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Dear All,

I thought I would start this topic as I am interested to here how other people felt/feel after living in Thailand for a year.

I have set up two successfull businesses which are not geared towards tourism, but Thai's,however I seem to have no time to relax and enjoy the sunshine,which is ulitimately why I came.I did not have the benefit of millions of baht,so I suppose in a way I am trying to save what I have spent, to enjoy the life in the future.

How was it for the rest of you that set up businesses,did you hit a relaxing point,if so when did it come? or is it still hard work?

I will leave it there for now,or I could go on all night.


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Dear All,

I thought I would start this topic as I am interested to here how other people felt/feel after living in Thailand for a year.

I have set up two successfull businesses which are not geared towards tourism, but Thai's,however I seem to have no time to relax and enjoy the sunshine,which is ulitimately why I came.I did not have the benefit of millions of baht,so I suppose in a way I am trying to save what I have spent, to enjoy the life in the future.

How was it for the rest of you that set up businesses,did you hit a relaxing point,if so when did it come? or is it still hard work?

I will leave it there for now,or I could go on all night.


Don't understand the troll comments.

Owning a business is usually hard work and rarely relaxing. I had a business once and worked very hard everyday until it went belly-up ( only lasted 1 year ). I assume it gets easier once the business is established and successful and it sounds like your on the correct path.

Could you be making more money and enjoy yourself doing something else in Thailand or elsewhere? I don't think I would enjoy scraping by in Thailand for the long term and then have to look back at all the lost opportunities.

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Dear All,

I thought I would start this topic as I am interested to here how other people felt/feel after living in Thailand for a year.

I have set up two successfull businesses which are not geared towards tourism, but Thai's,however I seem to have no time to relax and enjoy the sunshine,which is ulitimately why I came.I did not have the benefit of millions of baht,so I suppose in a way I am trying to save what I have spent, to enjoy the life in the future.

How was it for the rest of you that set up businesses,did you hit a relaxing point,if so when did it come? or is it still hard work?

I will leave it there for now,or I could go on all night.


Don't think there is a relaxing point, If you ever start feeling that way then time to sell up, you've made it.

I run a business here and work incredibly hard, I think a big part of planning for the future has to do with trying to get the company in a state where it can run (profitably) without you.

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Sounds all to familiar, me too, whats making me work so hard is i have to deal with thais and didnt allow for the problems therin,.such as there total lack or importance of deadlines etc,.i seem to be chasing all the time, yes the end results are fine ,but in all honesty i too seem to be working more here than "back home " .however if you listen to some posts on here i think they consider us making a living lucky, im not so sure, i think if you are a businessman you should be able to make money wherever you are, unless of course you were a bricky and you become a bar owner, i didnt fancy that somhow,.

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Well,taken me some time to get out from my dark hole today,

Seriously though, thanks for the feedback,I think that trying to read between the lines dealing with the holes in the Thai infrastructure is what makes it difficult.That has been some of the most difficult times that I faced to start with,there are no standards,not that I have found.

I also get the feeling from those of you that replied,it is still hard work after time,albeit easaier than it was.I am still glad that I came,it beats the rain of the UK

In answer to one of your questions what am I doing,I dont want to seem like a T****R but I am planning to roll it out as a franchise,purely beacuse it does make money.

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