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Elit Card Luanched On Samui

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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :D

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

It is a bit amazing that you feel you have already achieved the full value in the cost within just a "few months" as your other forum posts indicate the length of time you've apparently had it.... but still, if you feel you have, that's good for you, I suppose.

Exactly my point, Peace of mind is priceless. Being able to relax without that "visa run feeling" looming over your head is priceless.

BTW, I cant really comment on your posts because you edit them AFTER a reply is posted to make your posts look more pretty by using information contained in posts AFTER the fact.


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Elite Card spam:


Why is this "Elite Card spam" ? The OP has a valid point, for an extra 200K he can buy a lifetime visa and he was asking for advice and comments. Just because you cant afford/ dont trust / dont like the TE system why knock it ?

If the guy has 800K in his bank for a short term visa why not top it up with 200K and his Visa worries are over for life.

Your comments are bizzare and totally unhelpful to the OP

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I didn't and wouldn't buy the Elite card, but it's good to know that if I did... that I could get a cup of coffee during extension applications. It's also good to know that they are maintaining the Elite status of new purchasers, despite the reduction of benefits.

Didn't , wouldn't , couldn't........

post edited to reflect reality

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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :D

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

It is a bit amazing that you feel you have already achieved the full value in the cost within just a "few months" as your other forum posts indicate the length of time you've apparently had it.... but still, if you feel you have, that's good for you, I suppose.

Exactly my point, Peace of mind is priceless. Being able to relax without that "visa run feeling" looming over your head is priceless.

BTW, I cant really comment on your posts because you edit them AFTER a reply is posted to make your posts look more pretty by using information contained in posts AFTER the fact.


I'm happy if you are happy with your benefits then.

BTW, editing posts is allowed by the forum software for a plethora of reasons.

It's only allowed for, I believe 12 minutes, after a post is made.

If you are that worried about people editing their posts, simply wait 13, before responding to them.

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I didn't and wouldn't buy the Elite card, but it's good to know that if I did... that I could get a cup of coffee during extension applications. It's also good to know that they are maintaining the Elite status of new purchasers, despite the reduction of benefits.

Didn't , wouldn't , couldn't........

post edited to reflect reality

Ah so you edited another post to reflect comments after the fact, No wonder you have such a high post count, I guess thats why they call it "Elite" , it's not for 'certain' people.

Good luck in your Joe's BackPack run or whatever its called when your sitting on your 20Bht visa run bus,

I'm out of this post, Its turned into pointless banter yet again, You should only reply to posts that you know something about.

Have a happy van ride LOL

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Elite Card spam:


Why is this "Elite Card spam" ? The OP has a valid point, for an extra 200K he can buy a lifetime visa and he was asking for advice and comments. Just because you cant afford / dont trust / dont like the TE system why knock it ?

*additional post edited to reflect reality*

If the guy has 800K in his bank for a short term visa why not top it up with 200K and his Visa worries are over for life.

Your comments are bizzare and totally unhelpful to the OP

It was in reference to the "advertising" news that was originally contained in the OP and was duly and properly deleted by the moderator.

As the OP is apparently unaware of the other 63 threads covering the Elite Card on this forum and thus unfamiliar with it, I was simply helping to identify the spam nature of the "advertising".

Subsequent posts by others pointed out the "not rocket science" nature of the difference between having 800K in savings and spending 1 mil.

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I didn't and wouldn't buy the Elite card, but it's good to know that if I did... that I could get a cup of coffee during extension applications. It's also good to know that they are maintaining the Elite status of new purchasers, despite the reduction of benefits.

Didn't , wouldn't , couldn't........

post edited to reflect reality

Ah so you edited another post to reflect comments after the fact, No wonder you have such a high post count, I guess thats why they call it "Elite" , it's not for 'certain' people.

Good luck in your Joe's BackPack run or whatever its called when your sitting on your 20Bht visa run bus,

I'm out of this post, Its turned into pointless banter yet again, You should only reply to posts that you know something about.

Have a happy van ride LOL

The above editing is called "poignant"

Please take your flaming elsewhere.... it's against forum rules.

Edited by sriracha john
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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :o

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

I wasn't trolling, I was looking for a car and I stumbled on this thread where 90% of the posts were full of duff information, So I decided to answer a few with some truthful statements since most of the posts seem to think that the TE visa was only valid for 5 years.

Apart from the Visa part, the rest of the TE is bullcrap I totally agree like for instance the withdrawal of Thai Air benefits etc that are only clear AFTER you have paid.

So your comment about "worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments" is very amusing LOL.

You think I'm a rep or something ? Uff, Even when you post your own personal experiences in this forum someone accuses you of being something that your not.

Nice try 'sriracha john'

I'm not a troll or a rep, Just giving honest information to people who may actually use this forum as a source of information rather than personal slander / pointless / false information.

My personal views of TE is not actually what you think it maybe but negative advice or comments never help anyone.

As for trolling, what possible advice could you give people in a thread related to a TE when you don't have one ?

And you call ME a troll ? LOL

Finally ... Someone who admits the Card is nothing more than a high priced Visa, with no or few other benefits !

And the nastiest part is you need to fork over your money before they will divulge the details. tacky, very tacky.


Edited by naka
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As the OP is apparently unaware of the other 63 threads covering the Elite Card on this forum and thus unfamiliar with it, I was simply helping to identify the spam nature of the "advertising".

Subsequent posts by others pointed out the "not rocket science" nature of the difference between having 800K in savings and spending 1 mil.

Your rabid antagonism towards the scheme is displayed in most/all of those threads. Many would believe that also constitutes flaming/trolling.

"Rocket Science" saving 800k with limited interest until departing from Thailand (there is only one way I will be departing) or spending 1mil and having benefits.

Were you on the Columbia or the Challenger team?

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1 mil invested (I have averaged almost 30% for the past 5 years but lets just say 10% is realisitc).. is still 100,000 per annum in wasted return.

4 trips per year 25k for one nights accomodation..

hmmm.. savings !!

The visa is renewable every 5 years and lasts for a lifetime, I think you are missing that point in your calculations.

I dont have to do a Visa run again ever.

I dont like to travel cheap skate so I fly business and stay in nice hotels so for me the 1M investment pays for itself and starts to even save money very quickly and of course a 20min trip for a 90 day stamp is a lot less bother that these crazy visa runs.

It might not suit everyone but for me it's already paid for itself and is beginning now to actually save money.

Nice to see a real Elite card holder, talking about his experiences with the card. Can you send someone in your place to get the 90-reporting done? Like a lawyer or other 'official'?

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1 mil invested (I have averaged almost 30% for the past 5 years but lets just say 10% is realisitc).. is still 100,000 per annum in wasted return.

4 trips per year 25k for one nights accomodation..

hmmm.. savings !!

The visa is renewable every 5 years and lasts for a lifetime, I think you are missing that point in your calculations.

I dont have to do a Visa run again ever.

I dont like to travel cheap skate so I fly business and stay in nice hotels so for me the 1M investment pays for itself and starts to even save money very quickly and of course a 20min trip for a 90 day stamp is a lot less bother that these crazy visa runs.

It might not suit everyone but for me it's already paid for itself and is beginning now to actually save money.

Nice to see a real Elite card holder, talking about his experiences with the card. Can you send someone in your place to get the 90-reporting done? Like a lawyer or other 'official'?

I think you must do it in person. Believe they want to make sure you haven't gone and gotten a tattoo

in the meantime ! That would not sit well with the concept :o


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Are you serious when you say you will save money? but maybe better for someone who has money and wants a easy way to get visa.

Why spend 1 Mil Baht for 5 years (law can change)when you can spend less than 100,000 Baht year for 1 year visa (not have to leave country every 3 month)

Rough guess only (cant be bothered to do exact)

1.Set Thai company, 30,000+ baht.

2.Obtain Non B Visa

3.Pay SSF for x4 Thai staff/ month min wage 4,500 baht/month roughly 2,000 baht month.

4.Apply Work permit

5.Pay PI Tax based on salary 50,000 baht /month approx 2-3,000 baht/month

6.Company Tax x2 year 20,000 baht Audit fee 15,000 baht

7.Governemtn fees for process, work permit, visa 1 year less than 10,000 baht/Year

Apply 1 year business Visa Type Non B A after 3 month of company set up easier first year, following years show end year CIT (no need to leave country in 12 months)

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As the OP is apparently unaware of the other 63 threads covering the Elite Card on this forum and thus unfamiliar with it, I was simply helping to identify the spam nature of the "advertising".

Subsequent posts by others pointed out the "not rocket science" nature of the difference between having 800K in savings and spending 1 mil.

Your rabid antagonism towards the scheme is displayed in most/all of those threads. Many would believe that also constitutes flaming/trolling.

Flaming is when it's directed at an individual member... A government program is not an individual member and thus doesn't fall under the definition. I recall initiating only one of those threads and that was to post an objective news release... so, once again, the definition of trolling is not met.

"Rocket Science" saving 800k with limited interest until departing from Thailand (there is only one way I will be departing) or spending 1mil and having benefits.

Were you on the Columbia or the Challenger team?

I'll leave that question to the other member who had made the post.

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The most intriguing part of Elite Card membership is seeing how people

who otherwise you would think would have good business sense, seemed to have

been oblivious to the risks of spending 1 million baht on this scheme :D

I suppose it depends on someone's individual risk profile as to whether

the Elite Card represents good value for money but to my mind

particularly before spending this sum of money was to ask the question

" what would be the critical mass regarding minimum membership numbers

for this scheme to work " ?? It goes without saying that unless any scheme

reaches a critical mass it will eventually fail and the fact that

from so early on the alarm bells were ringing would certainly have stopped me

from proceeding at least until I saw more encouraging figures.

If the main benefits have now come down to mainly 5 year visa's

( and only for Thailand mind you ) I hope those that didn't jump in

are not from APEC countries because they may otherwise have qualified

for an APEC card which gives you a 3 year visa ?? OK years less

but what the hel_l ? !

Why does this still represent such much better value than the Thailand Elite Card ?

1. It costs $200 Aust for three years !! Yes $68 a year !!

2. It applies to 17 countries not just Thailand -so no other visa charges

whatsoever for these other economies.

3. You get to use the diplomatic channel at immigration -which admittedly

doesn't have the gold carpet on the floor in front of the immigration desk

but still as you are through in a matter of minutes- who cares about carpets anyway ? :o

Was 1 million a good investment ? time will tell :D

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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :o

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

I wasn't trolling, I was looking for a car and I stumbled on this thread where 90% of the posts were full of duff information, So I decided to answer a few with some truthful statements since most of the posts seem to think that the TE visa was only valid for 5 years.

Whether you have the cash lying around or not makes no difference to the quality of the deal. The Thai view of 'stupid farang' comes exactly from those that have more money than sense.

And if one has so much money and status, why come looking for a car on TV? :D

Edited by OlRedEyes
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... when you can spend less than 100,000 Baht year for 1 year visa


3.Pay SSF for x4 Thai staff/ month min wage 4,500 baht/month roughly 2,000 baht month.



I do not know where/if I am wrong, but don't you have to pay salary to your staff too ? Even at minimum wage, 4 annual thai salary are at least 200.000 bahts... That would make your visa at more than 300.000 bahts ?? :o Thank's if you can precise/explain that point. :D


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I spent a decade of my life selling motorhomes that started at US$1 million. Some of them went to three or four million for a vehicle that folks would roll around in maybe two weeks a year, rest of the time it sat in a garage and depreciated. Never could afford one myself, hard to get financing on something like that. Deep in my unspoken heart, I was somewhat taken aback by toys that started at a million but when you compare it to hunting helicopters, seems like a great deal.

Thailand is as much a recreational diversion as say polo, which is a lot more expensive than the elite card, and slightly safer. I forget sometimes how overwhelmed I was on my first visit here so many years ago. Now, as an old hand, its hard to imagine how chaotic and exotic it seemed to me those decades ago.

The elite card taps into that market quite nicely. Here is what you really get, a five year visa and english voice on the other end of the phone that can take care of any and all problems. The price for the intended market is almost ridiculously small.

To date, they have found around 1000 people willing to plunk down their money bespeaks a market larger than I would have imagined.

The real problem with the Elite card is not in concept, not in target market, but as in many things run by government, in execution. Their costs are insane, all built on a business plan that made a bizarre assumption of 1,000,000 customers. The entire operation is so poorly planned, poorly executed, and poorly managed as to be almost a travesty. If you look at it, it was not intended to be a profitable well run operation, it was intended to be a cash cow for the management and in that purpose it appears to have succeeded.

I really wish I had the call center and access to the top of immigrations when this program was ill conceived. Think about the business plan you could have set up with just 100 new members every year. Thats 100,000,000 million in income, some of it develops a long term trust fund for long term call center operations but in essence you become the travel agency for a very elite clientèle numbering around 1200 visitors on an operational budget of about 70,000,000. What a great business plan, and it would take an idiot of the highest order to screw it up. Thankfully they have found four or five of those in the just the past three years to run the Elite program.

My experience here is that it will die an ignoble death sometime in the future. That those who can afford to light their pipe with $1000 bills will hardly notice, and in fact, may continue to get special visa privileges out of some sort of sympathy for the strange westerners. Everyone will be happy and a new project will take its place like a million cows, nuclear power plants, paying businesses to move to Vietnam, or other such bizarre concepts designed to provide a conduit for state funds into private pockets.

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It's a pity that the Elite card 'visa' does not qualify one for the route to PR, (ie - you must have 3 years of visa extensions). That would make obtaining these 3 years so much easier for us under-50 year olds... :o

But I also seem to remember that you cannot get a WP with an Elite card....


You can get a Work Permit on an Elite Card visa if you like, because they advertise assistance to obtain your Work Permit as part of your benefits.

Regarding PR, haven't the requirements for PR recently been changed anyway and you no longer need several years of extensions now?

Sorry, no work permit allowed with an Elite (?) Card

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It's a pity that the Elite card 'visa' does not qualify one for the route to PR, (ie - you must have 3 years of visa extensions). That would make obtaining these 3 years so much easier for us under-50 year olds... :D

But I also seem to remember that you cannot get a WP with an Elite card....


You can get a Work Permit on an Elite Card visa if you like, because they advertise assistance to obtain your Work Permit as part of your benefits.

Regarding PR, haven't the requirements for PR recently been changed anyway and you no longer need several years of extensions now?

Sorry, no work permit allowed with an Elite (?) Card

I think Sunbelt Asia will do the same without the 1 million :o

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Are you serious when you say you will save money? but maybe better for someone who has money and wants a easy way to get visa.

Why spend 1 Mil Baht for 5 years (law can change)when you can spend less than 100,000 Baht year for 1 year visa (not have to leave country every 3 month)

Rough guess only (cant be bothered to do exact)

1.Set Thai company, 30,000+ baht.

2.Obtain Non B Visa

3.Pay SSF for x4 Thai staff/ month min wage 4,500 baht/month roughly 2,000 baht month.

4.Apply Work permit

5.Pay PI Tax based on salary 50,000 baht /month approx 2-3,000 baht/month

6.Company Tax x2 year 20,000 baht Audit fee 15,000 baht

7.Governemtn fees for process, work permit, visa 1 year less than 10,000 baht/Year

Apply 1 year business Visa Type Non B A after 3 month of company set up easier first year, following years show end year CIT (no need to leave country in 12 months)

I rather pay 1 million (even 2) than to do that... :o

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It's funny, the biggest Elite card basher in this thread was touting taking frequent cold showers to save money on the aircon bill in another thread.

Someone without two baht to rub together should be one to convince the wealthy how stupid they are to have made a purchase they are clearly satisfied with.

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Why spend 1 Mil Baht for 5 years (law can change)when you can spend less than 100,000 Baht year for 1 year visa (not have to leave country every 3 month)

Rough guess only (cant be bothered to do exact)

1.Set Thai company, 30,000+ baht.

2.Obtain Non B Visa

3.Pay SSF for x4 Thai staff/ month min wage 4,500 baht/month roughly 2,000 baht month.

4.Apply Work permit

5.Pay PI Tax based on salary 50,000 baht /month approx 2-3,000 baht/month

6.Company Tax x2 year 20,000 baht Audit fee 15,000 baht

7.Governemtn fees for process, work permit, visa 1 year less than 10,000 baht/Year

Apply 1 year business Visa Type Non B A after 3 month of company set up easier first year, following years show end year CIT (no need to leave country in 12 months)

Why do all that work if you can just pay 1 million and be done with it?

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Elite Card spam:


Why is this "Elite Card spam" ? The OP has a valid point, for an extra 200K he can buy a lifetime visa and he was asking for advice and comments. Just because you cant afford / dont trust / dont like the TE system why knock it ?

*additional post edited to reflect reality*

If the guy has 800K in his bank for a short term visa why not top it up with 200K and his Visa worries are over for life.

Your comments are bizzare and totally unhelpful to the OP

It was in reference to the "advertising" news that was originally contained in the OP and was duly and properly deleted by the moderator.

As the OP is apparently unaware of the other 63 threads covering the Elite Card on this forum and thus unfamiliar with it, I was simply helping to identify the spam nature of the "advertising".

Subsequent posts by others pointed out the "not rocket science" nature of the difference between having 800K in savings and spending 1 mil.

Just to be clear Gents, the point of my original post was that the card is still being marketed and is now for the second time being launched (relaunched) in samui. This time along side a real estate agent as a preferential partner !!.

I believe one of the sponsors of TV is also doing something similar or was. I was not pleased by the complete removal of the samui express story from the original post but the mods have their rules so fair enough. I think the 6 pages of posts that have followed shows there is still interest in the subject and debate of the value of this card.

I would think it fair to suggest to anyone who is bored of the subject to simply not read the thread


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Are you serious when you say you will save money? but maybe better for someone who has money and wants a easy way to get visa.

Why spend 1 Mil Baht for 5 years (law can change)when you can spend less than 100,000 Baht year for 1 year visa (not have to leave country every 3 month)

Rough guess only (cant be bothered to do exact)

1.Set Thai company, 30,000+ baht.

2.Obtain Non B Visa

3.Pay SSF for x4 Thai staff/ month min wage 4,500 baht/month roughly 2,000 baht month.

4.Apply Work permit

5.Pay PI Tax based on salary 50,000 baht /month approx 2-3,000 baht/month

6.Company Tax x2 year 20,000 baht Audit fee 15,000 baht

7.Governemtn fees for process, work permit, visa 1 year less than 10,000 baht/Year

Apply 1 year business Visa Type Non B A after 3 month of company set up easier first year, following years show end year CIT (no need to leave country in 12 months)

Are we forgetting 2mil paid up capital?

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Monthly acounting? VAT filings? Annual audit? half year audit? Taxes on salaries? The 2M Baht does not have to be paid up, but gov. stamp fees will have to be paid on them, social security payments for staff?, need company address/office so rent, electricity Etc....?

Starting a company just to obtain a visa is a BAD solution for sure. Also the bar has been raised so the company actually need to earn enough money to pay the expat salary (and pay taxes on that income).

Nah, then I would RUN to the TE office too! :o


Elite Card spam:


Why is this "Elite Card spam" ? The OP has a valid point, for an extra 200K he can buy a lifetime visa and he was asking for advice and comments. Just because you cant afford / dont trust / dont like the TE system why knock it ?

*additional post edited to reflect reality*

If the guy has 800K in his bank for a short term visa why not top it up with 200K and his Visa worries are over for life.

Your comments are bizzare and totally unhelpful to the OP

It was in reference to the "advertising" news that was originally contained in the OP and was duly and properly deleted by the moderator.

As the OP is apparently unaware of the other 63 threads covering the Elite Card on this forum and thus unfamiliar with it, I was simply helping to identify the spam nature of the "advertising".

Subsequent posts by others pointed out the "not rocket science" nature of the difference between having 800K in savings and spending 1 mil.

Just to be clear Gents, the point of my original post was that the card is still being marketed and is now for the second time being launched (relaunched) in samui. This time along side a real estate agent as a preferential partner !!.

I believe one of the sponsors of TV is also doing something similar or was. I was not pleased by the complete removal of the samui express story from the original post but the mods have their rules so fair enough. I think the 6 pages of posts that have followed shows there is still interest in the subject and debate of the value of this card.

I would think it fair to suggest to anyone who is bored of the subject to simply not read the thread


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Monthly acounting? VAT filings? Annual audit? half year audit? Taxes on salaries? The 2M Baht does not have to be paid up, but gov. stamp fees will have to be paid on them, social security payments for staff?, need company address/office so rent, electricity Etc....?

Starting a company just to obtain a visa is a BAD solution for sure. Also the bar has been raised so the company actually need to earn enough money to pay the expat salary (and pay taxes on that income).

Not to mention that the sole purpose of said company formation and associated accounting efforts would be to circumvent Thai immigration law

Edited by Orion76
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It's funny, the biggest Elite card basher in this thread was touting taking frequent cold showers to save money on the aircon bill in another thread.

awww... :o

I'm disappointed by that... :D I thought surely that my described "rabid antagonism towards the scheme" would position me well for that coveted title... but apparently not.

Can I still qualify as first/second runner-up or at least get an honorable mention?

and just for the record, can you please identify this winning poster?

For future purposes, I will endeavor to strive to rise to top for the next Elite thread that comes along in 2 weeks.

Edited by sriracha john
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What is happening with Samui ? is it just an office opening there to attract further members or anything else ?

Are there any TE members out there disappointed with the program or wish they had not purchased the card ?

I for one am very happy and satisfied. I’ve just been reading threads about airport taxi scams, immigration cues and am so thankful I had the good sense to purchase one.

We have lost the Thai Airways Gold Card, but that was only a 2 year privilege anyway.

I estimate Thai Elite Card will pay for itself after 5 years or so average use (as explained on other TE threads).

If the card lasts another 4 years or so, I’m happy, if not then I probably lost some money and the investment was not as wise as I thought. And, yes, I think it’s an investment because if it lasts 10 years I would stand to save a lot.

But what price can I put on not worrying about Visa’s ?

TE members have the money and have the need, it’s a valuable service – I hope it lasts, but I worry about that less than I worried before when I was concerned if I can get another tourist visa, or had to plan a visa run with constantly changing regulations.

Oh, and now I get free golf, free massage, 1 min immigration, free airport transfer… No, I have no complaints whatsoever.

I don’t feel elite that I have the card, just satisfied I have it. Although after reading the threads of those who ‘bash’ the TE card, I’m happy I’m not in the same immigration cues at the airport listening to their complaints, I’m happy I’m not at the same immigration office extending my visa while having to listen to their complaints, I’m happy I’m not playing on the same 400 baht per round golf course having to listen to their complaints, happy I’m not next to them while they are getting irate at taxi drivers at the airport…

Come to think of it, perhaps I do feel a little Elite, and it’s nice once in a while.

Edited by richard_smith237
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