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Whilst looking for something else I came across http://vetusware.com/ includes dozens of old PC games, Alley Cat, Commander Keen, Space Quest, The Incredible Machine, Arkanoid, Lemmings, Leisure Suit Larry in the land of the lounge lizards etc. etc.

Most of these are less than a meg and run on a 4.7 MHz XT in 512k (yes that's MEGAHERTZ and KILOBYTES) with CGA or EGA graphics.

I've tried a few and they seem to run nicely under XP in a DOS window.

Brush up your keyboard control skills and return to your youth. Enjoy :o:D

"Newest doesn't mean best" :D

Edited by Crossy
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Guest Reimar

"Newest doesn't mean best" :o

That's totally right! For my son I installed on hims XP computer MS Virtual PC because I've some old Games which works with just 256 colors and XP didn't work on it. So installed VPC and Win98 under VPC and can run the games very well!

Some of this old games for some reason better than the new one special for kids!

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Technically they aren't legal. Often the games just lacks anyone that can enforce the copyright. However, I'm happy the sites exists since one can experience an old painting years later but many times not games...this offsets this problem somewhat. Especially for some games one might have bought 2-3 times. (First for Dos, then for W95, then for XP - all requiring special builds and anniversary-releases).

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Most of these are less than a meg and run on a 4.7 MHz XT in 512k (yes that's MEGAHERTZ and KILOBYTES) with CGA or EGA graphics.

He speaks my language.... he speaks my language ..... add the words peek, poke and sprite and you'll tip me over the edge.

Ok, I need to kill lemmings, old habits die hard and it's been such a long time .... but I have a Mac ..... I know, tell wifey that I need to fix one of the Pc's from the shop.... that'll work, sure it will, it's gotta work, need to kill lemmings, need to kill lemmings.


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