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Anybody know when Doom III will be released officially over here?

I want to buy the original of this game! I've already upgraded my PC so I can play it.


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What are the minimum and recomended machine requirements for Doom3?

I'll have a scout around and see if i can find out when this is due out.


Pretty hefty requirements:

• A 1.5-gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 chip or AMD Athlon 1500.

• 384 megabytes of memory.

• Two gigabytes of hard drive space.

• An nVidia GeForce 3 graphics card or better; or an ATI Technologies 8500 or better



thats ok, i got all that already!

Any doom servers going to be hosted in Asia? Korea or Singapore maybe?

Maybe we can organise a ThaiVisa.com killfest :o


theres likely to be plenty in HK and a Few in Singa no doubt... Half Life 2 is supposed to be released around the same time, any ideas which one is rumored to be better? :o


Havent heard any rumours or read any reviews, but i think i'd go for Doom over halflife anyway, but thats just a personal prefference thang :o

Anybody know when Doom III will be released officially over here?

I want to buy the original of this game! I've already upgraded my PC so I can play it.


Maybe it's time to grow up and do something useful with your computer :o

Anybody know when Doom III  will be released officially over here?

I want to buy the original of this game! I've already upgraded my PC so I can play it.


Maybe it's time to grow up and do something useful with your computer :o

What's it to you? Gaming is a hobby common to many, especially adults between the ages of 25-35, who comprise the largest group of gamers.

Why do you watch movies? Escapism can be found in many forms. Modern games these days are mind blowing, especially on the right systems. Loosen up.


A patriot (of your home country) might never know the joys of life in BKK, so too an internet surfer might never learn about internet gaming.

Can one of you guys fill us in?

Is it like playing pacman on your atari or do you all connect in cyberspace and start the challenge?

Give us some info and perhaps others might join in...



Computer games come in many forms these days, the game world has moved on a little since Pacman and space invaders. My personal prefference when i plug myself in for a session of playing games is online role playing games, adventure games where you group with with a number of other real people (from anywhere around the world) and go do something, be it hunting down and killing other players, getting together and crawling our way through some deadly dangerous dungeon to slay a dragon or even just hang around with some friends and chat and have a laugh.

Doom3 is a First person shooter (FPS) game, not normally my style of game but always good if you want to destress and just blow things up and shoot people, its one of those games you can play offline (just agaisnt the computer controlled monsters and complete the "storyline") or online against any number of "human" players in a free-for-all, or fragfest.

The gameing population of the world is drastically increasing, with a broad spectrum of people playing from the more mature (50y/o) down to children (10y/o) man and woman alike, recently there was a survey by the BBC and the figures were very interesting, showing that people from all walks of life were turning to computer games as a form of entertainment.

I guess the days of the 'goggle" box are numbered, humans are no longer content with just watching moving pictures on the TV, looking for more stimulating forms of entertainment.


What would you like me to do, thats useful with my computer? I've worked in IT for the past 13 years, its my career, its enabled me to travel all over the world and ultimately live in Phuket, Thailand, a blissful tropical paradise island.

Is that useful enough for you? Or should i try harder?

Or maybe you'd like to take a look at my business site? (i wont post the url here as it conflicts with the ToS of the board, PM me and i'll send it to you)

As for "growing up" forget it, if being a grown up like you means i post insulting comments like yours, nahhh i'll stay as a big kid, much nicer and a darn site more fun. :o


Its interesting how many of these games are starting to integrate online communities and chatting - they are moving beyond 3d-virtual worlds where you simply run around and blast your mates, now you need teamwork and cooperation !

I was reading about a massively multiplayer online RP game called Anarchy Online which has a sort of high-level 'plot', basically a war between two factions blah blah everyone has to join a 'side'. The interesting thing is that the outcome of the 'story' is not 'fixed' ahead of time and the outcome is not known even to the developers. The story evolves over time and the outcome will be determined by the collective day-to-day actions of all the players.

(It was ###### expensive and had an ongoing subscription fee, so unfortunately I never played it).


The Majority of proffesionally run MMORG's (Massive multi online role-play games) impliment a subscription fee of some sort, thats offset by the fact the game software is normally cheap or free.

In Thai terms, that fee is approximately 1,000-2,000 baht for three months play. You obviously have to pay for your internet connection on top of that. Not expensive considering one night on the lash i thailand will set you back 2k. The subs are for unlimited time, so its not like your paying 1,000baht for 50hrs play, its unlimited.

The big games i've played are:

Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) (1,200 baht for 3 months)

Star Wars Galexies (SWG) (2,000 baht for 3 months)

Everquest (EQ) (cant remember exactly, but it was less than 1k for 3 months)

DAoC and SWG had a high level plot, as in factions or sides warring together. They invovled a lot of whats called PvP (Player verses Player) where as EQ was mainly PvE (Player verses Environment)

The next generation of MMORG's are due out this year/early next year and include:

World of Warcraft


Theres more, but i dont follow those so much.

Its a growing industry, and with everyman and his dog having broadband back in the west its growing very fast. Combine that with film studios workign with game developers/publishers will only make the future titles even better, with slicker graphics for that "wow" factor and familiar faces appearing as characters.

People these days have the wrong impression that "games are for kids" where as they are not, target audiences for MMORG's are 16-30 year old. With more and more senior people playing. I've personally known a dozen or so players whos actual ages were 40+

Guess we all just big kids at heart, well most of us. Maybe not Butterfly. Old boreing git :o


Well, I think there is a difference between enjoying games once in a while, and being totally obsessed with games like I see too many times with gamers.

The problem with gamers is their obsession with technology to play with their games. This is ridiculous, and expensive. And yes I think using a computer with so much power to play games is really stupid, but hey I have seen people with 256MB RAM, 2.5GHz P4 PC using their machine to open Word, surf the web and open their email, so I guess stupidity has different levels.

And yes, from experience, the age mentality of most hard core gamers is no more than 10 yr old even if they live in 30 yr old bodies. Just lame and sad. That's more than being kids at heart :o

And if being an adult means to be boring, than yes, I want to be an adult, not a 12 yr old in a 30 yr old body who think that Half Life is so cool that he has to blow 20,000 bt in hardware to play that game.

And playing 3 or 4 hours a day, well, you need to get a life, there is a world outside.

Btw, I play N4SU which is pretty cool, but I would not upgrade my hardware only to get the better graphics, this is just ridiculous. It reminds me of the 15yr kids today who upgrade their PC to have those fluos neons PCs to look cool. Same mentality, same age.



Whilst your opinion is a valid one and your entitled to it, i do feel your over generalising.

And yes, from experience, the age mentality of most hard core gamers is no more than 10 yr old even if they live in 30 yr old bodies. Just lame and sad. That's more than being kids at heart
I consider myself a "hard core" gamer, I use my computer for entertainment in the form of computer games for over 10hrs a week (especially in low season when its peein down with rain outside!) back in the UK i probably played somewhere around 3-4hrs a night, more on weekends, but then an evening down the pub would cost 70quid and i simply couldnt afford to do that.

Do you think my age mentality is that of a 10 year old? (closer 12 thanks! :D )

Whilst i agree that some gamers are mentaly immature, broad sweeping statements such as yours do not make valid arguments.

All Yanks are stupid? All aussies are sheep shaggers? All men are perverts?See what i'm saying? three broad sweeping statements that are untrue.

And if being an adult means to be boring, than yes, I want to be an adult, not a 12 yr old in a 30 yr old body who think that Half Life is so cool that he has to blow 20,000 bt in hardware to play that game.

Personally i dont like Halflife style of games, as in they are not my favorite type. I spent 18k on a decent graphics card for my PC, i imported SWG from the US at the cost of 4k (darn import duty!) If that makes me a child of 12 inside a 30 year old body, so be it. I know people who spend $400us on a mobile phone cos its a new model, i know people who spend thousands on a car, when they already have on in the garage, i know people who blow 60k a week on drink, are they also 12 year olds in a 30 year olds body? because they spend a bit of cash ontheir hobby?

I think not.

And playing 3 or 4 hours a day, well, you need to get a life, there is a world outside.
Yep, and right now its peein down with rain, so i aint going out on my bike.

I do have a life, quite a reasonable social life, i visit the beach regular, i go boozin with my mates, i have a healthy sex life, i have a broad spectrum of friends from many different age groups, I guess i dont have a life because i have chosen not to forsake a bit of fun in the name of growing up?

More importantly, how i choose to spend a few hours of my own time is no concern of anyone elses, providing its not illegal or immoral. Do i ridicule people for watching TV for 3-4hrs a night? Or going down the pub and getting lashed up for 3-4 hrs a night? What about people who sit on the beach and fry themselves for 3-4hrs a day? Or those DIY freaks who like to mess around with bits of wood and screws n nails etc for most of their weekends, maybe they should get a life as well because they have a hobby they like to spend their free time on?

Btw, I play N4SU which is pretty cool, but I would not upgrade my hardware only to get the better graphics, this is just ridiculous.

Thats not ridiculous in the slightest, whilst its down to you to choose how you spend your hard earned ca$h its not wrong for someone to spend thier money on somethign they want to, even if you wouldnt do the same. Its not wrong, its just not something you would do... that doesnt make it ridiculous, it makes it different.

Its obvious that "gaming" isnt your cup of tea, thats fair enough, no problems wit that in the slightest, but your stero-typing of gamers isnt fair, and maybe you should think about broadening your horizons and maybe geting a life of your own. Just because people enjoy doing something you do not, doesnt make it wrong, or sad, or ridiculous, or pathetic. Just makes it different.

Anyway, thanks for the comments, always good to discuss stuff with people of a different opinion to mine, and i hope i havent bored anyone with my over extended reply :o


Hey Wolfie, I think you have a few valid good points. Actually I would go as far as you said by saying that people watching TV 3 or 4 hours a day need to get a life. I know what I am talking about, I used to watch TV 3 or 4 hours day :D

Re: Gamers

Well, I am surrounded by gamers so my tolerance for them is getting low. That could explain my bias toward them. Again that does not make them bad people, but they are "usually" childish. I am sure there are exceptions, but the "generality" is, and that doesn't mean they "all" are :D

I am not denying that gaming is fun but I am questioning the level of energy and attention it requires when you become a serious gamer. It just seems a waste of time. I know gaming is not the only thing that you can waste your time on. I wouldn't classify "drinking" at the pub a waste of time but that's just me :D

And yes, you are correct, spending thousands on Mobile phone, TV equipment, DVDs is also a sign of immaturity when it reaches a certain level. I have seen those type of characters and they share the same approach to material things. If they don't have it, they feel lost, out of the loop. Gamers need to constantly be on the edge and have the latest game with the best graphics. This is not healthy in my book, and it hides deep emotional frustations. When you are 15, this is normal, when you are 30, it's not.

You mention cost. Games being cheap compared to other things. You are correct and this strengthens my arguments than gaming are for kids, not aldults :o

Only when your toys reach a few hundred thousands (cars etc...), you have the right to call yourself an adult :D


Hell_, who needs a dvd player when you got a VCR? Heck, who needs a VCR, when you got a BETA machine? Who needs a car when you got a horse? etc. etc.

Gaming is one of many factors propelling innovation in computers and the modern world. Videogames have helped to create the technology for real world models useful to all facets of life.

Also, surgeons use videogames to to strengthen their hand eye coordination and reflexes.

Gaming is a good solution to the boredom created by Phuket's current monsoon type weather. I prefer it to the delightfully red UBC screen.

BTW, NFSU is a generic racer with little entertainment value IMO.


The official DOOM 3 hardware requirements


The fact is that id Software has done a tremendous job in optimizing DOOM 3 for computers that are two years old or older. If you have a 1.5GHz Pentium and a 3D card that has been made in the last couple of years, you should be able to enjoy the DOOM 3 experience as it was meant to be

WARNING - Too much time looking at your monitor can cause eyestrain :o


cool. Definately give this one a try...

with some luck there will be servers hosted in SE Asia so we wont suffer too much from latency problems.

My personal prefference when i plug myself in for a session of playing games is online role playing games, adventure games where you group with with a number of other real people (from anywhere around the world) and go do something, be it hunting down and killing other players, getting together and crawling our way through some deadly dangerous dungeon to slay a dragon or even just hang around with some friends and chat and have a laugh.

I think that's happens all the time on Thaivisa :o:D

I just started a pc game called The Suffering,I like it,scary stuff and very bloody.


That looks great,my favorite series has been the two before this up coming one.

For the dates of new release's try here.


Game FAQs/Gamespot is definately a great site. Good call.


Doom 3 hit the file sharing community yesterday (or the day before) and it has already been cracked. BITTORRENT trackers had like 20,000 peers with 1 seed, needless to say it's quite a popular download.

  • 7 months later...

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