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I've always considered myself well up on cumputers having built more than enough of them, and well versed in software and connections, but TT&T have just floored me!!

I subscribe to a 256/128 Maxnet package with TT&T for 590 baht a month, and have found this adequate, however, they started a promotion a few months ago offering double the speed for regular account payers. Great, I got a good speed on the 512/256 and have been more than happy.

In the last couple of days I have experienced a massive increase in speed of uploads, so I did some random speed checks with different online speed checkers. I found I was getting 700/800 kbps on downloads and around 450 kbps on uploads!! This equates to the next level of connections.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining, and was wondering if anyone else has had the same good fortune....MM

edit.....Is it too early to buy a lottery ticket on the strength of this? :o


I've always considered myself well up on cumputers having built more than enough of them, and well versed in software and connections, but TT&T have just floored me!!

I subscribe to a 256/128 Maxnet package with TT&T for 590 baht a month, and have found this adequate, however, they started a promotion a few months ago offering double the speed for regular account payers. Great, I got a good speed on the 512/256 and have been more than happy.

In the last couple of days I have experienced a massive increase in speed of uploads, so I did some random speed checks with different online speed checkers. I found I was getting 700/800 kbps on downloads and around 450 kbps on uploads!! This equates to the next level of connections.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining, and was wondering if anyone else has had the same good fortune....MM

They may have moved you to a higher speed connection but also it has fewer customers. Therefore the greater bandwidth is also divided up between fewer people resulting in even higher speeds. As more customers take up the offer you may find that the speed drops down accordingly.

edit.....Is it too early to buy a lottery ticket on the strength of this? :o

No I think you should go out and buy a bunch of lottery tickets and when you win share the money with me :D\



Anyone care to explain why I get 1701 on download and only 357 on upload


Seems like a wild discrepancy to me.

This is also TT&T by the way!

In the last couple of days I have experienced a massive increase in speed of uploads, so I did some random speed checks with different online speed checkers. I found I was getting 700/800 kbps on downloads and around 450 kbps on uploads!! This equates to the next level of connections.

Agreed. They have obviously quadrupled your speed as there is no way you can get those kinds of speeds out of a 512 connection even if you were the only person in Thailand online at the time.

They, or you, will likely discover the mistake when billing time comes. :o

Anyone care to explain why I get 1701 on download and only 357 on upload


Seems like a wild discrepancy to me.

This is also TT&T by the way!

If you are on a 2048 connection this is a bit slow as upload speed is usually about 1\3 of download speed.

If you are on a 1024 connection, this is about right but I would try another speed test as there is no way you are getting 1701 on a 1024 line.

You can easily google the download/upload disparity and get all the explanations you could ever want.


I am on a 1024 connection but TT&T are doubling the speed of most customers by 30 Sept. So they must have upgraded me in the last couple of days.

Or at least I got a letter saying; seeing as I was such a nice customer they would give me double and not make me wait a year. :D

I was wondering though if I somehow missed out on the upload speed :o


I am getting 3421 download speed (which seems pretty fast) but only 414 upload speed (which is kind of pathetic). I am using True and dont know what sort of connection I am on. Surely there is a way of improving my upload speeds.

maybe you can call TT&T and complain about the higher speeds ! :D

Good idea :D

A quick google seemed to suggest slower upload speeds were down to quality/type of cables being used. So I'll complain they need to change to all new cables; that should do the trick. :o


Speed testing (and subsequent diagnosis) can be greatly aided by stating which day of the week, preferably with date to check for public holidays etc) and time of day - there can be a huge difference in speed between tests done at 6:30am and at 4pm for example.

Additionally, apart from the number of line shares mentioned by CB, your distance from the subscriber line exchange has a huge impact, as does the routing of the copper cable, and how often it is spliced into / branched off. Another setting (done by the telco) that can have positive and negative effects on both speed and connection sustainability is "line gain" - a high setting gives a more reliable and faster connection.

However, as others have stated, you shouldn't be achieving speeds higher than your stated connection unless the ISP/telco has cockerelled up and connected you at a higher than subscribed speed.

But also speak to Max (Ta22) - he knows a few tricks about how to sustain highest possible bandwidth speed.


It would appear you got my ration of bandwidth added to your own. I've had nothing but interruptions from TT&T this past month.

The same, be lucky to stay connected long enough to post ---


Since I have been upgraded I have suffered some strange interruptions.

A few periods when I can't access at all but not long, but when I get access back I can only access some websites.

A lot of websites can't be found and it can continue like this for a couple of hours!

Since I have been upgraded I have suffered some strange interruptions.

A few periods when I can't access at all but not long, but when I get access back I can only access some websites.

A lot of websites can't be found and it can continue like this for a couple of hours!

stop visiting those porno sites. :o

on a more serious note, is it still happening?


Maxnet are running a special promotion on top of the "double your speed" promo - you would have received a letter in the mail explaining it, though it was in Thai only.

Essentially what it says is that (for an unspecified time) you will get:

Normal speed - double speed - special promo speed:

256/128 - 512/256 - 1024/512

512/256 - 1024/512 - 1536/512

1024/512 - 2048/512 - 2560/512

2048/512 - 4096/512 - 4096/512

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