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Best School (parents Consent) Vaccination Program


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Roughly 2 weeks my daughter brought a vaccination consent form home for me to sign to say whether she could have some injections at school, the injections being MMR & the DT shot.

I ticked the "do not wish my child to have these injections" box, then signed it and wrote on the bottom that my daughter has not got to have these injections as she is up to date at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital with her vaccinations.

My wife today picked the children up from school and can you imagine my horror when my wife rang me to tell me that my daughter had had 2 injection in school today. I told my wife to turn around immediately and get back to the school where I would meet her.

I managed to speak to the assistant head/P.E teacher about this and expressed my disgust at what has happened today. And told him that I had not given consent so why has my child had these injections.

I asked him what injections she had and he wrote in Thai for my wife what they was, these was the DT1, polio but no mention of the MMR, when I get home my daughter gave me 2 letter with the Thai crest on the top wrote in Thai the one letter was for the MMR, and the other the DT. So at this moment in time I can only assume that she has had the MMR also.

All the Teacher said was "I am sorry for the mistake", which is no way good enough for me what so ever.

Unfortunately I am away on holiday all next week but I demanded to see his boss whom ever that may be and I have to see Him/Her on the 28th August when I return.

I have made an appointment to see a Lawyer in the morning to find out on what ground I can take legal action against the school for what in my eyes is gross negligence on the schools behalf.

My daughter was also given 4 pain killers at school to relieve any pain/discomfort. Who in the right mind gives a 6 year old child pain killers to carry about?.

My daughter did go on to say that there where some other children in her class whose parents had not given consent. she then went on to say that every child in her class had received the injections.

I am sure that i am not the only parent that is more than horrified,disgusted or what ever way you want to put it about what has happened today.

if you are in the same boat as me here please let me know on here or even if you just agree with me that this is totally out of order.

I will keep you posted about what the Lawyer has to say tomorrow, unfortunately then from Monday to Saturday I may not be able to answer, but as soon as i get back from my trip then I will.

Thank you

From one well angry dad

Edited by kiddie
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I have nothing really to add to this except my disgust that it has happened, my sympathy to you and your daughter, my doubts whether you will ever get the school to pay compensation, and last but not least, my lack of surprise that this sort of thing can happen in Thailand in 2007.

Obviously a warning to other parents who have kids in school here to exercise extreme caution when trusting schools to follow your written instructions with regard to medical matters.

I hope your daughter is OK.

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Something similar happened to my daughter at the same school two years ago. I wrote to my daughter's teacher as follows:

I am returning my daughter's Individual Report Book and Exam Report Card for the Academic Year 2005.

I appreciate that you were not involved but I think that you should know that during the Academic Year 2005, whilst in Kindergarten Group 1C, my daughter was given two vaccinations; the first one on the 21st December 2005 and the second one on 18th January, 2006. My wife telephoned the school to determine the nature of these two vaccinations because there are no other details in the Report Book. The vaccinations were for polio and I have some concerns relating to the school policy on this. Since her birth, my daughter has been given a full course of vaccinations at the Pediatric Department of the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, including vaccinations against polio. My concerns are not based on the possibility that she has been "overdosed" on polio vaccine, rather they are related to why was she given these vaccinations without prior consultation with, and permission from, her parents?

Does the School disease prevention policy involve any further vaccinations and, if so, what are they? I would like to be aware of any future policy and I hope that my wife or I will be consulted as appropriate.

I would be very grateful if you would forward my concerns to the Principal and to the School Medical Officer.

The school did change its policy because of this but it is obvious that loopholes remain. I'll watch this topic with interest. Thank you.

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I have nothing really to add to this except my disgust that it has happened, my sympathy to you and your daughter, my doubts whether you will ever get the school to pay compensation, and last but not least, my lack of surprise that this sort of thing can happen in Thailand in 2007.

Obviously a warning to other parents who have kids in school here to exercise extreme caution when trusting schools to follow your written instructions with regard to medical matters.

I hope your daughter is OK.

Hi Mobi

Thanks for that, it has been 24 hours and my daughter so far seems to be fine so I think that if anything was going to happen in should have happened by now, although that will not stop me from getting her checked out properly.

The compensation thing was really not a part of my anger/reason in wanting to go and see a lawyer, the point that I wanted to try and make to the school was that they are totally in the wrong with what they have done here. And to try and make the school realize that it is being run day to day in a real sham way.

I do have a list of things what I am not too happy about the school but this one has just made me so angry.


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Something similar happened to my daughter at the same school two years ago. I wrote to my daughter's teacher as follows:

I am returning my daughter's Individual Report Book and Exam Report Card for the Academic Year 2005.

I appreciate that you were not involved but I think that you should know that during the Academic Year 2005, whilst in Kindergarten Group 1C, my daughter was given two vaccinations; the first one on the 21st December 2005 and the second one on 18th January, 2006. My wife telephoned the school to determine the nature of these two vaccinations because there are no other details in the Report Book. The vaccinations were for polio and I have some concerns relating to the school policy on this. Since her birth, my daughter has been given a full course of vaccinations at the Pediatric Department of the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, including vaccinations against polio. My concerns are not based on the possibility that she has been "overdosed" on polio vaccine, rather they are related to why was she given these vaccinations without prior consultation with, and permission from, her parents?

Does the School disease prevention policy involve any further vaccinations and, if so, what are they? I would like to be aware of any future policy and I hope that my wife or I will be consulted as appropriate.

I would be very grateful if you would forward my concerns to the Principal and to the School Medical Officer.

The school did change its policy because of this but it is obvious that loopholes remain. I'll watch this topic with interest. Thank you.


Thanks for that.

I made a mistake in the heading i should have put 'B.E.S.T as in burapa' school as it dont read clear as to the school i am refering to.

What you say at the end of your message is really what I want to see happen, which is basiclly a policy change.The so called assistant head teacher blamed the class teacher for the error but regardless of who's error it was it should not happen.

I am hoping in the near future to have a meeting with the schools owner to express my deep concern about it all.

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My son goes to Best, and I just asked him if he saw anyone getting injections lately. He said the Thai health dept. came and gave injections to children in grade five and above. he's in grade three.

I did pay for him to have the flew injection this year which was given by the BHP at a reduced cost. The Thai health dept did give the polio oral vacine last year at no cost. The only injection I think can be dangerous is the one for rubella which the American FDA says theirs now one in a hundred chance of autism from this injection.

I'll give you the names of the Thai and English principals. Khun Ton Dham is the Thai principal, and Micheals Mills is the english principal. Khun Sanan is the manager who supposedly is the uncle of the owner which is a lady who I have not seen for a number of years. The lady who owns the school is the largest distributor of alcaholic beverages in Thailand, but I don't know her name. The Thai teaching has been OK, but the English program with some teachers such as my sons teacher just plays games and I plan to talk to him again with the English principal.

If you look at ramblers posts you will find that this scholl is the best bilingual school of a group of the worst. No pun intended.


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I have read this forum over a period of months but i now feel compelled to post a response to this.

My daughter attends B.E.S.T. She is also a grade 3.

She has attended this school for 3 years now and i have always been satisfied with this school...........until recently.

I have spoken to my daughters teacher at length and to others.

First i wish to state that the OP has my sympathies. This should never have been allowed to happen. Its outrageous. I am glad that there seems to be no adverse affects but it is mistakes of a similar nature that can sometimes have devastating consequences. Something has to be done about this.

The management ( ? ) at this school is very weak. There is no " foreign principal " . I understand that Michaels position is now that of Teacher. Apparently it is a cost saving measure . No principal...........no principals salary.

I am dismayed at the high turnover of English Native Speaking Teachers. I have seen good ones go. It concerns me because just when my daughter gets settled with a teacher...they up and leave.

I do not blame the teachers.........now that i now what pathetic salary they receive.

Also............has anyone else noticed that when the native speakers leave........they are being replaced by Fillipino,s ? Another salary saving measure? Whilst some of the Fillipinos may be good teachers and hard workers........my daughter complains that often she does not understand them. She is 9 years old and her command of Grammar is better than the Fillipino teachers. Forgive me for tjhinking that i am paying for an EP school.............not a Thai/Fillipino school.

The school has stated to me on many occasions that the class size will never exceed 25. What a joke. My daughters class has 30 children. This means that my daughter will receive less individual attention.

I am not sure which teacher you have when you say they play games all the time? My daughter has Steve as her teacher and he appears to be a dedicated individual. I am happy when she is happy with her teacher. Her math and science have certainly improved.

Another teacher that i am impressed with is Graham. He teaches seniors and taught my son for a while before i moved him to a boarding school in Bangkok.

The school does have some dedicated teachers but when they are paid and treated badly then it is hardly surprising they become demotivated.

The school now has a new Thai principal. Temporary?

I find myself questioning what the aims are of the owner? The school seems to be losing it way rapidly now. All these cost saving measures ( as i see it ) are affecting my daughters education.

WE need strong management at this scool. We need a good core of reasonably well paid Native Speakers. We need the Thai admin to listen to our concerns.

Basically....we need the school.......to be a school. Not just a money making machine for 1 person.

If mistakes keep happening like the OP,s..............if my daughters class size is not reduced.............and B.E.S.T keeps replacing Native Speakers with Fillipinos and Thais...............my daughter will not be at this school next term. She will go to REPS near Rayong.

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We have 2 children at BEST school and I agree with all that has been said and totally agree with the OP that what has happened to his daughter is totally out of order.

This school needs to do something very quickly if it is to safe it's reputation as being a good English program school as it is really going down the pan fast. The way things are now my children will not be at BEST school next term either.

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The only better place is Satit , said it before and will say it again.

This school is not a bilingual school and does not teach English to the same extent as BEST is supposed too for children with none Thai parents (either mother or father or close family) this school is not an option in my opinion. We went to look at this school and could not find anyone who spoke good enough English to tell us about the school or show us around.

The best alternative is REPS (Rayong English Program School) at Rayong which we have been to look at recently and it is a huge improvement on BEST and seems to offer good English teaching.

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The only better place is Satit , said it before and will say it again.

This school is not a bilingual school and does not teach English to the same extent as BEST is supposed too for children with none Thai parents (either mother or father or close family) this school is not an option in my opinion. We went to look at this school and could not find anyone who spoke good enough English to tell us about the school or show us around.

The best alternative is REPS (Rayong English Program School) at Rayong which we have been to look at recently and it is a huge improvement on BEST and seems to offer good English teaching.

I agree on both accounts. Satit can never be deemed an option if you want your child(ren) to learn English. REPS is good but it is a long way from Pattaya, isn't it?

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The only better place is Satit , said it before and will say it again.

This school is not a bilingual school and does not teach English to the same extent as BEST is supposed too for children with none Thai parents (either mother or father or close family) this school is not an option in my opinion. We went to look at this school and could not find anyone who spoke good enough English to tell us about the school or show us around.

The best alternative is REPS (Rayong English Program School) at Rayong which we have been to look at recently and it is a huge improvement on BEST and seems to offer good English teaching.

I agree on both accounts. Satit can never be deemed an option if you want your child(ren) to learn English. REPS is good but it is a long way from Pattaya, isn't it?

If your child has an English speaking parent then you're better off with Satit then relying on a trashy place like BEST.

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BarryofThailand. There is no English principal at B.E.S.T. School. (ex-teacher).

I thought this might be the case. So my question is who do I speak with regarding the English teachers at Best. My sons teacher plays games more than he teaches and since their is only five weeks left in this term and his math books are no where near finished with one book not even started. I've spoke with the teacher with no results, so who do I speak with next? Rayong is really too far to send the kids to school and unfortunately this school is the only option in Pattaya.


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BarryofThailand. There is no English principal at B.E.S.T. School. (ex-teacher).

I thought this might be the case. So my question is who do I speak with regarding the English teachers at Best. My sons teacher plays games more than he teaches and since their is only five weeks left in this term and his math books are no where near finished with one book not even started. I've spoke with the teacher with no results, so who do I speak with next? Rayong is really too far to send the kids to school and unfortunately this school is the only option in Pattaya.


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BarryofThailand. There is no English principal at B.E.S.T. School. (ex-teacher).

I thought this might be the case. So my question is who do I speak with regarding the English teachers at Best. My sons teacher plays games more than he teaches and since their is only five weeks left in this term and his math books are no where near finished with one book not even started. I've spoke with the teacher with no results, so who do I speak with next? Rayong is really too far to send the kids to school and unfortunately this school is the only option in Pattaya.


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I have read this forum over a period of months but i now feel compelled to post a response to this.

My daughter attends B.E.S.T. She is also a grade 3.

She has attended this school for 3 years now and i have always been satisfied with this school...........until recently.

I have spoken to my daughters teacher at length and to others.

First i wish to state that the OP has my sympathies. This should never have been allowed to happen. Its outrageous. I am glad that there seems to be no adverse affects but it is mistakes of a similar nature that can sometimes have devastating consequences. Something has to be done about this.

The management ( ? ) at this school is very weak. There is no " foreign principal " . I understand that Michaels position is now that of Teacher. Apparently it is a cost saving measure . No principal...........no principals salary.

I am dismayed at the high turnover of English Native Speaking Teachers. I have seen good ones go. It concerns me because just when my daughter gets settled with a teacher...they up and leave.

I do not blame the teachers.........now that i now what pathetic salary they receive.

Also............has anyone else noticed that when the native speakers leave........they are being replaced by Fillipino,s ? Another salary saving measure? Whilst some of the Fillipinos may be good teachers and hard workers........my daughter complains that often she does not understand them. She is 9 years old and her command of Grammar is better than the Fillipino teachers. Forgive me for tjhinking that i am paying for an EP school.............not a Thai/Fillipino school.

The school has stated to me on many occasions that the class size will never exceed 25. What a joke. My daughters class has 30 children. This means that my daughter will receive less individual attention.

I am not sure which teacher you have when you say they play games all the time? My daughter has Steve as her teacher and he appears to be a dedicated individual. I am happy when she is happy with her teacher. Her math and science have certainly improved.

Another teacher that i am impressed with is Graham. He teaches seniors and taught my son for a while before i moved him to a boarding school in Bangkok.

The school does have some dedicated teachers but when they are paid and treated badly then it is hardly surprising they become demotivated.

The school now has a new Thai principal. Temporary?

I find myself questioning what the aims are of the owner? The school seems to be losing it way rapidly now. All these cost saving measures ( as i see it ) are affecting my daughters education.

WE need strong management at this scool. We need a good core of reasonably well paid Native Speakers. We need the Thai admin to listen to our concerns.

Basically....we need the school.......to be a school. Not just a money making machine for 1 person.

If mistakes keep happening like the OP,s..............if my daughters class size is not reduced.............and B.E.S.T keeps replacing Native Speakers with Fillipinos and Thais...............my daughter will not be at this school next term. She will go to REPS near Rayong.

WELL SAID MANCHESTER SPOT ON...I have said exactly the same on this forum several times before. I taught at BEST for nearly five yrs and for the owners other business in Naklua for a short time so i feel qualified to comment accurately ...my take on this is simple the school is a sham its a busness masquerading as a school .... points to note FACTS not guess work. FEEBLE MANAGEMENT,NO THAI OR FOREIGN HEADS,NATIVE SPEAKING TEACHERS LEAVING ON MASS, FILLIPINAS FLOODING IN, NO SUPPORT OR INVESTMENT BY THE OWNER,DIRTY SURROUNDINGS,POOR QUALITY MEALS,need i say more YES !! ok then what about POOR SPORTS FACILITIES,COMPUTER LESSON NO PLAY GAME , MUSIC AND DANCE NO PLAY GAME, MAX 25 PER CLASS HAHA ,,AND THE LIST GOES ON You will note all the above are cost cutting money saving issues ENUFF SAID........BUT what wories me is I still believe that even considering all this BEST is still the best of a very bad choice of schools in this billingual sector locally (my son studies in primary 1 luckily he has very good teachers for his core subjects and is doing ok - I PAY FOR N. ENG SPEAKERS THATS WHAT I SHOULD GET. Its a sad fact and god knows what happens at the places worse than this Wutichoke is a joke and Satit isnt bilingual. Finally REPS is by far and away the best choice but its in Bang Chang not local (i was a supply teacher there for 2 months).It does not suprise me what happened to the original posters daughter as there is little or no organisation or discipline evident at the school at the moment - i hope your daughter is ok now kiddie. I personally think going to see anyone at the school is pointless as they dont give a shit - go have a chat with the big cheese in Naklua and ruffle a few feathers do you want the address ??

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PBH gives the required vaccinations to get an American passport, if asked for. This is the most strigent shot course available. This needs to be asked for and signed for. The hospital will ask for clarification, because the "American" regimen is more than the "International Regimen" This will cost about a 1ooo baht more. Sorry to concern you, but look at he international immunization card that they supply. This will answer all of your questions. You have no case with your "lawyer". Good luck on your defamation of character suit. You are an idiot.

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Khun Wattana, the owner of B.E.S.T. school never, ever goes to the school, so I am sure she is totally unaware of the dissatisfaction felt by lots of parents. Why should she feel otherwise - she has an extremely successful school with over 1000 students. I think the only option here is for parents to call a meeting with her through the principal, Khun Nirun, and put all these problems forward. Then, and only then, will there be a possibility of getting something done. (Iam sure she does not read Thaivisa!)

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Khun Wattana, the owner of B.E.S.T. school never, ever goes to the school, so I am sure she is totally unaware of the dissatisfaction felt by lots of parents. Why should she feel otherwise - she has an extremely successful school with over 1000 students. I think the only option here is for parents to call a meeting with her through the principal, Khun Nirun, and put all these problems forward. Then, and only then, will there be a possibility of getting something done. (Iam sure she does not read Thaivisa!)

After reading some of the stories here about the place I'd yank my kid away from that place ASAP.

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Now i have a bit more time and after asking a few questions at the school i feel i can clarify the situation at BEST on a few things.The vaccinations originally were due to be administered 10th aug but were put back til the 17th where it appears some not all of the teachers involved didnt refer to the consent letters sent out hence most of the kids in p1 got the shots regardless i think its obvious where the blame lies, also worrying all students were given 3 tablet form painkillers this i found very strange scenario-5 chums get together 3 becomes 15 and i dare u to eat them all scary thought.

With ref to other problems.....I think the kindergarden yrs do a ok job this time is for the young ones to get use to school ,mixing ,playing together making frnds etc obviously starting to pickup the basics of the alphabets / numbers and things like hygeine,all this was nicely achieved with my son and i find p1 where he is now to be very good his teachers both Thai and foriegn are great ...HOWEVER from what i have seen and heard p2 thru tp p5 seems shambolic . Due to the mass exodus of NS teachers theres no stability or consistency for the kids they should know there teacher and his/her routines and teaching styles liking or not is not important . It appears most students between dont know who will be teaching them and most of the time and speaking from experience a fill in teacher rarely teaches the lesson required so the students fall behind the only ones suffering are our children this must be addressed at the school before its too late.Most teachers at schools in the aresa teach 24 to 28 periods per week this is the case at BEST why when the moe clearly states 18 is the max thus allowing the teacher to plan execute and evaluate a quality lesson - more periods lower quality lessons again a cost cutting exercise. As for the mass exodus of NS ENG teachers in the last yr or so i left the school for many reasons notably being constantly demotivated by the lack of interest,planning and organisation at the school. The owners attitude towards her employees also bothered me I was there 5 yrs and saw the owner on the premises once for about 15 minutes..... and like scott 1 ( hello mate) the poor salary was amajor factor, parents are always told fees are rising becos the foriegn teachers want more money TOTAL FABRICATION an Aussie frnd had an interview to start at the school recently and was offered 23k per mth to start wot a joke hence the influx of fillipinos they will start at 20 k and love it......FINALLY ON THE BEST SUBJECT I am not a dumby and why is my son still at the school becos there is no better bilingual option locally after p1 its REPS at Bang Chang unless things drastically change . ps HI BARRYOFTHAILAND i had a personal msg from u but it was lost b4 i read it sorry can u send again.thanks rambler.

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I have been reading all the posts on this thread.

Several posters claim to have been teachers at the B.E.S.T. school. Not one of them has written a good post - grammatical mistakes; spelling mistakes; misuse of words; poor presentation.

There is no way that I would send my children there, if the comments about falling standards are correct. Falling from what?

I'm just a construction worker - bum-crack and all. But I trust my posts are readable and literate, even when objectionable.

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I have been reading all the posts on this thread.

Several posters claim to have been teachers at the B.E.S.T. school. Not one of them has written a good post - grammatical mistakes; spelling mistakes; misuse of words; poor presentation.

There is no way that I would send my children there, if the comments about falling standards are correct. Falling from what?

I'm just a construction worker - bum-crack and all. But I trust my posts are readable and literate, even when objectionable.

Helo mr bear. i can assure u i am a totaly qualfed teecher with my reel degreee ,teffle uk and advanced tefal thailand certs and severn yrs expirense too boot yor observision is fare but who cares solongas the post is undarstood i personalie have litten tyme wen on tv i do quikly and go my knew job as pruff reeder at shity hall ere in pataya. i waz a matts teecher at B.E.A.S.T schul inot undastood y ? I do however like the sound of your bumcrack Humpfree.

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I have to say I was thinking exactly the same thing as Humphrey Bear. If a school teacher cannot write proper English on a web-site forum I'm afraid that is pretty poor. As a parent looking for schools for my children I would like to think that their teachers would at least be able to sit down and write a decent response on a forum like this.

I should add that I visited BEST last year and was not impressed. The brochure given me, which promotes a supposedly bi-lingual school, had two basic English errors in it !! I can understand why now ! :o

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I always thought the role of a teacher was to educate.

What you have outlined for a teacher to do is something a parent should be responsible for.

Now that I have Scott 1 firmly upset, I must admit that I have to come down on the side of Mr. Bear and Mr. Boogie. Some of your responses have been barely readable and certainly not grammatically correct. I would have expected better when complaining so vociferously about English Teachers.

Spelling mistakes are never really irrelevant anywhere. They are signs of a misspent youth. :o

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I always thought the role of a teacher was to educate.

What you have outlined for a teacher to do is something a parent should be responsible for.

Now that I have Scott 1 firmly upset, I must admit that I have to come down on the side of Mr. Bear and Mr. Boogie. Some of your responses have been barely readable and certainly not grammatically correct. I would have expected better when complaining so vociferously about English Teachers.

Spelling mistakes are never really irrelevant anywhere. They are signs of a misspent youth. :o

Chuckd, I also used to be a teacher at BEST and agree with what Scott1 has to say. Please take a look at the following website with regards to Every Child Matters: http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/

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Roughly 2 weeks my daughter brought a vaccination consent form home for me to sign to say whether she could have some injections at school, the injections being MMR & the DT shot.

I ticked the "do not wish my child to have these injections" box, then signed it and wrote on the bottom that my daughter has not got to have these injections as she is up to date at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital with her vaccinations.

My wife today picked the children up from school and can you imagine my horror when my wife rang me to tell me that my daughter had had 2 injection in school today. I told my wife to turn around immediately and get back to the school where I would meet her.

I managed to speak to the assistant head/P.E teacher about this and expressed my disgust at what has happened today. And told him that I had not given consent so why has my child had these injections.

I asked him what injections she had and he wrote in Thai for my wife what they was, these was the DT1, polio but no mention of the MMR, when I get home my daughter gave me 2 letter with the Thai crest on the top wrote in Thai the one letter was for the MMR, and the other the DT. So at this moment in time I can only assume that she has had the MMR also.

All the Teacher said was "I am sorry for the mistake", which is no way good enough for me what so ever.

Unfortunately I am away on holiday all next week but I demanded to see his boss whom ever that may be and I have to see Him/Her on the 28th August when I return.

I have made an appointment to see a Lawyer in the morning to find out on what ground I can take legal action against the school for what in my eyes is gross negligence on the schools behalf.

My daughter was also given 4 pain killers at school to relieve any pain/discomfort. Who in the right mind gives a 6 year old child pain killers to carry about?.

My daughter did go on to say that there where some other children in her class whose parents had not given consent. she then went on to say that every child in her class had received the injections.

I am sure that i am not the only parent that is more than horrified,disgusted or what ever way you want to put it about what has happened today.

if you are in the same boat as me here please let me know on here or even if you just agree with me that this is totally out of order.

I will keep you posted about what the Lawyer has to say tomorrow, unfortunately then from Monday to Saturday I may not be able to answer, but as soon as i get back from my trip then I will.

Thank you

From one well angry dad

I would be as angry as you are if it was me too!

"Informed consent" is taken very seriously and the person injecting your child did not have that and in theory could be disbarred from practicing or charged with assault???

As for painkiller for a mild adverse affect of a vaccine - new one on me too.

I can get you a list of the vaccines reccomended by the Thai MoH plus the one (longer) reccomended by the Thai Paediatric Association (I am actually meeting one of their members on Friday and will ask if she has ever heard of vaccinations without consent)

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My son goes to Best, and I just asked him if he saw anyone getting injections lately. He said the Thai health dept. came and gave injections to children in grade five and above. he's in grade three.

I did pay for him to have the flew injection this year which was given by the BHP at a reduced cost. The Thai health dept did give the polio oral vacine last year at no cost. The only injection I think can be dangerous is the one for rubella which the American FDA says theirs now one in a hundred chance of autism from this injection.

I'll give you the names of the Thai and English principals. Khun Ton Dham is the Thai principal, and Micheals Mills is the english principal. Khun Sanan is the manager who supposedly is the uncle of the owner which is a lady who I have not seen for a number of years. The lady who owns the school is the largest distributor of alcaholic beverages in Thailand, but I don't know her name. The Thai teaching has been OK, but the English program with some teachers such as my sons teacher just plays games and I plan to talk to him again with the English principal.

If you look at ramblers posts you will find that this scholl is the best bilingual school of a group of the worst. No pun intended.


Barry - could you point out where the American FDA gives a 1 in 100 chance of Autism from the Rubella vaccine (or even the MMR which you are probably meaning)

A 1 in 100 chance and it would not be on the market - in fact the largest study undertaken yet in Japan of over 10,000 shows no increased incidence of autism with the jab - this is a scare story put out by British Dr's who are now facing censure (or banned from practicing) and who was being paid to produce the results he did from interested parties.

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PBH gives the required vaccinations to get an American passport, if asked for. This is the most strigent shot course available. This needs to be asked for and signed for. The hospital will ask for clarification, because the "American" regimen is more than the "International Regimen" This will cost about a 1ooo baht more. Sorry to concern you, but look at he international immunization card that they supply. This will answer all of your questions. You have no case with your "lawyer". Good luck on your defamation of character suit. You are an idiot.

And you thinking there are only two vaccines regimens ie American and International show you know not what you talk of - before calling someone else an idiot it might be best to know one's subject :o

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