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Obviously it was great to meet everyone at the BBQ but who did people particularly enjoy meeting?

For me it was especially good to put faces to Meadish and Tywais. Mods are human afterall. :o

I am sorry I never ran into UG I wanted to say hello. I will have to go and buy some books and introduce myself at his place rather than mine.

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I am sorry I never ran into UG I wanted to say hello. I will have to go and buy some books and introduce myself at his place rather than mine.

Don't worry, you will probably recognize me when you stop by the shop. We talked together 3 or 4 times last night. :o

I saw or met quite a few people that I had always wanted to meet, but I have to admit I wish that I had run into Meadish, since he has been around forever and I still have no clue as to his true identity.

Jackr and Chuchok stood out as a couple of nutters :D that i can relate to.. Both "good eggs".

Nice to meet everyone else as well. :o

For me it was great to put faces to names with a number of people.

I have tried to catch up with Donnybrook a couple of times but we never actually managed to be in teh same place at the same time.

Chuchok was somebody I wanted to meet and finally did - as soon as he arrived at the gates I knew him - he is one of the very few people who looks like his avatar :D Then we realised we had met before at MadDogs a few years ago when I was having a serious difference of opinion with some guy there.

It was good to finally meet Dustoff

I know a lot of the other regular posters on the CM forum such as Austhaied, Thaipauly, UG, Meadish, P1p, and everyone's favourite, the one and only (fortunately) Blinky Bill who incidentally came up from Indonesia just to attend the party.

A lot of others too numberous to mention but I still don't understand why people say "oh so you're the Crowboy are you Hmmmmm Right" :D


It was good to finally meet Dustoff

Aw, you're just saying that because I said you are a handsome fellow..

I was happy to spend most of my time hanging out with Thaipauly's lovely wife and thought the rest of you were not much more than a bunch of bums. My kind of people! You'd think the lot of you were 'breast men' though, the way you all walked around half bent over examining the chests of other men. I usually only do that with women but have admit that Thaipauly has a nice pair. :o

Some I already knew such as Thaipauly, Rice_King, Chochuk, Chanchao, McGrief, Chas and it was good to see them again. An honor to connect with a few fellow pilots like Austaied and a few I have already forgotten. P1P, Buckwheat, George, Crowboy, JuniorExpat, Maejo Man were ones I wanted to meet and did but I somehow missed the Sweetball, UG (but I have been to his store many times), Blinky and many others but if my wife hadn't shown up at 10pm to drag me away, I am sure I would have eventually found them.

Great party, super people and gotta say that I did not meet anyone that I did not immediately like.

da Dustoff

Some I already knew such as Chanchao.

da Dustoff

Chanchou the former moderator who does the food review site and vegetarian restaurant map? Was he there? He is another one that I have spent many hours in thought trying to identify! :o


I know about 20-25 expats in and around Chiang Mai and I was surprised to find not a single one was at the party. Of the more than 100 expats there, I'd never met a single one previously. I was very pleased to meet Crowboy, McGriffith, P1P, Chuchok, Meadish, Austhaied, George, ThaiPauly, and Dustoff (whose real name is the only one I'm sure to remember) . Very nice to meet you all after talking to you for so long.

Some I already knew such as Chanchao.

da Dustoff

Chanchou the former moderator who does the food review site and vegetarian restaurant map? Was he there? He is another one that I have spent many hours in thought trying to identify! :o

UG Chanchou wasn't on the list and so didn't come - I think that Dustoff is confusing the ID for Chuchok who he does know. I would also like to meet the man who is Chanchou.



Great to meet princealbert, jackr, nienke, and a load of others who I met later on when I wasn't paying enough attention to badges: the guy who's a spitting image of Sam Allardyce (hilarious), Michael, pissed up guy from Boston, the driller, him from Lampang, .... and princealbert and jackr again ... albert tried to introduce me to the seedier aspect of Spicy Bar (and tried to sell me on Pattaya too) but I'm afraid I wasn't a very good student. Oh thanks george, you're nothing like I imagined you! Pretty sure chanchao wasn't there.

UG Chanchou wasn't on the list and so didn't come - I think that Dustoff is confusing the ID for Chuchok who he does know. I would also like to meet the man who is Chanchou.


Obviously my goof. The big guy from Holland who brought his baby daughter (don't want to put his real name here). Have known him for years and, for some reason, have his handle in my computer as Chanchao. Embarrassing since we were even next door neighbors...


I enjoyed talking to everybody I met there - Soirsamui, Panthip, W of Oz, Tawai, j0j0 et al . Had a long yarn with Slapout and found we had a lot in common. Good to meet Milton and Rachele the night before too.

It was reassuring to find out that Blinky Bill is as big a knob in real life as he is on Thaivisa. Mini Mouse was nice though.

Missed out on a burger but stopped off at Woody's on the way home. Made to feel exceptionally welcome by Ms Whimsy and apart from a great burger, the chips were the best I've had in Chiangmai.

Top night all round.


Well its 30 hours since the party fnished and I feel kinda "Back to normal"

I really enjoyed meeting so many people .

But many who I wanted to meet for some reason I did not. UG & Meadish in particular

However I was so pleased to have finally met Tywais McSpicy and Crow Boy who I have reffered to in the past as "Good Egg" reckon he's a "brilliant egg". Lovely guy. True Blue...a real hard core footy fan like me, Nienke...who looked absolutley amazing..I did not know she even owned a dress :o Such a transformation from Her pesona at the kennels, and really great to talk to about something other than dogs.

Lannarebirth, L&J, Slapout Woody,,all relative newcomers to the forum....very nice people.

Then there are few that went to the after after party who's TV Handles I cannot remember, only their real names, so I can't post them...you know who you are,,,and it was a pleasure to spend time with you ...getting absolutley wasted, and enjoying eating take away breakfasts with our fingers....the beans and egg were wonderful to eat with our fingers.

All my other freinds are my freinds anyway, Chuchok, Dustoff, Austhied, BB, JackR, Chas, Rachel, Chancho and P1P , it was great to have them all their at the same time

Pity Rassarau is in Canada

Of course it was nice to meet the TV management, the camera shy "No phots cap" Buckwheat, George and Baz. Nice guys.

I must say I am looking forward to the next one, Tuskers turned out to be a very good choice of venue.


UG Chanchou wasn't on the list and so didn't come - I think that Dustoff is confusing the ID for Chuchok who he does know. I would also like to meet the man who is Chanchou.


Obviously my goof. The big guy from Holland who brought his baby daughter (don't want to put his real name here). Have known him for years and, for some reason, have his handle in my computer as Chanchao. Embarrassing since we were even next door neighbors...

That would be Sanpatong


UG Chanchou wasn't on the list and so didn't come - I think that Dustoff is confusing the ID for Chuchok who he does know. I would also like to meet the man who is Chanchou.


Obviously my goof. The big guy from Holland who brought his baby daughter (don't want to put his real name here). Have known him for years and, for some reason, have his handle in my computer as Chanchao. Embarrassing since we were even next door neighbors...

That would be Sanpatong


The rumor is that Sanpatong is Chanchou.

Is the rumor correct? :o

UG Chanchou wasn't on the list and so didn't come - I think that Dustoff is confusing the ID for Chuchok who he does know. I would also like to meet the man who is Chanchou.


Obviously my goof. The big guy from Holland who brought his baby daughter (don't want to put his real name here). Have known him for years and, for some reason, have his handle in my computer as Chanchao. Embarrassing since we were even next door neighbors...

That would be Sanpatong


The rumor is that Sanpatong is Chanchou.

Is the rumor correct? :o

I have no idea if the rumour is correct, but if it is then it would be a great rumour. Hmmm anyone check to see if Sanpatong was eating the ribs or did he stick to the salad and vegetarian beans?


But many who I wanted to meet for some reason I did not. UG & Meadish in particular

We were together in a fairly large circle of people in front of the bar, but you were busy talking to someone - I think that it was a girl - so we didn't end up talking to each other. :o

But many who I wanted to meet for some reason I did not. UG & Meadish in particular

We were together in a fairly large circle of people in front of the bar

UG on his own is a fairly large circle of people :o


But many who I wanted to meet for some reason I did not. UG & Meadish in particular

We were together in a fairly large circle of people in front of the bar

UG on his own is a fairly large circle of people :o


Your ladyboy(s) with you too, Crow Boy??? :D

Was Jai Dee there ?? Was looking forward to meeting him. Also Tigerbeer, never seen him either..

Tigerbeer couldn't make it as he had a prior engagement and was unable to sign up which was a great shame. I bumped into him last night and told him he was sorely missed.

The rumor is that Sanpatong is Chanchou.

Is the rumor correct? :o

I assume this will all be straightened out when the 'person in question' logs in here. Thaipauly says I was only wrong in a slight mispelling of Chancho who has perhaps changed his handle?

At any rate, it was a delight to see him again - he, his wife and their lovely baby daughter are delightful people.

Lannarebirth, sorry I left out your name - it was my pleasure..

Another Brit who is a bit of a newbie, only nine months in CM, there with his wife, good connection brother and sorry my poor tired old eyes could not properly read your nametag.

Was Jai Dee there ??

Unfortunately not - w*rk took precedence.


It sound like you guys had a great time.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

But many who I wanted to meet for some reason I did not. UG & Meadish in particular

We were together in a fairly large circle of people in front of the bar

UG on his own is a fairly large circle of people :o


Your ladyboy(s) with you too, Crow Boy??? :D

They were waiting faithfully by the Number One Bar - same as every night. :D


Austhaied, Baz, Crow Boy, MaeJoMan (who I'd previously met in the Vic couple years ago), Chuchok's mate Linton?, BB, Toolz (I think), Nienke and her delightful little mate + many others who stood out. Great to see ole mates, too :D Would have been good to have met more of you but after barging in on people's conversations to introduce oneself on more than a few occasions, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't want me in my face repeatedly asking dodgy questions :o:D


I enjoyed meeting everyone. I remember real names, but not handles for everyone. My bad. I put a post (F`n good party) up before I read this one. Again, my bad.

Of course that guy from Boston (D&@N yankee) that kept me out until daylight drinkin' Jameson is on my list of ppl to forget...

Yok (from Kunming, so those of you I met will remember me)

I enjoyed meeting everyone. I remember real names, but not handles for everyone. My bad. I put a post (F`n good party) up before I read this one. Again, my bad.

Of course that guy from Boston (D&@N yankee) that kept me out until daylight drinkin' Jameson is on my list of ppl to forget...

Yok (from Kunming, so those of you I met will remember me)

I sure remember you.

Nice meeting you and dont forget to set up a recon there!!!!

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