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Have a look in the 5 Baht shops selling everything from fly swats, nail clippers to cheap screwdrivers. That’s where I usually find them.

For more expensive ones, look at the stalls selling wooden games and puzzles.

Edited by Farma
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They are available in every second stall along the Night Bazaar. For cheap ones try the toy and game section at Robinson, the larger book stores in Pantip Plazza, Central, Carre Four etc.

Be aware that being Thai she will learn very quickly how to play any such game and for the rest of you life will consistenly beat you. It is an inate skill in Thai women to be very good at these things. I taught my girl how to play draughts and now she keeps wanting to play me because she knows she can win and likes to beat me. They know that winning against Thai boys in these games is not socially acceptable but with Farung - it is open season :o

Buy a set and enjoy, but be prepared to lose :D


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They are available in every second stall along the Night Bazaar. For cheap ones try the toy and game section at Robinson, the larger book stores in Pantip Plazza, Central, Carre Four etc.

Be aware that being Thai she will learn very quickly how to play any such game and for the rest of you life will consistenly beat you. It is an inate skill in Thai women to be very good at these things. I taught my girl how to play draughts and now she keeps wanting to play me because she knows she can win and likes to beat me. They know that winning against Thai boys in these games is not socially acceptable but with Farung - it is open season :D

Buy a set and enjoy, but be prepared to lose :D


teaching her how to play mahjong is the worst thing any farang can do!. its bad for you and your pocket.


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Thanks to all for the great responses -- and unsolicited advisements. :o

I had no idea that Dominoes were so abundantly available in CM -- or Thailand for that matter. Prior to this post I wasn't shopping for them, so if I saw them, they just didn't register.

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Thanks to all for the great responses -- and unsolicited advisements. :o

Not a problem, pleased we can help

I had no idea that Dominoes were so abundantly available in CM -- or Thailand for that matter. Prior to this post I wasn't shopping for them, so if I saw them, they just didn't register.

It is a syndrome called an "evoked set". It is usually stronger in males than females. It helps humans to find something they are looking for but ignore everything else not part of the set. An example is if you are thinking of buying Dominos but can't find them. You didn't need them before and so your eye saw them but your brain filtered out the information so you effectively didn't see them. Now you need them, suddenly they appear to be everywhere around you and you can't understand why you hadn't seen them before. I would be very surprised if your girlfriend hadn't seen them around and knew where to get them. Maybe not in the same places we suggested but she would have seen them even if she didn't associate a meaning or need for them.

A second example is when you have just bought you new brand "X" car and suddenly you notice every second person around you seems to be driving the same model. Depending on your personality type this will either reassure you (it is a popular brand therefore must be good) or upset you (sh1t every son bitch on the road has the same car as me).

Marketing types get deep into this stuff calling it pre and post purchase dissonance. Engineering types use it to create an affinity with a known and liked shape when they make new designs. When the Toyota Vigo came out - a lot of the buyers hated the new shape and preferred the old Tiger style. Most of them already had a Tiger or something similar so felt comfortable with the design. The new Mitsubishi Triton is a stand out example of this - the design is so radical but actually based on the old 50's style pickup trucks for the USA. When they first came out they split the buyer market - people either hated or loved the design. Now they are more common and look almost normal.


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