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If u people who think how *some* thai girls are sooooo *OPEN* !?

that u just want to try how many seconds u can 'BED' them

ask urself b4 questioning

u know it ALREADY

and u look 4 it

u could have even denied in between the *test*

u just take advantages

and all u left is just the self-biased rumour rubbish.

to show off COCK POWER?????

sex oriented dickheads.

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That's just it Boon Mee, her strength and assertiveness probably encased in a sexy, smooth brown body instead of a fat, cellulite, hairylegged yapper, is what really turns me on! I would wait it out a long, long time for a gem like her.

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u just take advantages

and all u left is just the self-biased rumour rubbish.

to show off COCK POWER?????


GirlFromBar, "Cock Power" is not the issue; the issue is how many times the Thai girl says "no" before saying "yes". It is simple an attempt of understanding the finer details of smiling and friendly Thai women.

As you already know; men always do the chasing - and women do the mate selection, by saying "yes" or "no". Girls hold all the power, and can say no any time they like. They guys can not do anything much, unless the girl gives a clear signal she wants to be laid.

I am personally very interested to know if Thai girls are faster than their Western counter-parts. This is not bad or good; it is just information.

I think I am speaking for many other guys on this forum - where I come from, a girl is more desirable if she does not go to bed on the first or second date. But, that is outside of this topic.

My interest in Thai girl attitudes towards love and sex is not meant in a derogatory sense, but simple as a search for information, and learning what to expect with women from Thailand.

It may be that the culture is so different in Thailand and that sex is not restricted and taboo like in the West. I am only asking - not suggesting or trying to show negative behavior. I am still considering myself a student of Thailand people.

I have been with my Thai GF for almost a year now, and I am quite happy with her. I am also 100% faithful, despite some death-wishes and negative personal messages from some sick people on this board to the contrary.

I am not interested to join anyone in a show of "Cock Power", as you mentioned. It is just interesting to see the poll results on this topic. It shows some indication of Thai women attitudes:

Are Thai Girls Fast or Slow?

I will leave you decide what is means.

And, to anyone with more negative personal messages: lighten up! Vulgar language only comes into play when intelligence has run out. :o

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I am personally very interested to know if Thai girls are faster than their Western counter-parts.

You won't find out by polling here. The only guys likely to respond are pussy-hunters whose egos conveniently forget their failures to score on the first date.

I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but in my opinion your "Are Thai girls easier f*cks than Western girls ?" question was offensive, not only to Thai girls but to females in general.

(I'm a little disappointed that the topic was re-opened by a Thai girl, but closing the original denied her the right of reply, and I can see where she's coming from.)

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I am also curious and open-minded, and like the middleaged bald guys here to give an honest answer to my quetions:

1.How long do you wait before you pick up another girl? Not at all, after 3 shags, after 1 week?

2.How many times does a new girl need to tell you you are the best, the most handsome and you are the only one before you:


b)get a hard on

C)pay the rent for her

3.Does your gf need to wash you under the shower before sex or are you one who sometimes remembers by himself to have a wash and a shave?

Where I come from we are not inhibited to talk about these things, no offence, just curious what kind of guy you are.

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Stroll, thanks for showing an interest. Here are the answers to your questions:

1) Picking up another girl: I am not interested. I get all I need and more at home.

2) Fake Compliments: my GF has never said what you just said, and I am not waiting for it. If she does, I will give her the BIG Thailand smile.

3) Showering: in Thailand I shower many times a day - both before and after, on my own. It all depends on how many times I bang my GF or how sweaty I get from walking around outside.

Feel free to ask me any questions you like.

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If you fail to see that my post, as well as your closed thread, reveal an underlying attitude that is offensive to many who read it, something is seriously amiss in your character.

Nice try, Stroll! I am not interested in a pissing contest.

You're on your own.

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Well I think people are being a bit over sensitive here. Seems to me that Thailover was not boasting but merely trying to get feedback on Thai attitudes to pre-marital sex. After all, all the culture books will tell you that you have to wait till after marriage (they say the same about the Irish girls too! - but we all know that those days are long gone!).

I can also see why some people got offended but perhaps they should open up their views and minds a little bit more. How about if the thread was " How long did it take to bed your farang GF?" - would that post be banned?

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Girlfrombar.........i  apologise  to  you  on  behalf  of  the  decent  farangs  in  this  forum. You  are  correct  the  original  post  was  offensive  and  was  rightly  closed.  Sorry.  :o

Sorry, folks. With reference to the Forum Guidelines this thread is closed.

Reason: (Risk of being) derogatory to Thai women


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