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Asus En8800gts 640mb Woes


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Hi, I just bought this 8800 card, as an upgrade towards my existing ATI x800.

Sadly, after plugging it in, installed the packaged drivers/utilities, then upgraded to latest drivers from nvidia, my fps has been terrible. On 3DMark06, it seems my score has dropped from it's pervious result from the x800... which I doubt should be the case. y graphics quality/fps seems to be the same or worse than the x800, currently. Then again, this is my first nvidia card, having been an avid ATI fan all these years, so I might have done something wrong somewhere...

I ran 3DMark06 and only got 2298, SM2.0 was 1295, HDR/SM3.0 was 1359 and CPU was 335. If you've heard of a program called PC Wizard 2007, when I try to check on the card's specs, the program just closes... never happened with any other card/config I've had/tested it on.

My systems specs are as follows:

Gigabyte 8I915P Duo Mobo

Intel i915G chipset

Intel P4 530J 3gb processor

1GB of DDR2-SDRAM PC2-4300 (266 MHz)


Windows XP SP2

DirectX 9.0c

PSU 450

Anyone has any idea what's wrong or what I can do to resolve this problem? I'm quite desperate right now, after dropping a bunch of cash for what seems like nothing.

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Hi, I just bought this 8800 card, as an upgrade towards my existing ATI x800.

Sadly, after plugging it in, installed the packaged drivers/utilities, then upgraded to latest drivers from nvidia, my fps has been terrible. On 3DMark06, it seems my score has dropped from it's pervious result from the x800... which I doubt should be the case. y graphics quality/fps seems to be the same or worse than the x800, currently. Then again, this is my first nvidia card, having been an avid ATI fan all these years, so I might have done something wrong somewhere...

I ran 3DMark06 and only got 2298, SM2.0 was 1295, HDR/SM3.0 was 1359 and CPU was 335. If you've heard of a program called PC Wizard 2007, when I try to check on the card's specs, the program just closes... never happened with any other card/config I've had/tested it on.

My systems specs are as follows:

Gigabyte 8I915P Duo Mobo

Intel i915G chipset

Intel P4 530J 3gb processor

1GB of DDR2-SDRAM PC2-4300 (266 MHz)


Windows XP SP2

DirectX 9.0c

PSU 450

Anyone has any idea what's wrong or what I can do to resolve this problem? I'm quite desperate right now, after dropping a bunch of cash for what seems like nothing.

Go to http://www.guru3d.com and http://www.dna-drivers.org and download the latest driver from there! Even read about the NVidia driver at that sites and you'll get more info!

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I have a XFX 8800GTS 320MB combined with a Q6600 running at 2.4 Ghz (Core 2 Quad). 3DMark round the 10,000 at 1280x1024.

You can try to see what users with a similar system get on futuremark.com. Downloading from guru3d.com is not recommended as they already feature beta drivers ....

Plus you could have saved around thb 4,000-5,000 .... the 640mb is not that much faster as the 320mb. In some cases the 320mb is faster. Perhaps the 8800GTX at a couple of thousand baht more was a better bet.

Edited by sniffdog
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Well, as like they say, hind sight is 6/6 :o

Meh, looks like I don't have much of a choice here. It's either stick to my x800, or stick it out and get pretty much an entire new system to match the 8800.

I'm currently looking at a C2D E6600, Asus P5N32-E SLI mobo, 2x Corsair DDR2-800 DIMs and probably a 550 or 600w PSU. Pretty mid-range, eh?

Any comments/advise and where I can find these if not at Panthip? Won't be needing HDD or disk-drives, since I've got 2 multi DVD-RWs in my current PC, and a bunch of HDDs lying around. My goal is to hit somewhere around 10k for 3dMark06 at 1280x1024; using a 17" screen, so larger resolutions aren't available... until I get a new monitor.

Thanks loads in advance!

(I'd get a C2Q CPU, another 8800 for the SLi and Dominator RAM, but... those'll have to wait for the next round of upgrades.)

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The Intel 915 chipset was one of the first that implemented the PCIe x16 interface, as it is fully compatible with "most" current high speed graphical cards, it seems that it cannot get all out of the graphical cards.

It belief that some manufacturers who used the Intel 915 chipset before is trying to fix the problem with VGA cards with BIOS updates, for what I can see all not help that much.

I will say upgrade your mainboard and processor also, running a 20,000Bht VGA card on a 1800 Bht mainboard is somewhat out of place...

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I actually live near Fortune IT mall and go there pretty often. The problem with it, is that there's a painful lack of shops that actually sell parts for a 'custom' PC, with more either selling peripherals, or pre-built PCs. Just buying the 8800 was difficult enough, I actually spent nearly 2 hours going through all the shops, level by level just trying to find one that sold it.

I noticed that most of the shops don't really keep up on the current products, with some having a 7600(?) as their latest card.

If the Intel 915 chipset doesn't make for a good board, what would you suggest I look at?

Thanks. :o

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I think there is no reason to go anywhere else than Pantip. The variety of shops is so much larger than Zeer, The Mall Bangkapi or Ratchada.

Plus the prices are (IMHO) a little better.

For those interested, this is the rig I bought two weeks ago:

Q6600 (Quad 2.4Ghz) G0 stepping

Gigabyte P35-DS3R Motherboard

Western SATA-II 500 GB HDD

Geil 2 GB 800 Ultra


Coolermaster Centurion 5 Case

Zalman 9700 LED CPU Cooler

Enermax 460

XFX 8800GTS 320mb

Logitech EX90 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse

Total price was THB 43,750 at Jedicool (Pantip).

Apart from the fact that the mobo was faulty I am very satisfied. Haven't overclocked yet.

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The Gigabyte P35-DS3R is a good, relative cheap motherboard it go's for around 4100 Baht at JIB Computers (http://www.jib.co.th)

For processors you have choices enough, depending on what you want to spend, the cheapest which already is about 3 to 4 times faster then what you have now is the Intel E4400 Core2Duo (4380Bht) or you can go for the Intel E6550 Core2Duo (6150Bht).

Quad Core is for most programs, games not used, even so in about 6 months Intel will introduce a whole new line of Quad cores.... So spending now top price for something what is in 6 month the slowest processor is a bit tricky.

The Q6600D (Core2Quad, 2.4Ghz) is easily beaten by the Intel E6850 (Core2Duo 3Ghz) in situations that a game doesn't support dual or quad processors

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The Q6600D (Core2Quad, 2.4Ghz) is easily beaten by the Intel E6850 (Core2Duo 3Ghz) in situations that a game doesn't support dual or quad processors

The future has the Quads in mind.. Ala' CRYSIS!!! :D:D

If you ask me, its a better investment if buying the Q6600 instead of the E6850.. Since the price are nearly the same.. Why not go with the future in mind..?! :o:D

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Price nearly the same? The Q6600 cost around 10,000Bht or up the E6850 cost around 6000Bht. And for now, until more programs will support quad or even multicore (more then one core) processors. The E6850 run, for now circles around the Q6600 Quad processor, especially in single core mode.

The money save is better invested in waiting until the new (in about 6 months) Quad core processors come on the market, about then the software industry is probably also ready with upgrading to Quad Core. With waiting for the new line of Intel processors you also get new functions in the processor, as example SSE4, more cache memory, 16MB for the Quad, and possible Hyper-technology (one core doing HT so it looks you have 8 cores) (Also Intel is expected to "fix" a few QuadCore problems, as the QuadCore are in basic just two Core2Duo's, and it is belieft that with the new Core Design the cooperation between the 2 Duo2core will be more optimized)

The introduction price of the step-in will not be that much different then the price of a current Quad Core Q6600.....

Additional; It is highly likely that when the masses of the software industry is going to support the Quadcore they also going to include SSE4 support directly, as the SSE4 instruction set is optimized to be used in multicore situations, SSE2 or SSE3 are not optimized in multicore situations. Matter of fact if the processor want to execute a MMX or SSE instruction both core fresh for a micron of a second

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Something definitely seems wrong with your score for that hardware.

Here's a similar specced Dell PC that gets 4829 in 3dmark 06.


Maybe try running that same driver revision. You're running 3dmark with the default resolution & settings?.. comparisons are only valid for the same settings.

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G0 stepping - I've bought mine at Jedicool Pantip (ground floor near the two hardwarehouse stores). After I've bought it, the sales lady said the next shipment they will receive will be B3's again.

The Q6600 is even cheaper than the E6850. The E6850 is indeed faster in games that don't utilize multi-threading. But the Q6600 is definitely

a better all rounder (especially in multimedia and rendering). Also the Q6600 overclocks better than the E6850.


The Gigabyte P35-DS3R is a good, relative cheap motherboard


And it supports faster processors .... so we'll be waiting for the next releases.

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Dang, I got lost somewhere along the way. Ever since I moved here, hadn't had much time to keep on on tech. :o

I still can't figure out which is better... C2D or Quads?

I've got a budget of about 15k right now, but I can go over if required...

What would you fellas recommend for mobo/CPU/RAM? Will prolly need to pick up a case/PSU as well, to go with those.

Hate to look like a lazy git, but quite frankly, I'm lost over here. :D Would greatly appreciate all the help I can get.

p.s. What's G0 and B3 stand for?

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In laymans terms it's like car models... The B3 stepping was the 2006 model and the G0 stepping is the 2007 model. Only that the 2007 model uses 9L of petrol every 100kms and the 2006 model uses 10L of petrol every 100kms.

For the B3 and G0 cpus. The G0 is still the exact same 'car' or chip. Only that the G0 uses approx 10W less of power consuption.



Steppings = Revisions

Also, the G0 stepping is HIGHLY overclockable.. :D Thats one of the reasons im wanting to get it!! :o

Aboot your budget PC build, perhaps make another thread aboot it..!! :D

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