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Customs And Health Ministry All Crap Here

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I stay very long in Thailand. And I take a few health supplements that Thailand do not sell. I take propolis and agaricus mushroom supplements for many years. They really make my immune strong. I never got sick for lat 5 years or so. Thailand do not have these popular health supplements that we can buy in supermarkets in other countries. So I directly ordered from factory on the net to send to me in Thailand. Since order more is cheaper and have lots of discounts and I will be here for another 2 years, I ordered 2 year supply of propolis and also agaricus supplements.

These are very common supplements but when they arrive in Thailand, the DHL called me that these supplements have problems with customs and also health ministry. I told them is for personal use and I take them for many years. I went to airport cargo place to explain to customs and health ministry there. But they said I am selling these "illegal supplements" and will not let goods out even I will pay tax. They wanted me to go to Health Ministry headquater in Nontaburi to apply for permits. I did not know what this is at the beginning.

I was so pissed off at the customs but have no choice but to go to Nontaburi next day to ask for a permit even for my own personal use. Then the problem becomes bigger. The head ministry want me to pay for 15000 bahts for registration of products. And they want me to supply them with research papers, analysis paper, then do independent lab test at their choice of lab in Bangkok for all 4 products I ordered, about 25000-30000 bahts it will cost.

These ministry dumb asses, they are professional in health supplements because they work in the health supplement department, and they have never heard of propolis and agaricus which are so common internationally. They want me to spend all these money and get all these research papers and analysis even for something I take for 5 years. Even for my own personal use.

After I heard this and shouted at these dumb asses and kicked their tables and left. And my 2 year of personal order of supplements of 3000 USD are still in airport impossible to take out. I think they are doomed.

So if anyone import self use supplements or food, be careful, these health ministry dumb asses may screw you up. My 4000USD down the drain.

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Stupid. I agree.

Sorry to hear this, as I will be arriving soon with 12mths supply of my four medications for heart trouble......

Hope customs don't play-up.

My GF tells me time, and time again, that I must NOT lose my temper (like you did) Mate.

It gets you nowhere at all in LOS.......

Next time try to keep cool, go home and kick the cat!

If you don't have a cat, kick the missus!!!!!

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I stay very long in Thailand. And I take a few health supplements that Thailand do not sell. I take propolis and agaricus mushroom supplements for many years. They really make my immune strong. I never got sick for lat 5 years or so. Thailand do not have these popular health supplements that we can buy in supermarkets in other countries. So I directly ordered from factory on the net to send to me in Thailand. Since order more is cheaper and have lots of discounts and I will be here for another 2 years, I ordered 2 year supply of propolis and also agaricus supplements.

I think there are two issues here. The first is that the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) has to formally approve every type of drug or "food supplement," whether harmless or not and whether well-known overseas or not. If it hasn't been approved (usually requested by a drug company or wholesale importer), it is "illegal" by default. That means illegal for import or sale.

The second issue is that Customs are likely to assume that large quantities of anything are probably intended for sale and therefore subject to duty and VAT.

You might have had more luck importing just one bottle at a time, but if the substance is stated on the package and it's not on the approved list, I doubt you'd get it anyway.

I get taxed at random on dvds I order. Sometimes they tax me, mostly they don't. There seems to be no real system to it.

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Stupid. I agree.

Sorry to hear this, as I will be arriving soon with 12mths supply of my four medications for heart trouble......

Hope customs don't play-up.

My GF tells me time, and time again, that I must NOT lose my temper (like you did) Mate.

It gets you nowhere at all in LOS.......

Next time try to keep cool, go home and kick the cat!

If you don't have a cat, kick the missus!!!!!

You should be OK as it is rare for customs to search incoming luggage on arrival in the realm.

Apart from simple things like these food supplements (that have all been approved by agencies such as tthe FDA 'in the US' etc) there are many other types of "pharmaceuticals" that are unavailable here.

Not from pharmacies, not from hospitals, not from nowhere.

In some cases the country is a hundred years behind the times. :o

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Customs is one of the worst departments for corruption. They once seized a single poster that an Australian aid agency had sent over for display in a conference we were organizing. They wanted $US 600 duty/tax whatever for its release (even though my organization has tax-free status). We eventually got it out without paying after the Oz government sent over a letter of protest and sent one of their embassy staff out to negotiate. Wasted an entire day for two people plus who knows how much time on the Oz end.

If you want to import something expensive, odd or that is likely to attract customs attention (and I guess a large quantity of mushrooms or tablets would look a bit suspicious) it is worth using a (reputable) Thai freight forwarding company as they will have established relationships with the relevant customs officials and can smoothe the whole process over. Of course, you will still end up handing cash over to customs but it will probably be less than if you tried to do it all yourself.

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Yes, your case seems to be a genuine case.

Let's assume that some guys really do this to re-sell. How can custom people know that these drugs are for your personal use and not to re-sale?

I do understand your frustration. Just after I came here, I imported some samples of Cosmetics to Thailand and almost went through this process.

The guys at Pioneer Shipping helped me to clear it and I paid little extra to the guy who handled my case. Do not ask me how? :o

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Stupid. I agree.

Sorry to hear this, as I will be arriving soon with 12mths supply of my four medications for heart trouble......

Hope customs don't play-up.

My GF tells me time, and time again, that I must NOT lose my temper (like you did) Mate.

It gets you nowhere at all in LOS.......

Next time try to keep cool, go home and kick the cat!

If you don't have a cat, kick the missus!!!!!

DAVID It is illegal to carry personally prescribed medications in a greater quantity than one months supply.

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I stay very long in Thailand. And I take a few health supplements that Thailand do not sell. I take propolis and agaricus mushroom supplements for many years. They really make my immune strong. I never got sick for lat 5 years or so. Thailand do not have these popular health supplements that we can buy in supermarkets in other countries. So I directly ordered from factory on the net to send to me in Thailand. Since order more is cheaper and have lots of discounts and I will be here for another 2 years, I ordered 2 year supply of propolis and also agaricus supplements.

These are very common supplements but when they arrive in Thailand, the DHL called me that these supplements have problems with customs and also health ministry. I told them is for personal use and I take them for many years. I went to airport cargo place to explain to customs and health ministry there. But they said I am selling these "illegal supplements" and will not let goods out even I will pay tax. They wanted me to go to Health Ministry headquater in Nontaburi to apply for permits. I did not know what this is at the beginning.

I was so pissed off at the customs but have no choice but to go to Nontaburi next day to ask for a permit even for my own personal use. Then the problem becomes bigger. The head ministry want me to pay for 15000 bahts for registration of products. And they want me to supply them with research papers, analysis paper, then do independent lab test at their choice of lab in Bangkok for all 4 products I ordered, about 25000-30000 bahts it will cost.

These ministry dumb asses, they are professional in health supplements because they work in the health supplement department, and they have never heard of propolis and agaricus which are so common internationally. They want me to spend all these money and get all these research papers and analysis even for something I take for 5 years. Even for my own personal use.

After I heard this and shouted at these dumb asses and kicked their tables and left. And my 2 year of personal order of supplements of 3000 USD are still in airport impossible to take out. I think they are doomed.

So if anyone import self use supplements or food, be careful, these health ministry dumb asses may screw you up. My 4000USD down the drain.

So, you're saying that your home country would allow you to import, tax-free, any amount of non-FDA-approved drugs?

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I stay very long in Thailand. And I take a few health supplements that Thailand do not sell. I take propolis and agaricus mushroom supplements for many years. They really make my immune strong. I never got sick for lat 5 years or so. Thailand do not have these popular health supplements that we can buy in supermarkets in other countries. So I directly ordered from factory on the net to send to me in Thailand. Since order more is cheaper and have lots of discounts and I will be here for another 2 years, I ordered 2 year supply of propolis and also agaricus supplements.

These are very common supplements but when they arrive in Thailand, the DHL called me that these supplements have problems with customs and also health ministry. I told them is for personal use and I take them for many years. I went to airport cargo place to explain to customs and health ministry there. But they said I am selling these "illegal supplements" and will not let goods out even I will pay tax. They wanted me to go to Health Ministry headquater in Nontaburi to apply for permits. I did not know what this is at the beginning.

I was so pissed off at the customs but have no choice but to go to Nontaburi next day to ask for a permit even for my own personal use. Then the problem becomes bigger. The head ministry want me to pay for 15000 bahts for registration of products. And they want me to supply them with research papers, analysis paper, then do independent lab test at their choice of lab in Bangkok for all 4 products I ordered, about 25000-30000 bahts it will cost.

These ministry dumb asses, they are professional in health supplements because they work in  the health supplement department, and they have never heard of propolis and agaricus which are so common internationally. They want me to spend all these money and get all these research papers and analysis even for something I take for 5 years. Even for my own personal use.

After I heard this and shouted at these dumb asses and kicked their tables and left. And my 2 year of personal order of supplements of 3000 USD are still in airport impossible to take out. I think they are doomed.

So if anyone import self use supplements or food, be careful, these health ministry dumb asses may screw you up. My 4000USD down the drain.

So, you're saying that your home country would allow you to import, tax-free, any amount of non-FDA-approved drugs?

Of course he isn't saying that. He means this a developing country so one pleases ones self as to what one does, and those nasty government people are bastards for impeding free trade, and freedom of expression. :o

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And my 2 year of personal order of supplements of 3000 USD are still in airport impossible to take out. I think they are doomed.

So if anyone import self use supplements or food, be careful, these health ministry dumb asses may screw you up. My 4000USD down the drain.

So which one is it, 3k or 4k USD? What's the import taric code for these supplements? Most countries in the world, including your's will have import duties on stuff like this...what are you crying about?

/// DFW

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I stay very long in Thailand. And I take a few health After I heard this and shouted at these dumb asses and kicked their tables and left. And my 2 year of personal order of supplements of 3000 USD are still in airport impossible to take out. I think they are doomed.

You probably made their day. I am sure they were all at the massage parlour in the afternoon laughing it up about how a guy was kicking and screaming but in the end got nowhere.

No excuse. It sounds like you've been here long enough to know the following.

1. Getting mad gets you nowhere. In fact, you are in a worse off position.

2. Customs is the most corrupt agency in Thailand (especially those customs officers at the airport)...Don't you know they have to pay for the priviledge of inspecting imported goods? Where do you think they are going to try and recoup their money...

3. Importing large quantities of anything will attract attention...and not only in Thailand.

Next time smile and go find a shipping agent that can help you. Better yet, find out about the regulations before importing anything to Thailand.

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My total order is 3245USD and 750 for DHL air. So about 4000USD. Yes I made a mistake I don't know in Thailand if you bring large quantity of health supplements, you have problems with customs and health ministry. I thought you pay tax thats it beacuse these are very well known supplements. These are very common supplements in Europe and Asia and the US and many my friends

order directly from internet in big supply because its much cheaper. And so far they have no problems because in most developed countries, there are customs databases for these supplements.

My friend in Nederlands just ordered a year supply of propolis polenectar worth 3000USD for his whole family and they did not even tax him. And countries like Singapore, Hk in Asia do not even have tax or regulations for propolis and agaricus supplements because customs there have well kept data bases for these supplements and all other major supplements of the world.

A custom broker I visited told me that Thailand customs and health ministry are so lazy and corrupted and they have data bases to check any products of the world, but they do not want to spend a second to look at it,, when they give you a big problem they know you will turn to custom clearance broker. I visited a few custom brokers and all of them want to charge me big money to clear for me.

They are monsters too. they told me the truth they need to do friendship to the custom inspector and also health ministry for release of the products. I guess they mean they need to pay these bastards.

But a good Thai friend introduced another customs broker to me. And they are honestly and tell me what to do the best and cheapest. They said since I have problems enter Thailand that I can have DHL and maybe to re ship it to another destination at my own cost. They said they can do the paper work for me. They said re send it to their affiliate agent in Malaysia, they will clear for us there which is so easy as they told me and tax free. Then they will clear for me through land border of Thai-malaysia free of tax and troubles. And ship domestic from Hat Yai to me in BKK. And only ask me for a small fee compare to other huge monster fees other brokers want. But its my friend's friend thats why they give me a cheap rate and honest opion. He told me this is Thailand, if you do everything the normal way, the customs and health ministry and all other goverment agency will screw you up. There is always an back way to everything as they said.

I will have this way done to see what happen and report on its progress later. But I am not so sure if this will 100% work smooth as the broker told me.

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Although you claim to have been in Thailand for a long time I think you will need a lot more medication than (so called) "health supplements" if you continue to go around calling Thai Government Officials "dumb asses", and kicking tables in their offices etc..

Valium for one.

Triple strength pain relievers for another, if you really piss these people off.

You are certainly in the wrong Country if things like this make you lose your self-control.

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... But a good Thai friend introduced another customs broker to me. And they are honestly and tell me what to do the best and cheapest. They said since I have problems enter Thailand that I can have DHL and maybe to re ship it to another destination at my own cost. They said they can do the paper work for me. They said re send it to their affiliate agent in Malaysia, they will clear for us there which is so easy as they told me and tax free. Then they will clear for me through land border of Thai-malaysia free of tax and troubles. And ship domestic from Hat Yai to me in BKK. And only ask me for a small fee compare to other huge monster fees other brokers want. But its my friend's friend thats why they give me a cheap rate and honest opion. He told me this is Thailand, if you do everything the normal way, the customs and health ministry and all other goverment agency will screw you up. There is always an back way to everything as they said.

I will have this way done to see what happen and report on its progress later. But I am not so sure if this will 100% work smooth as the broker told me.

Anyway, I hope things work out for you.

We all do things we wish we had not done and know we shouldn't, like get mad. I've seen long-time Thai hands acting like demented bears over amounts of money much smaller than your outlay.


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