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Bruce V. Of Tefl Int'l Hanging It Up


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In case anyone is interested, Bruce V. just announced his resignation as CEO of TEFL Int'l in a thread he started on ajarn.com.

Interesting, as there has been a very presistent campaign against some of his alleged business practices.

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The biggest news in Thai TEFL for a while. Nobody really knows what's going on though. I don't believe someone walks away from a business as profitable as TEFL Int easily. His Ban Phe location has been on Sunbelt for a while, so maybe he found a buyer. The other locations are franchises. There's also the publicity he has received on TEFLwatch.

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There's not much specific interest here in this news event. It generated around 100 comments on the other forum (starting with backslappers and congratulations, then some serious slagging off of Bruce and TEFL Int., then the usual off-topic, inane banter that threads tend to degenerate into). Over at TEFLWatch - where the corporation resides in the Hall of Shame - posters had as few comments as we have.

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There's not much specific interest here in this news event. It generated around 100 comments on the other forum (starting with backslappers and congratulations, then some serious slagging off of Bruce and TEFL Int., then the usual off-topic, inane banter that threads tend to degenerate into). Over at TEFLWatch - where the corporation resides in the Hall of Shame - posters had as few comments as we have.

Maybe because the whole thing got pretty boring in the end and everything that needed to be said has been said already. I have no real comment to make on it, as I have never had an ydealings with said establishment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello guys and gals. TEFL International is fine. I am fine. Just some changes in lifestyle and taking advantage of a few other opportunities.

And the idiots at teflwatch (there were just 4 using lots of different names) may discover I have been busy in other activities as well.

No need for rumors and speculation. If you have a question, let me know.

And if you believe anything at teflwatch then i feel sorry for you....

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I have reason to suspect this is the real Bruce of TEFL Int., so if you wish to respond to the poster by PM or on this thread, go ahead. Remember: in addition to the regular ThaiVisa forum rules, the teaching forum has its additonal rules.

Teaching forum rule #7. You may discuss and ask questions about TEFL courses and course providers, but TEFL course comparison threads are considered flamebait and will be closely watched and probably closed.

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Hello guys and gals. TEFL International is fine. I am fine. Just some changes in lifestyle and taking advantage of a few other opportunities.

And the idiots at teflwatch (there were just 4 using lots of different names) may discover I have been busy in other activities as well.

No need for rumors and speculation. If you have a question, let me know.

And if you believe anything at teflwatch then i feel sorry for you....

Not true BV

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Hello guys and gals. TEFL International is fine. I am fine. Just some changes in lifestyle and taking advantage of a few other opportunities.

And the idiots at teflwatch (there were just 4 using lots of different names) may discover I have been busy in other activities as well.

No need for rumors and speculation. If you have a question, let me know.

And if you believe anything at teflwatch then i feel sorry for you....

Not true BV

Hey Bruce, this is just like TEFL watch - they always have to have the last word. Wait for it.....

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Maybe the earlier poster is talking about Dave Hopkins? I bet that is the case.

Anyway, Peace, you can confirm my number with the gentleman in CM we spoke of by phone. He just called me earlier today. Lucky he survived the near accident!!

Edited by Bruceishere
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We don't need a rehash of any flamewar on any other forum, nor do we need a lot of beating around the bush, indirect threats, incomplete rumours, etc., which is already the way this thread seems to be going. It seems the fact, with which everyone is in agreement, is that Bruce has stepped down as CEO. Bruce is welcome to elaborate on this- directly, with facts, and not with hints about what he may or may not be planning to do with various persons with whom he is unhappy. Others are welcome to speculate about it politely, in a non-libellous kind of manner. All other forms of posting will result in the immediate closure of this thread and disallowance of further discussion of the event on this forum.


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lets see, some facts.

I have worked very hard in the last 10 years, made a lot of great friends, had a great time, seen the world, and it is time to slow down. The BOD continue to beg me to stay on in some capacity but I doubt I will make it more than a part time thing--I made 120 burgers for 90 trainees last night in Ban Phe. That was fun.

I live in thailand and I am "only" 43. I want to work out more. I want to learn to scuba. I want to get a boat. I want to play in a band.

I can tell you one thing I am working on... teflfest. www.teflfest.com Check it out and come to Ban Phe next April for the party.

Website is not 100% yet so sorry in advance.

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-I made 120 burgers for 90 trainees last night in Ban Phe. That was fun.

Obviously you have a WP for that kind of work :o

There is so much trash out there in the internet. It has been posted multiple times on "another site" that TEFL International is not a registered company in Thailand and that I have not had a Work Permit for many years. Absolute and utter hogwash!!! Just a few examples of how people can say anything on the web without worrying about the truthfulness of it.

Edited by Bruceishere
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You know, I had breakfast with Bruce this morning in the process of doing my rounds of interviewing TEFL course providers. We each showed our 5 year Thai drivers license, decided who had the physical disabilities (we're both overweight :o), and he gave me a business card. I did not ask for his other ID's, but we joked that cooking hamburgers for your own students on site at Ban Phe probably falls into the CEO role of 'all other duties as may seem fit." Neither did I ask the other course provider for his work permit or Thai registration number, nor do I doubt that Dr. Matt is a doctor....

Bruce's point, as I understood him to tell me, is that there are two sides (or more) to the various entangled events that led up to TEFL Int. getting so much attention over at TEFL Watch. I am also in touch with the admin of that org, by several of his niks and names. When I studied business law and tax law, the important questions always revolved around, "Who is the taxpayer? What entity is legally responsible? Who owns the entity, and who is an employee/agent of whom?" I worked on countless abusive tax shelter cases, including one with 84,000 investors, my sister, and a phony entity that didn't report the gains that mirrored the losses of the investors. It's too complex for this old man.

Oh, and to make the report complete, I ate a big sandwich, and in Thai I ordered either a pineapple shake, or a thousand pineapples.

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I'm sure Bruce is kosher PB. I don't believe he could run his business if he wasn't. Just an idea that would shut up the critics. He runs very successfully a popular TEFL course and I don't remember hearing any TEFL Int graduate that I've met speak negatively of the course.

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Loaded, I learned long ago that if I answer the current questions suddenly those questions will be ignored and a new set of off-the-wall accusations and questions will appear. For now I am happy to allow them to make any silly accusation they want.

Peace, nice to meet you. Let me know if there is anything you want.

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We've had enough discussion of this for the time being, and I have reason to believe the topic will heat up elsewhere. As we say in the forum rules, mentioned in post #10, "TEFL course comparison threads are considered flamebait and will be closely watched and probably closed."

We can reopen this thread after a cooling off period, or a time for further developments.

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