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Two Thumbs Up For Home Massage


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An endorsement for Home Massage:

I was traveling for a couple of weeks, carrying around bags and heavy boxes; came back to Chiang Mai last Friday night, and awoke Saturday morning with unbearable pain in my upper back, left side. I went to Home Massage, which despite its Loi Kroh address gives a very high-quality legit massage. I explained my pain and got the full consultation of, first, a regular masseuse, then their Ajaan, who identified the source of the pain, and then their "old pro" granny who beat me to a pulp. I've probably had over a hundred Thai massages at various places, including Home, but I must say that I was impressed this time by their expertise in locating the offending tendon (or whatever) and their skill in working it out. Granny pummeled me in ways I have never been pummeled before. I am man enough to admit that I even whimpered once or twice. Within 24 hours I was 80% better.

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Glad you had a good experience there. I went to Home Massage for a foot massage last week & had a very different experience. I'd just run a triathlon & wanted a foot massage mostly for relaxation. I ended up with probably the least enjoyable foot massage I've ever had. Partly this was due to the chair being uncomfortable (even with pillows stuffed stuffed around me). But the woman working on me had a sour expression on her face the whole time & seemed to spend most of the massage rubbing the bones around my ankles & on top of my feet. At the end, my girlfriend & I were given hot bale drink with ants in it. I decided not to go back to Home Massage. Maybe now I'll rethink that, though if I do go again it'll be Thai massage for sure.

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The old grannys are the best. My fav place, I often opt for the...ahem...non-frisky practitioners, if I want a real Thai massage. 2 hours, 200 B, and leave fully worked, but floating about a foot off the ground....

Must be a different work ethic, and/or years of practice, that make the older ladies so good.

That reminds me of the story about the Chinese grandma in Penang, best dang....whoops I forgot, wrong forum.... :o


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Been going and recommending this place for years. Its the best (IMHO) massage in CM.

Always go for a 2 hour massage and get 'Pop' to administer it.. she's the best of the "granny's" there. She's good cos she's been doing it for over 20 years.. Miss Popular as the boss calls her.

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An endorsement for Home Massage:

I was traveling for a couple of weeks, carrying around bags and heavy boxes; came back to Chiang Mai last Friday night, and awoke Saturday morning with unbearable pain in my upper back, left side. I went to Home Massage, which despite its Loi Kroh address gives a very high-quality legit massage. I explained my pain and got the full consultation of, first, a regular masseuse, then their Ajaan, who identified the source of the pain, and then their "old pro" granny who beat me to a pulp. I've probably had over a hundred Thai massages at various places, including Home, but I must say that I was impressed this time by their expertise in locating the offending tendon (or whatever) and their skill in working it out. Granny pummeled me in ways I have never been pummeled before. I am man enough to admit that I even whimpered once or twice. Within 24 hours I was 80% better.

wish I had known that about 2 weeks ago. My lower back gave me some pain from doing some stuff around the garden, its slowly got better after getting some antiflam and a back brace to keep it supported.

Will keep that in mind next time thanks. :o

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My feet? They're like rose petals! Not really, but they were thoroughly disinfected before the massage as usual. But I may partly be to blame for her sour expression - I'm sure I didn't look too happy either!

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