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It's been getting mighty quiet around here lately: no one flaming anyone else, everyone trying to look respectable (unlike those people at tithailand.com). I say it's time we got Brian back to add some life to the party.

What do you say, Brian?

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Our friend Frank is expelled/blocked from the forum until he calms down. Reason: Breach of our terms of service.
I'm still on moron watch, manlook.gifbut since Frank has been expelled my inspiration has declined considerably. Also his "mate" has been quiet lately.

I'm sure he'll be back though next time he feels the need to advertise his own web site. violent-smiley-105.gif

unlike those people at tithailand.com

They certainly make us look like gentlemen.costumed-smiley-074.gifcostumed-smiley-074.gifcostumed-smiley-074.gifcostumed-smiley-074.gif

We are Gentlemen and maintain the Highest possible Standards and never frighten the horses ::o:

Sorry I am completely lost now, what did Frank say and how can Brian block him ???

I must admit it has gone a bit tame :cool: Brian must be in Low gear, come on rev up your motor :o


Amongst other things...

Brian, I read in a newspaper, that ALL Australian men are either homosexual or practice beastiality. By the way Brian, do you prefer kangaroos or dingos??  
George, without any "red herrings", please give me a definition of your statement here.

You stated that, "we believe in freedom of speech, sort of."    

See The Choppy Thai Waters for full details. Pshchef, you were there weren't you?

I did'nt block him. George gave him the flick

Our friend Frank is expelled/blocked from the forum until he calms down. Reason: Breach of our terms of service.





As I get older, it gets harder and harder to see blood, as in your graphic or whatever it is called.

By the way, I went dancing tonight and have adopted a new brother (a friend from upstairs who is younger than me and wants guidance). He offered me help, too. I am very happy.


Dear Mrentoul,

Your posting "I have adopted a new brother"  is open to all sorts of interpretation.

Would you care to clarify the meaning.

If it means what it sounds like, then we could all start hurling abuse at you. That would liven things up a bit for you.


Hey Brian I remember now that post, I think I rose to your defence also? I really Like the graphic :o

What in heaven is mrentoul going on about now, like thetyim says" I have adopted a new brother"  is open to all sorts of interpretation ???  What kind of dancing dirty or otherwise?



I think I remember from previous posts of yours that you are gay, right?

So, how much younger? What exactly has he helped you with? What guidance are you giving him?

If you are both happy and he is at least old enough to be of legal consent, then good luck to you.


Sorry, nothing incendiary there, unless there's some homophobes that see it that way.



I use adopted in the loose sense. Thais adopt brothers and sisters all the time: people whom they regard as being very good friends.

This guy is about 10 years younger, I guess, and goes out with a girl upstairs.

Occasionally her thinks he is gay, but I tell him it's just his body movements. He lacks the confidence to express himself. I say embarrassing yourself gets easier with age, which it does. He just has to wait a bit.

Understand all that?


Off topic I know. (What is the topic anyway?)



55 candles on that cake !!

Better have the fire brigade standing by.

Hope you have a good one.



I thought for a while that you had decided to say something incendiary. I was expecting a reply to make jaws drop...



In Thailand just about every one you see is good-looking enough to make you feel sexually frustrated. Why would you want to live anywhere else?

It is true that my new ''brother'' is #### good looking. But brother he will stay, as I am too fond of his girl.

By the way, I like your jaw-dropping graphic.


Not really, his he gay. or are you just wishing you are ???

Sorry big man, you are suspect :D  come out or shut up.

Thanks for the greeting mate, funny thing I had two friends around tonight. Both American both with different views, I wont go into it too much. I must say great to hear, they are not all blind :cool:

Bye the way did you see the Saudi minister for Islamic affairs, on BBC, I dont know how to spell crincj. What a waste of space. That should get you going mate; Nobody is brain washed, all the Imaman are perfectly good guys? Nobody is discrimated against in Saudi, I wait for your views :o


Off topic again.......

Your graphics are really cool!  Where did you get them & how do you post them??

You can add graphics in any post by adding a statement like [ img]http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-035.gif[/ img] (note I added an extra space before img to make it print the statement rather than display the graphic.

Most graphics you see anywhere on the web can be included. JPG GIF and even a flash movie can be added.

So the secret then is to find them, there are quite a few places that you will find them. http://www.clicksmilies.com/ is a good place to start.

Otherwise if you come across a good graphic on another site that you want, you can usually find it’s http address by right clicking on the image and selecting “properties”. (I am assuming that you are using windows, it’s different if you’re using a Mac).


Yeah I did see the BBC, his views were typical of most Saudis prior to the Riyadh bombs. I have seen a change of attitude by many here though since then.

Once a bomb went off in their own back yard, many of them are starting to wonder why.

There has been quite a bit of action here over the last couple of weeks, I don’t know how much has made the press outside of Saudi. There have been gun battles in both Mecca and Madina in the last 2 weeks.

I have to pass through a couple of roadblocks each morning going to work. Usually they wave the Kawajas through but occasionally they want to open the car and search it.

The army has taken over the job of security on my housing compound. We now have four HumVees, with machine guns mounted on top, sitting outside the gates 24/7. I’d love to get a photo of one, because they also have a big colourful beach umbrella on top to keep the red berets out of the sun.




I kown we have gone way of topic, but its interesting to hear from the horses mouthn so to speak. I would love to get a photo of that Tank also, I must get Eddy on to that. He likes a challenge, Keep your heads down. That would be pretty incendiary :laugh:


Just trying the new toy, works great thanks Brian, does it work in Email like outlook express?


Sorry big man, you are suspect   come out or shut up.

Don't tell me to ''come out''. You issue it like a command. I wouldn't recommend anyone ''come out'' on a forum of strangers.

Can't you enjoy these messages in the spirit in which they are written?

Don't tell me to ''come out''. You issue it like a command. I wouldn't recommend anyone ''come out'' on a forum of strangers.

Sorry mrentoul, no insult or comand intended. I was just following the general opinion, with reference to your posting.

I do enjoy all the postings in a good spirit, its up to the individual to decide on the message content dont you agree ???


Thank-you. I don't want to come across as having a thin skin, but yes, you are right - 'tis up to the individual to decide on the content of his own posts.

I like the way the posts here have veered completely off-topic, though I think Brian could still do more to offend.

At this rate we could build the longest thread on this board.


Yes I agree and enjoy it when everyone goes of at the deep end. I think we have a long way to catch up on the post in Farrang Pub, which bars to meet decent girls 95 reply???

I also wait for Brian to add his four pennyworth, not forgetting his clickable smiles :laugh: Megamalmer_whassup.gif


If I could interrupt the graphics procession for a moment...I have a chicken problem.

One lives on a rooftop across from me (too far for stone-throwing) and crows at night and most of the day.

Anyone interested in a spot of shootin'?


This is for you, Brian. Poor people love globalisation!

From Yale Global

More, not less, economic integration is good for the world, according to a worldwide poll, conducted by the Pew Global Attitude Survey. David Dollar, Director of Developmental Policy at the World Bank, cites findings from the survey to support the argument he has made in the past that globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality.

He points to a significant decrease in the number of the world’s extreme poor since 1980. But globalization has also been received with great distrust, particularly among anti-globalization activists who argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations. Contradicting the anti-globalization movement’s claims, Dollar says that most “striking in the survey is that views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones.”

For example, in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% of households thought that multinational corporations had a positive influence on their country, compared to only 54% in rich countries. Of the 38,000 people in 44 nations surveyed, those in the developing world generally blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills.

There is, however, no ground for complacency. With 1.2 billion people still living below the poverty line, Dollar says, the world needs more “international and national actions – including enhanced market access for developing countries, improved investment climates, and effective delivery of health and education.” – YaleGlobal


I like my name, thanks very much, and if it's all the same to you I'd like to keep it. Yes, eggs are important, but so is my sleep.

his chicken - it might even be a rooster, and I don't think they lay eggs - doesn't know the difference between day and night and so crows all the time.


I like you keep you name. But do not shoot chicken. Or Rooster in fact. Or crow. I not no have crow in thailand.

I can make suggestion ok? This little selfish of you mrrentoul. Always think of self, never chicken. Perhaps make compromise with chicken.

That is all for this day. thank you.

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