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Not reported in the Bangkok post but in the Thai language press is the is the law enforcement officer who shot and killed a young man because he did not stop when signalled to by the polieman who was drunk at the time.

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Not reported in the Bangkok post but in the Thai language press is the is the law enforcement officer who shot and killed a young man because he did not stop when signalled to by the polieman who was drunk at the time.

This young man was not a farang, I presume? Not important then.

Oops, sorry, started thinking like a Thai newspaper editor.... :o

Not reported in the Bangkok post but in the Thai language press is the is the law enforcement officer who shot and killed a young man because he did not stop when signalled to by the polieman who was drunk at the time.

Yes, sir, don't run a road block in Thailand...Or maybe in other countries, too? :o

Yes, sir, don't run a road block in Thailand...Or maybe in other countries, too?

First offence, drunken cop, death penalty?

Yep. In Thailand, that seems to be the case. doesn't it ? :D

As for first offence, well, I doubt this is an issue when anyone runs a roadblock, anywhere...

Drunk cop? Well, I take most news reports here with a grain of salt. It's a habit formed after a period of time here....Who says the cop was drunk, and how did they ascertain this? And plenty of people have gotten shot up running roadblocks by cops that weren't drunk, so......

Death penalty? Too harsh for my taste, unless maybe if the guy on the bike was trying to run down the cop- as has happened a few times in Bkk recently when cops have tried to stop the racers at night...

I wasn't there, so I can know what the true story is....But I do know that many news stories contain inaccuracies of some kind.....

The guy should have stopped, na'? :o

I was driving with my wife and pulled over for crossing a solid white line. There was the usual alternatives given to me thru' my wife then the officer said 300 Baht. The wife shouted "what!" jumped out of the car and ran around, grabbed the officer by the lapels and banged him against the car. There was a fair amount of shouting (by her), I wondered what was going to happen next and whether I should help the officer - but she released him strode back, slammed the car door and shouted at me - "Give him 50 Baht - go!"

I did as I was told and the officer gingerly gave me back my licence and checked over his shoulder to ensure that his mates weren't watching.

On another occasion after someone had damaged one of her pick-ups she went to the local cop shop and, when no one offered any help, went round the back of the counter and started shouting at the dozen or so coppers lounging around - telling them no wonder they were so lowly paid as they were such a lazy bunch . . . :D

Did you marry Thaksin's daughter? :o

A few years back I got talked into drinking with some local cops near my brother in laws place in prachinburi. I had a few beers and everything was fine. Then they brought out the wiskey. I warned them that wiskey turns me into a mean S.O.B. ( It's like putting on a superman cape)but they insisted on it. They told me not to worry that I was with the police. I don't remember everything exactly but my wife said they called her to come and take me home. Apparently they do not like to be put in a head lock. Every time I see them now the always say "no wiskey for you" The wife told me my brother in law had to smooth things over with them. i am still not exactly sure what happened that night. :D

Brilliant. :o:D

I have nothing to add to this thread because I have just posted what would have been a suitable and relevant contribution to the 'Litter Fines' thread in Fun/Food/FarangEntertainment.

How could I paste it here? Perhaps the mods could move it for me, the litter fine thread will sink pretty soon anyway.

Dunno - but I once got a 1,000bht fine for dropping a fag end on Kaosan Rd - a road that has no public bins except for a couple of big wheelies at the Burger King end of the st.

Unfortunatly for me, I had just gone to a cashpoint to draw out 30,000 for a flight to Johannesburg and had the cash in my hand as the policeman tapped me on the shoulder holding up my still smoking dog-end.

A very devious way of getting money from the unsuspecting farang, but hey, at least his wife can now get that new rice cooker she needed

There you go Scampy :o

Dunno - but I once got a 1,000bht fine for dropping a fag end on Kaosan Rd - a road that has no public bins except for a couple of big wheelies at the Burger King end of the st.

Unfortunatly for me, I had just gone to a cashpoint to draw out 30,000 for a flight to Johannesburg and had the cash in my hand as the policeman tapped me on the shoulder holding up my still smoking dog-end.

A very devious way of getting money from the unsuspecting farang, but hey, at least his wife can now get that new rice cooker she needed

There you go Scampy :o

Cheers Random... That's because I helped you earlier wasn't it. :D:D


I don't worry to much about Thai Police, I just try not to look furtive and suspicious, which is exactly what happens when any cop starts looking at you,


I try to always have a minimum of 10G baht on me for any possible shake down, excuse me, I mean "misunderstanding",

I am more uneasy about the Thai Military at the air base outside Pattaya, a scary bunch even on a good day ....

The guy should have stopped, na'?


The stone cold sober cop shot the pillion passenger as well but he is in hospital.

Sorry if I don't share you admiration for these criminals in uniform.



A couple of pals came round yesterday, who have done the same.

While the wives made somtam (and talked about motherhood----mostly the trials and tribulations of 'mothering' their farang husbands), we drank our beer Chang and agreed how lucky we had been to get such formidable women on our side.

We came to the conclusion that having it so hard in childhood had given them experiences from which they had developed strengths and abilities far in excess of what our schooled childhoods had done. (We have over 40 years of incarceration in 'educational' institutions between us. The wives have 4 years of village 'school' between them).

I have said it before, and I'll say it again. Any single man who flies into Don Muang Terminal 1 or 2 should be advised to go straight to the Domestic Terminal and fly straight up to Isaan.

A few years back I got talked into drinking with some local cops near my brother in laws place in prachinburi. I had a few beers and everything was fine. Then they brought out  the wiskey. I warned them that wiskey turns me into a mean S.O.B. ( It's like putting on a superman cape)but they insisted on it.  They told me not to worry that I was with the police. I don't remember everything exactly but my wife said they called her to come and take me home. Apparently they do not like to be put in a head lock. Every time I see them now the always say "no wiskey for you" The wife told me my brother in law had to smooth things over with them. i am still not exactly sure what happened that night. :D

Brilliant. :o:D

I have nothing to add to this thread because I have just posted what would have been a suitable and relevant contribution to the 'Litter Fines' thread in Fun/Food/FarangEntertainment.

How could I paste it here? Perhaps the mods could move it for me, the litter fine thread will sink pretty soon anyway.

I think you might be right Scampy. This thread seems to be running out of puff.

The guy should have stopped, na'?


The stone cold sober cop shot the pillion passenger as well but he is in hospital.

Sorry if I don't share you admiration for these criminals in uniform.

Please don't be so stupid as to try to put stupid words of yours in my mouth :o

Please don't be so stupid as to try to put stupid words of yours in my mouth 

From what I see you don't need any help from anyone you are more than capable of stupidity.

So you think the guning down of two unarmed young men, one dead the other hospitalised is OK?

Some ajarn.

Some people on this forum appear to pride themselves on the fact that they know cops - as if it's some kind of "get out of jail free" card. Well, good luck to you, but nobody should need such contacts in a descent, non-corrupt society.

I am pissed off with the Thai cops right now because I just got mugged by a cop in Bangkok. I feel like writing to the Bangkok post about it, but I don't know if it'll do any good.

I was leaving Bangkok for Phuket (where I have had no problems with the police) and was heading for the toll-way entrance in Petchaburi Road. I was in the right hand lane of Wittayu Road and turned right into Petchaburi Road. I made no driving errors, signalled correctly and still was pulled over by a corrupt b*stard at the entrance of the toll-way. He said I took too long to move into the lane. F*cking lie. He said I should have got into the extreme right hand lane quicker. F*cking rubbish - there were no cars in front or behind me, so I moved over with my indicator on in a deliberate and calm manner. Still the b*stard drew a little map of two lanes on the back of the "ticket" and said I should have moved over quicker. F*ucking rubbish. The problem for me of course was that there were no cars in front or behind - so there were no witnesses. And he could see me looking for the toll-way entrance as I was coming up the road. And, STUPID ME, I actually thought he was waving to me to HELP me. What a f*cking stupid farang I am! There was me thinking, "oh, another friendly cop wants to know how he can help me get to my destination" and then he writes 1.000 baht on a f*cking ticket! I should've known - it was the 20th of the month and his money was all gone. How was the poor little b*stard going to get to the end of the month? "Highway robbery" I believe is the correct terminology. But instead of a masked man on horseback, it's a man in brown standing like he's John Wayne in the middle of the road.

So my Thai girlfiend explained that we were looking for the tollway entrance and moved right when we saw it. He said again I did not move over quick enough. She said "but YOU made us move over by waving your hand". His face dropped - she said it went a little pale, but he pointed back to the two lanes again on the ticket. We both argued with him out of sheer shock and indignation at the lies he was telling. Jesus Christ - I'd just driven 860 Km without any problems and one f*cking bent cop ruins the whole experience. I knew he was lying, he knew he was lying and he knew that I knew he was lying. But what can you do? So I say I don't want the paper and he says 300 baht. So I hand it out to him and he coughs and looks around and puts his arm all the way into my truck window. Then he takes it where no one can see.

Until Thailand gets rid of crooks like him and gets a police force worthy of the name, foreigners - and Thais - will always treat the police like a bunch of crooks, even the good ones (of which there are many in Phuket where I live). Well done Phuket police. <deleted> you, Bangkok. :o

I got stopped very close to that same intersection. Cop asked me where i was going-Told him i was going to work. What was my job? told him worked with computers--asked me if i had any computers for sale cheap. I siad no and he let me go. :D

The guy should have stopped, na'?


The stone cold sober cop shot the pillion passenger as well but he is in hospital.

Sorry if I don't share you admiration for these criminals in uniform.

Please don't be so stupid as to try to put stupid words of yours in my mouth 

From what I see you don't need any help from anyone you are more than capable of stupidity.

So you think the guning down of two unarmed young men, one dead the other hospitalised is OK?

Some ajarn.

Listen carefully, please.

I'm happy to enter into any intelligent conversation you want, and we don't have to agree...I really try hard to be balanced, honest, realistic, and without hidden agenda. I call 'em as I see them, and I don't try to hide that fact in any way.

But I HATE it when someone tries to twist my words into their own agenda, then tries to attack and accuse me with that crap. I don't do it to you, and I don't accept that from you. I don't suffer fools lightly.

I'm a man of my word, by MY word. I stand by anything and everything I say. I'm straight up here. If you can show me as anything except honest, reasonable and realistic, then please show that to me. I will listen, but, again, I don't suffer fools lightly. And when my honour or integrity is attacked with even small sideways bullshit, I will respond. I have nothing to hide, and no reason to fear being honest and open about what I write here. Just deal with me straightforward and honestly, and don't read different meanings into my words. If you have a concern or question, share it with me. But don't ###### with me, please.

Hey, I know I come off strong. I feel strongly, too. I'm a cut-to-the-chase kinda guy. I also realize that some have fragile egos, or whatever, and some get angry or resentfull towards me, but let me know through slimey ways. I don't have patience for that, and I always respond directly to that person, as a number of folks can attest to. I'm also not anonymous here, as you are. As 'Ajarn', my real name and history is known to many in CM, even in this forum. I am what I say I am, and I live the way I talk. I challenge anyone to show different. Some like me, some don't. I truly believe my honesty would not be questioned. But, I'm no angel, either. And I'm wrong plenty of times :o

Anyway, I will respond to your sideways questions more thoroughly.

My responses were simply to a third hand translation of a news story. No real details or answers or even clues except an unnamed source saying the cop was drunk...That just doesn't make anything clear or black and white enough to go off with heady statements of blame. There are many reasons why a biker would be fired on, and I even presented evidence of that. I thought I might have been bringing a bit more balanced reason to the conversation. Of course it's tragic that anyone is killed, but we don't smply know enough of the facts to start flinging such allegations of blame. Get some facts. Reality of life here is, the police here are unpredictable, and often dangerous. And it is not at all uncommon for police to fire on vehicles running roadblocks. Thai's riding bikes are well aware of all that, too. He should have stopped, na'?

And of the response that you quoted earlier in your accusation, 'he should have stopped, na'?' Well, where is the nefarious hidden message in there? Did I say anything else where my true meaning or opinion was not stated absolutely clearly? I would honestly like to hear if my sense of reality is so far off base. That would worry me.

And as granny used to say...###### 'em if they can't take a joke! :D

Did you marry Thaksin's daughter? :o

No, a deceased rice farmers' daughter from Issan whom I met in a bar :D

I hope you mean "the daughter of a deceased rice farmer"

Pedants of the world ....... UNITE!


Thaigirls are afraid police, army, teacher or others in uniform.

You mean thaihoes.

Does he... looks like he said Thaigirls to me ! :o

Some people on this forum appear to pride themselves on the fact that they know cops - as if it's some kind of "get out of jail free" card. Well, good luck to you, but nobody should need such contacts in a descent, non-corrupt society.

I am pissed off with the Thai cops right now because I just got mugged by a cop in Bangkok. I feel like writing to the Bangkok post about it, but I don't know if it'll do any good.

I was leaving Bangkok for Phuket (where I have had no problems with the police) and was heading for the toll-way entrance in Petchaburi Road. I was in the right hand lane of Wittayu Road and turned right into Petchaburi Road. I made no driving errors, signalled correctly and still was pulled over by a corrupt b*stard at the entrance of the toll-way. He said I took too long to move into the lane. F*cking lie. He said I should have got into the extreme right hand lane quicker. F*cking rubbish - there were no cars in front or behind me, so I moved over with my indicator on in a deliberate and calm manner. Still the b*stard drew a little map of two lanes on the back of the "ticket" and said I should have moved over quicker. F*ucking rubbish. The problem for me of course was that there were no cars in front or behind - so there were no witnesses. And he could see me looking for the toll-way entrance as I was coming up the road. And, STUPID ME, I actually thought he was waving to me to HELP me. What a f*cking stupid farang I am! There was me thinking, "oh, another friendly cop wants to know how he can help me get to my destination" and then he writes 1.000 baht on a f*cking ticket! I should've known - it was the 20th of the month and his money was all gone. How was the poor little b*stard going to get to the end of the month? "Highway robbery" I believe is the correct terminology. But instead of a masked man on horseback, it's a man in brown standing like he's John Wayne in the middle of the road.

So my Thai girlfiend explained that we were looking for the tollway entrance and moved right when we saw it. He said again I did not move over quick enough. She said "but YOU made us move over by waving your hand". His face dropped - she said it went a little pale, but he pointed back to the two lanes again on the ticket. We both argued with him out of sheer shock and indignation at the lies he was telling. Jesus Christ - I'd just driven 860 Km without any problems and one f*cking bent cop ruins the whole experience. I knew he was lying, he knew he was lying and he knew that I knew he was lying. But what can you do? So I say I don't want the paper and he says 300 baht. So I hand it out to him and he coughs and looks around and puts his arm all the way into my truck window. Then he takes it where no one can see.

Until Thailand gets rid of crooks like him and gets a police force worthy of the name, foreigners - and Thais - will always treat the police like a bunch of crooks, even the good ones (of which there are many in Phuket where I live). Well done Phuket police. <deleted> you, Bangkok. :o

I know this spot very well, one of the cops there drive a fancy Honda Steed which costs second hand approx. ten times his monthly salary.

They stopped me once and the policeman was extremely rude, I never show them my drivers license, just a copy. They tell me that this can not be and want to write a ticket or take me to the station, "that's fine" I reply then.

Then I can go, I've never met a cop who was actually willing to go to the station with me.



It is a internationally known fact that Thai cops are very corrupted.

The reason is obvious. The Government closes its eyes on this issue.

The fault lies with the Government, not the cops.

As an example, in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, the corruption is kept well under

control. They have a Government Anti Corruption Agencies to combat corruption.

In Hong Kong, they have the 'ICAC' (Independent Commission for Anti Corruption).

In Malaysia, they have the 'ACA' (Anti Corruption Agency).

As a result, many police officers and other Government officers, were arrested, convicted,

and then sent to jail. Not very long ago a Government minister from East Malaysia, was

being investigated by the ACA..... and will be charged in court soon.

Therefore, the cops here will think twice before they ever think of being corrupted.

I will not say that, corruption will fade away..... but with the ACA going after them,

the level of corruption will be kept under control. For your info, all civil and Government

servants here have to declare their assets to Government..... like buying a house, car,

money in the bank and so on. Anything out of the ordinary, the ACA will come into the picture.

For your info, how the ACA goes into action. Assuming a report is made to the ACA, the agency

will provide the marked money, then lay a trap, and the corrupted officer will be arrested,

and then charged in court. If convicted, a jail sentence is very likely in most cases.

Even one day jail is enough, and he will be sacked, and he loses his pension.

Coming back to Los, I ask this hypothetical question. Are they willing to start an Anti

corruption agency to combat corruption. I will answer this. " Not in this century ".

That is what Thailand is all about.

Coming back to Los, I ask this hypothetical question. Are they willing to start an Anti

corruption agency to combat corruption. I will answer this. " Not in this century ".

That is what Thailand is all about.

Wrong. Thailand has the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) which actually was an effective body until Thaksin came to power and corrupted it to save his own ass...Now, it's effectiveness has been muted by Thaksin's government policy corruption.

And I don't believe corruption is under control in Malaysia or Singapore, but the freedom to talk much about it in public sure is.... :o

But, don't worry. Thaksin is doing all he can to be just like Malaysia and Singapore. He's said so on a number of occasions

Thaigirls are afraid police, army, teacher or others in uniform.

Had a Thai g/f in the Highway Police. Looked smashing in uniform :o

better without :D:D:D

I know this spot very well, one of the cops there drive a fancy Honda Steed which costs second hand approx. ten times his monthly salary.

They stopped me once and the policeman was extremely rude, I never show them my drivers license, just a copy. They tell me that this can not be and want to write a ticket or take me to the station, "that's fine" I reply then.

Then I can go, I've never met a cop who was actually willing to go to the station with me.

Thats the same prick who stopped me--as I point out in my earlier post. I was exiting off the highway and going down to petchburi road

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