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Non Imm-b “denied“ From The Manila Embassy

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Pre approved Work Permit from the Ministry of Labour requested[/b]


Ive been working in Manila (a.k.a. ######) for about 6 months now after being transferred from our office in BKK. After 2 weeks of being here I knew that this was not the place for me! After another 3 months of searching I found a decent job (with a different company and outside of the teaching sector) and was flown out to BKK for a final interview, contract docs. etc...

“Where do i sign?” I said!!!

Back to Manila to process the non immigrant B visa. I had everything in order as I have done this prior in Paneng, Singapore, LA and DC .

The Thai Embassy agreed...

“Come back tomorrow to pick up your passport and visa tomorrow sir” says the underpaid overworked Filipino assistant in the Thai Embassy here.

Just as requested, I was back the next day to pick up my passport and visa and was told that “your visa application has been denied and that you will need a letter from the Ministry of Labour in BKK, this usually takes 1-2 days sir. Here is a sample letter that you will need.”

Shiks I said another 1 or 2 days in “paradise”?

I immediately called my friendly banker at local BKK Bank branch here asking him for K Ohms number of the Thai Embassy. (we had all met one night drinking some imported JW & soda)

“K. Ohm can you check out whats going on with my visa there at the embassy?”

He said that he would look into it and get back to me asap. Sweet I'm saved!!! maybe he can get this straightened up right now and I can have my visa today?

He calls me back about 30 mins later and says that he spoke with his boss the consular and she said that she'd never heard of the company before and that the registered capital is only B 4 million. (fyi- there is only 1 expat there)

Therefore, I will need the letter from the Ministry of Labour.


Well I've been waiting for 2 weeks now that we have finally gotten all the correct docs in order and still no “letter” from the Ministry of Labour!!

Any idea of this “letter”?????????????

I was told from our office in BKK that this “letter” is a formality to slow down the flow of Filipinos who want to leave their home, the Philippines, “paradise”???? and that the embassy doesn't want to discriminant against anyone no matter what their nationality may be.



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i faced exactly the same problem at the thai embassy in delhi....

i was told that i had to get a quota approval letter from the ministry of labor...

i m myself wondering what this letter is

can any1 enlighten us on this matter...

and how do u get this letter....and what does a company in thailand need to do to get it

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If the Consulate has a concern about the company ( and the company could be 1000% legit, just the Consulate had some concern)and the visa, they use this to deny you.

Here is what they want...

For the purpose of employment in Thailand, the applicant must receive approval from the Ministry concerned , this means that the employer of the applicant must first apply ( by Form WP3) for and receive approval for the applicant's employment through the Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Mit-Maitree Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400 - Tel. (662) 617-6578 or 617-6587 / Fax (662) 617-6576, in case of up-country the employer apply through the District Office or the Province Office , Once the approval has been granted, the applicant would then attach this approval to his or her visa application and submit it to the Consulate.

Every Consulate uses discretion and their viewpoint of the laws when issuing visas.


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What made me not like Manila?

What gave you that impression? 5555!

Inadequate infrastructure-

the sky way that costs about 60 baht and will take you 2 kms, which allows you to avoid some of the traffic heading south (2kms of avoidance)

then it puts you onto the South "super" highway. Nothing too "super" about it as it is covered with large pot holes, poorly signed, jeepnyes and buses stopping on it like it were a service road. This is the best road in the country too which Filipinos are so proud of.


Oh i like to feel safe but walking into a 7-11 (not only 7 but everywhere!!) and having an armed gaurd pat me down and check me with a metal detector prior to being allowed in.


Funny enough I am sitting here typing this and it came up again.

Sir how was your weekend? My weekend was good thanks. But one thing, I have never been to England, I have never met the Queen nor been knighted, therefore I am not a sir.

You may just call me Mark.

Ok sir. Oh! Sorry Sir Mark,.......... I mean Mark.

No Problem Edwin.

Sir can I get you a cup of coffee.........

Yes or Yes?-

In Thailand at least I knew or had a good idea if someone didnt understand me. "At least everyone speaks English over there" My old boss in Bkk said to me prior to leaving the office there.

Yeah everyone speaks English but no one understands what your saying.

Do you understand? Yes sir.

Well then why dont you do what you said you would do. Sorry sir, I thought you meant you only wanted me to come to work on time on Mondays.


Everywhere, unavoidable and really sad.

I could go on and on and would really like to but got to get some work done here...

enough venting for now

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What made me not like Manila?

What gave you that impression? 5555!

Inadequate infrastructure- 

the sky way that costs about 60 baht and will take you 2 kms, which allows you to avoid some of the traffic heading south (2kms of avoidance)

then it puts you onto the South "super" highway.  Nothing too "super" about it as it is covered with large pot holes, poorly signed, jeepnyes and buses stopping on it like it were a service road.  This is the best road in the country too which Filipinos are so proud of.


Oh i like to feel safe but walking into a 7-11 (not only 7 but everywhere!!) and having an armed gaurd pat me down and check me with a metal detector prior to being allowed in.


Funny enough I am sitting here typing this and it came up again.

Sir how was your weekend? My weekend was good thanks.  But one thing, I have never been to England, I have never met the Queen nor been knighted, therefore I am not a sir.

You may just call me Mark.

Ok sir.  Oh! Sorry Sir Mark,.......... I mean Mark.

No Problem Edwin.

Sir can I get you a cup of coffee.........

Yes or Yes?-

In Thailand at least I knew or had a good idea if someone didnt understand me.  "At least everyone speaks English over there"  My old boss in Bkk said to me prior to leaving the office there.

Yeah everyone speaks English but no one understands what your saying.

Do you understand? Yes sir. 

Well then why dont you do what you said you would do.  Sorry sir, I thought you meant you only wanted me to come to work on time on Mondays.


Everywhere, unavoidable and really sad.

I could go on and on and would really like to but got to get some work done here...

enough venting for now

I am sorry you felt that way, I couldn't blame you though. Things have gotten bad in Manila... You should seen Manila years back, you would have loved it here. I was just curious to know what made you not like it here.

By the way, It is my first time to hear that the "South Super Highway is the best road in the country" It never was, North Express Way is a lot better. As for the sky way, yes, it is a little bit expensive, compared to the 40B charge in Thailand. But it does save you from terrible traffic if you opt to take the one below during weekdays. Comparing the prices though : MRT and LRT is a lot cheaper than BTS :D


I had a friend from Thailand who visited Manila a couple of months ago, and was amazed with all these security stuff...She hoped to see something like this in Bangkok too. I guess every person has his own opinion. :o

"Yeah everyone speaks English but no one understands what your saying."

- It happens in all countries, even countries whose native language is English. There are just some "funny" people scattered all over the world. :D

and yes, unfortunately, poverty is pretty obvious here right now, But you cannot find anything like Greenbelt, Rockwell, Eastwood, Forbes, Dasmarinas, Ortigas Center ..etc..etc... in Bangkok. :D

Anyway, please don't think I am attacking you or anything like that, As mentioned earlier,I was just curious to know. I am back in Manila but I lived in Thailand for about 8 months and I did noticed some similarities and differences (good and bad). So I just wanted to find out what made you not like it here. I hope you all the best.

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... :o Pardon me for some wrong grammar or any mispelled words... I accidentally hit send instead of preview. After reading my post... I noticed some sentences which will make one think (what the... is she saying)hehehe... I don't know how to edit it now. Sorry sorry :D

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