both have colds, his, naturally, producing snores on a level of Mt Krakatoa blowing.

After 5 sleep deprived nights in a row, CalicoConsulting's remedy is starting to appeal..... :o

Good one JD, but kinda gross when one visualizes it

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