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The UK State Pension is frozen if you live in Thailand, and it is unlikely to change anytime soon. But this post is not about that sensitive subject. It is about HMRC making it worse, as if it wasn’t bad enough. Please have a read if you receive a State Pension from the UK and have a few minutes.

Last year, HMRC overestimated my expected taxes by assuming my State Pension would increase. Of course, I had to react to being taxed by the UK government on money it doesn’t even give me. As far as I could see on the HMRC website, I could change the amount of income I predicted for the following year but not the amount of my State Pension. So, I called HMRC. They wouldn’t amend it over the phone and asked me to obtain confirmation from the DWP regarding the expected amount. Half an hour of waiting and a few pounds spent on the call.

Amazingly, there is no communication between the DWP and HMRC in either direction. When I contacted the DWP, they said they would post a confirmation letter to me in Thailand. Another few pounds spent on the call and a long wait—between four and six weeks for mail to arrive where I live in Thailand, if it arrives at all. Once I received it, I sent the confirmation to HMRC, requesting that they keep a record of the situation so that I would not have to go through this every year. Another few pounds lost on the courier to the UK. Finally, my taxes were adjusted four months into the tax year, and I should have recouped the difference by the end of this tax year. Annoying but sorted. Until...

You’ve guessed it—HMRC has done it again for the next tax year. And as far as I can see, it is still not possible to amend this on the HMRC website.

Do UK pensioners in Thailand really have to go through all this hassle every year? I do not particularly need a yearly reminder that my State Pension is frozen. Is there something I should do differently this year? Something I’m not aware of?


I underpaid HMRC by the vast amount of £3.60. However as they are the ones who actually do the calculation, I have simply ignored the letter.


It must have cost more than that to process the claim and post it to me. They will probably increase my income tax by 30p or 14 baht a month over the next year.

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