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Monkey Snake Plant Or Tree

Pink Mist

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Was recently told about this treatment and got some from a local source, you boil it and drink the juice.

The consensus is it's effective, so I would like obtain some in Oz (cant take it back for obvious reasons).

Has anybody heard of this plant, weed or tree and if so can you give me an english or botanical name?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was recently told about this treatment and got some from a local source, you boil it and drink the juice.

The consensus is it's effective, so I would like obtain some in Oz (cant take it back for obvious reasons).

Has anybody heard of this plant, weed or tree and if so can you give me an english or botanical name?

I don't know of the particular tree that you are asking about, but try and obtain some 'NEEM' capsules. You may have heard of it before, it has been used for thousands of years particularly in India for all kinds of treatments and it is totally non toxic and can be taken in large doses without any side-effects. It acts as an anit-inflamatory. Have a look at the replies to my topic (particulary the website refences), of where could I buy Neem Leaf on this forum and I think that you will find it very interesting.

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