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Thai PM declares war on corruption

Bangkok, Thailand, Jul. 18 (UPI) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Sunday his government it will declare war on corruption on Oct 3.

Thaksin called on cabinet members during his weekly radio program to shape up as the government was preparing to go into battle with corruption, the Bangkok Post reported. Oct 3 was chosen to mark the second anniversary of bureaucratic reforms.

The opposition and democracy activists who believe he is trying to "turn crisis into opportunity," as his administration faces increasing criticism for graft and so-called "policy-oriented corruption," greeted the news with scorn.

Thaksin said he has told ministers to get tough with agencies under their supervision. Cabinet members should enforce laws strictly, because lax enforcement left room for corruption.


yawn , how many times have we heard this ?

its too late to do anything about state corruption , it has spread like a cancer throughout LOS.

the whole place is rotten to the core and you would have to replace most of the police force and most civil servants .

you would have to dismantle large sections of thai society and they wouldnt stand for it .

the idea that you could eradicate corruption in Thailand is a pipedream , a fantasy,

it just not possible .

the idea that you could eradicate corruption in Thailand is a pipedream , a fantasy,

it just not possible .

It happened in England, near enough. In 1800, corruption was rife in England. In 1900, it was perceived as the exception, not the rule.

One can only wonder why the PM set 03 October date. Why not 03 August ?

Dr. Pat Pong, I expected a better from you! You should remember the previous war, the one on drugs. The 3rd October is the day that all corrupt politicians and civil servants will start to kill each other and (some) themselves.

There has been a meeting during which they decided to do so and the Prime Minister managed to get in a representative. That's how he knows.

One can only wonder why the PM set 03 October date. Why not 03 August ?

Why not the middle of January 2001 when he was elected to the position of head waiter.

It's not as if it (corruption) is a malaise unique to the year 2004.

dalek wrote...

yawn , how many times have we heard this ?

its too late to do anything about state corruption , it has spread like a cancer throughout LOS.

the whole place is rotten to the core and you would have to replace most of the police force and most civil servants .

you would have to dismantle large sections of thai society and they wouldnt stand for it .

the idea that you could eradicate corruption in Thailand is a pipedream , a fantasy,

it just not possible .

Exactly correct. Don't hold your breath.

Funny", but many will remember back around the mid 90's when Thaksin gained his first seat in the Thai parliament and he was given (because he asked for it) the job of solving Bangkok's traffic problems. HE promised to fix the problem in six months. i.e. in six months no traffic problems in the 'big mango'

:o:D:D (if it weren't so sad.........)


There is, or rather maybe, a local precedent for this eradication of corruption. At the risk of being chewed out as a nutcase, I'd like members to view, dispassionately, the actions, and reasons behind the actions, of one Mr Pol Pot. The government of his country was corrupt beyond belief! In the pay of the 'Yankie Devil' and assorted others. So, in a pique of insanity, he unleashed his zealots to exterminate those corrupt individuals who were bleeding his country financially and morally dry. Sadly, as we all know, corruption was so ingrained, that all and sundry were put to the sword. I wonder if this this is what our great leader has in mind? :o

Thai PM declares war on corruption

Bangkok, Thailand, Jul. 18 (UPI) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Sunday his government it will declare war on corruption on Oct 3.

Thaksin called on cabinet members during his weekly radio program to shape up as the government was preparing to go into battle with corruption, the Bangkok Post reported. Oct 3 was chosen to mark the second anniversary of bureaucratic reforms.

The opposition and democracy activists who believe he is trying to "turn crisis into opportunity," as his administration faces increasing criticism for graft and so-called "policy-oriented corruption," greeted the news with scorn.

Thaksin said he has told ministers to get tough with agencies under their supervision. Cabinet members should enforce laws strictly, because lax enforcement left room for corruption.


yawn , how many times have we heard this ?

its too late to do anything about state corruption , it has spread like a cancer throughout LOS.

the whole place is rotten to the core and you would have to replace most of the police force and most civil servants .

you would have to dismantle large sections of thai society and they wouldnt stand for it .

the idea that you could eradicate corruption in Thailand is a pipedream , a fantasy,

it just not possible .

why not august 3 someone asked, well, the timeline from october 3 till the new elections is shorter. It's just impression management.. Thailand needs a toxic control center more than anything else presently....

Thai PM declares war on corruption

Bangkok, Thailand, Jul. 18 (UPI) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Sunday his government it will declare war on corruption on Oct 3.

Thaksin called on cabinet members during his weekly radio program to shape up as the government was preparing to go into battle with corruption, the Bangkok Post reported. Oct 3 was chosen to mark the second anniversary of bureaucratic reforms.

The opposition and democracy activists who believe he is trying to "turn crisis into opportunity," as his administration faces increasing criticism for graft and so-called "policy-oriented corruption," greeted the news with scorn.

Thaksin said he has told ministers to get tough with agencies under their supervision. Cabinet members should enforce laws strictly, because lax enforcement left room for corruption.

Election approaching?

It's the same case as in Malaysia when the new prime minister took his place, but that campaign only lasted a month or two, just after he thinks he got enough coverage on the newspapers. self promote i guess.

It is so-called the best campaign to let voters see that they are doing their "job".

explorer :o

One can only wonder why the PM set 03 October date. Why not 03 August ?

Smoke and mirrors, why not when he first got elected was on the agenda then.

One can only wonder why the PM set 03 October date. Why not 03 August ?

Simple. He has to get his scheme money to work before the war starts....And, of course, his battle campaign goes right along with his election campaign....

"Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has brought forward his new SML village fund scheme from October to next month and is showcasing it during his tour of the central and northern regions, telling villagers about it wherever he goes."


Wonder how it was originally worded. I presume we are to have no corruption ON Sunday 03 October. Things will revert to normal from Monday 05 Oct.

Corruption can not be routed out from within. There are too many vested interests to retain the status quo. Only His Majesty could do something about it by setting up an independant Royal Comission, hand picking the members and giving it some teeth.

Wonder how it was originally worded. I presume we are to have no corruption ON Sunday 03 October. Things will revert to normal from Monday 05 Oct.

Wow, how could I not have noticed this! A genius decision from Khun Thaksin, sunday, a non business day to be declared as corruption free! :D

PS: The mathematician in me sees a little problem in your calculation of sunday being october 3 and monday oct 5,.... :D:o


It has already been decreed from high places thay they will only find corrupt civil cervants at the "lower levels". Besides, anything to do with <deleted>-corp will surely be banned from airing on the army's radio stations.



Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Sunday his government it will declare war on corruption on Oct 3.

Oh good, we can expect some self-flaggelation then :-)


just maybe there is a way .. you remember the French Revolution !

Thaksin could start with the police who screw every taxi driver in Bangkok , nothing moves on the roads before they pay off the police.

bike ,car ,and samlors all pay off the police before they carry a single person

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