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Does Poverty In Thailand Ever Get You Down?


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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

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Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

I had that thought in my mind for a long time too. But then again, you have to give them credit for not staying in their home country and keep failing, but moving elsewhere to be successful in their own ways?

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Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

I had that thought in my mind for a long time too. But then again, you have to give them credit for not staying in their home country and keep failing, but moving elsewhere to be successful in their own ways?

successful? unqualified people come here to teach english without qualifications and make 6 times the salary of a Thai person who went to school? Selling women in pattayya? i know every person wants to have pleasure in their life, but its still off putting.

the fact the goal of many women in poor regions goal in life is to 'marry a farang' is not a good thing.

Edited by realmadrid25
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Poverty is relative - I've seen far worse places in the world. :o Most I see have the basics in life (food,water,clothing,lodging) and they make the best of their lot in life.

If you worried about every person in the world you saw that didnt have as much as you, you'd go mental.

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Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

I had that thought in my mind for a long time too. But then again, you have to give them credit for not staying in their home country and keep failing, but moving elsewhere to be successful in their own ways?

successful? unqualified people come here to teach english without qualifications and make 6 times the salary of a Thai person who went to school? Selling women in pattayya? i know every person wants to have pleasure in their life, but its still off putting.

the fact the goal of many women in poor regions goal in life is to 'marry a farang' is not a good thing.

I agree with thai woman making a goal in life to marry a farang is not a good thing.

It seems to be a fashion now ........makes me feel uncomfortable in times when some woman talk about it to me

they want a farang . Thai man no good , farang good . Its not such a easy thing as they asume .

But what can we do about it ? So I just keep walking with no comments .

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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

So what do you suggest is done?

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i live in thailand because i love thai culture and the thai people, its a shame that i am in the minority of farang in this respect.

I doubt you're in a minority if you're referring to long-term residents.

90% of the people on thaivisa are not willing to play a role in their child's life if they knock up a sex partner. its sickening.

Fishing trip surely? :o

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i live in thailand because i love thai culture and the thai people, its a shame that i am in the minority of farang in this respect.

Please tell me what is the culture you love not just that you love the culture, and what extra do you love about the people of Issan.

I think you are blowing wind

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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

So what do you suggest is done?

make the requirements to live in thailand much tougher for farang. for a retirement or marriage visa, they should be able to show be forced to have 10 million upwards.

do not allow farang to take thai girls to their hotel room if they did not check-in with them (like in Vietnam)

provide more education to the thai people of poor regions.

demolish the pattayya slums and bar industry.

run strict background checks on farang who try to teach (every month there is a new child rapist or murderer teaching english in thailand)

pay english teachers an equal salary as thai teachers.

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Poverty is a state of mind and most Thai people are not poor....in fact there really aren't alot of poor Thai people...there are some.

Because Thai people on average have less money than westerners does not mean that they are poor.

keeping telling yourself this you might actually believe it one day.

farang are playing with a stack deck. all they have to do is come to thailand and because of thais poverty they can live a great life. if they stay in their home country they can barely survive. they are sort of like those fungus on a whales stomach.

Edited by realmadrid25
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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

So what do you suggest is done?

make the requirements to live in thailand much tougher for farang. for a retirement or marriage visa, they should be able to show be forced to have 10 million upwards.

do not allow farang to take thai girls to their hotel room if they did not check-in with them (like in Vietnam)

provide more education to the thai people of poor regions.

demolish the pattayya slums and bar industry.

run strict background checks on farang who try to teach (every month there is a new child rapist or murderer teaching english in thailand)

pay english teachers an equal salary as thai teachers.

Are you trying to recruit for yet another new (old really) political party?

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I used to pitty but now that I'm long enough I really dont(!)

actually I think they bring it on them self.

their politic system.


just enjoy what u can get here cheaper and live you life ..

definetly it will stay like this for loooooooong time.

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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

Women in Western countries have ended up with way too much power in relationships after Women's Lib added power about certain things without taking away balances to men's power that women had been granted traditionally. Western women are quite happy about this.

In South East Asia, men have much more power, which Western men are glad to take advantage of to make things more "even" in their lives. It would be nice if relaionships were "fair" all over the planet, but they are not.

Who can blame men for moving to countries where things work in their favor? :o

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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

Would it though ?

If the average thai girl aspires toward a farang by her own percieved notion that she will be anything from 5-10 times 'better off' than her peers. Then if she were born, say, in England and wanted to achieve this same vastly increased status she would have to be looking at romancing/marrying a western millionare.. difficult

No, i think her chances of obtaining a better life with these dreams are in Thailand

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Tonight, as I was leaving my hotel, there was an old fat falang with some young Thai girl clinging to him like he was her last chance in life, as he blew cigarette smoke in her face.

So I walk away to go buy me a bottle of water thinking of her, and how he is desrespectful to her. I was thinking it was a shame that this is her future, as well as many others. As I walked back to the hotel, there were a couple of girls around 5yrs old opening sacks of garbage looking for cans...

They didn't ask for money.... but I turned around and walked back and gave them some. They were not begging, they were just trying to find a way to earn some money.

I choked up as I walked away. Often times we think we have it bad, think no other has walked in our shoes, face our difficulties and some how we climbed up out of the mud and now we tower proudly above our poor beginings.

But I can promise you this, never have I dug through trash hoping to earn money or find dinner.

Makes me feel bad inside, makes me feel like I didn't give enough or do enough. When I go to restaruants that are basically girl pick up centers, I tip heavily. I kid myself and think, maybe if she makes enough tonight she will not throw the dice, maybe tonight she will not get HIV.

I guess I am a depressing soul, but I do worry about these folks, and the govt. just does not seem to give a flying fig. I am not here because it is cheap. I am here because the wife wants to be here. So this country is not my play ground.

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Depends on how you define poor.

I believe many people in Thailand are poorer financially than their Western counterparts but in saying that, there is plenty of poverty in the West with people living in slums and / or on the breadline with inflated prices for basic needs.

In the UK the average gas bill is £1000 a year and Electric bills about the same. Water bills are horrific too.

Food is also very expensive. Fuel £1 a litre. Vodka and coke £2.50p. A meal out £10+ per person.

The list goes on.

Thais can live very cheaply. Electric bills 200 Baht mth. Water 60 Baht mth. (No need for heating). Beer 3 bottles 100 Baht. Fried rice chicken 20 Baht. Etc. etc.

How many Thais do not have a mobile phone, a motorbike, a TV, a Hi-Fi ??

What Thais also have IMHO is a good family structure and in that they are not poor unlike their Western counterparts.

Yes, they struggle to help each other out to pay childrens education, pay for medical bills but so do many in the West.

So, a young woman has an older Farang man. That is their choice. No one is forcing them to be with anyone they do not want to be with. It is not slavery but a free choice.

Maybe the choice to be with a Farang is to try to better themselves and to have more money to help out the family but it is stiil a choice.

Don't blame us for having more than the average Thai, blame the system, the politics, the corruption here. And if you feel so bad about it then go elsewhere.

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You need to see a shrink -or to travel a lot more. many countries in this world where the people HAVE LESS MONEY than here.

I do not live in Bangkok nor pattaya and so see the real Thailand. Many with brand new houses and cars and no one short of food if they are prepared to work. True they are not wealthy in the European sense but they have many qualities the europeans no longer have---i.e a king that is worthy of love-family values and happiness.

I too am aware that some women would love to have a farang husband- but ( apart from bargirls) not always because of their percieved wealth , rather of their good qualities like honesty and loyalty to their wife.

Do not pity the Thai-there are people sleeping in dutbin bags on the streets of most european capitals and no one gives a toss. And whhy should a guy need to have ten million ( pounds or baht?) to live here???? I take it you have---are you a whoremonger or not? Do you think that only poor guys are whoremongers????/

Get a life and if you really worry and care for Thailand then do something constructive to help the people! Do not try to make them caebon copies of europeans---that would make them very unhappy!

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You need to see a shrink -or to travel a lot more. many countries in this world where the people HAVE LESS MONEY than here.

I do not live in Bangkok nor pattaya and so see the real Thailand. Many with brand new houses and cars and no one short of food if they are prepared to work. True they are not wealthy in the European sense but they have many qualities the europeans no longer have---i.e a king that is worthy of love-family values and happiness.

I too am aware that some women would love to have a farang husband- but ( apart from bargirls) not always because of their percieved wealth , rather of their good qualities like honesty and loyalty to their wife.

Do not pity the Thai-there are people sleeping in dutbin bags on the streets of most european capitals and no one gives a toss. And whhy should a guy need to have ten million ( pounds or baht?) to live here???? I take it you have---are you a whoremonger or not? Do you think that only poor guys are whoremongers????/

Get a life and if you really worry and care for Thailand then do something constructive to help the people! Do not try to make them caebon copies of europeans---that would make them very unhappy!

Well spoken!!

I live in thailand of my choice! I was not a deadbeat or shuned from my homeland.

I came here to learn ne ways of live new cultures.

I have a beautiful Thai wife and a handsome son with her. I also do not live my life is farang infested areas of Thailand. But in the true outer comunity. What most of the western people call poor is a joke. You don't need to have a the toys and bells n whistles to be rich. True you can bye love, but you can't buy a family.

This makes me think about a Thai man i talked with a while back. He told he he had no bed to sleep in, just slept on the floor. Not unlike many Thai's

As he didn't have enough money to purchase a bed.

I had to ask him, how he had no money for a bed, but could find enough money for three or four beer and a pack of smokes each day.

That was about the time the conversation ended. So was he poor??

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Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

Don't know about that realmadrid. There's plenty of dead beat tourists but among the westerners that permanently live here it seems to me that the majority is retired and have paid their dues in their home countries after a life time of working. I would not consider them as failed.

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Tonight, as I was leaving my hotel, there was an old fat falang with some young Thai girl clinging to him like he was her last chance in life, as he blew cigarette smoke in her face.

So I walk away to go buy me a bottle of water thinking of her, and how he is desrespectful to her. I was thinking it was a shame that this is her future, as well as many others. As I walked back to the hotel, there were a couple of girls around 5yrs old opening sacks of garbage looking for cans...

They didn't ask for money.... but I turned around and walked back and gave them some. They were not begging, they were just trying to find a way to earn some money.

I choked up as I walked away. Often times we think we have it bad, think no other has walked in our shoes, face our difficulties and some how we climbed up out of the mud and now we tower proudly above our poor beginings.

But I can promise you this, never have I dug through trash hoping to earn money or find dinner.

Makes me feel bad inside, makes me feel like I didn't give enough or do enough. When I go to restaruants that are basically girl pick up centers, I tip heavily. I kid myself and think, maybe if she makes enough tonight she will not throw the dice, maybe tonight she will not get HIV.

I guess I am a depressing soul, but I do worry about these folks, and the govt. just does not seem to give a flying fig. I am not here because it is cheap. I am here because the wife wants to be here. So this country is not my play ground.

Had it not been for the blowing smoke the fat falang you saw might have been me. But try this one for size, I met my wife, not G/f, in pretty much the same way I may have met her in London, or LA, or Athens, or bumfarck. Try and comprehend this, the girl loves me. and I love her. Maybe the fact that my future is not hopeless, or I don't blow smoke in her face has something to do with it, as it would anywhere else in the world, but you, and all the other pukes like you that ASS U ME every thai lady and old falang you see are somehow hooked up at the bank make ME sick. I grant you, there are a lot a old fat falanges here just chasing young p***y, but how dare you put all of us in to ONE catagory.

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Well let me paint a more clear picture....

The fat falang was also making hand gestures indicating that he wanted to eat. No surprise there, got to maintain that svelt body. Any how, that to me would indicate that this is a budding relationship that was going to end right quick in the horizontal position as she tried to save Orka.

1) She had zero English

2) He had zero Thai

and to the rest of your post.... I don't see where I put you all in the same category.... I was speaking about what I saw. Sounds to me like you have developed a complex or something.

Edited by Dakhar
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Hmmm...thought-provoking post, realmadrid. It verges on the trollish, with the hyperbole about losers from West, etc.

Where do you live? I live in Chiang Mai, and I have to say (without wanting to sound like a Chamber of Commerce booster) that although there are some borderline farang here, there is a HUGE vibrant community of farang, many with families, many with established and successful businesses, and many of whom contribute a tremendous amount to the society here- by which I mean charity events, work for NGO's, etc. Maybe you need to get out of Suk Soi 4, or Patts, and go somewhere else in Thailand..... :D

There IS poverty in Thailand. There is also poverty in Orange County, CA, where I come from. And as another poster mentioned, it (poverty here) is not nearly as pronounced as other places. Have you been to India? Central Africa?

So what positive suggestions can you offer, other than your (ludicrous) suggestion that farang need 10M to stay here?

For the record, I am retired here. 55 yrs of age. No underage wife or girlfriend. Would qualify easily for your ridiculous money threshhold. Moved here to retire because I love Thailand, Thai people, Thai food, Thai scenery and countryside, Thai....you get the idea. So can I stay? Is it OK if I stay? Just wondering....... :o


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Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

Don't know about that realmadrid. There's plenty of dead beat tourists but among the westerners that permanently live here it seems to me that the majority is retired and have paid their dues in their home countries after a life time of working. I would not consider them as failed.

Amen, guy who takes a football team for a name. Did you decide this guy was failure in his home country because he was fat, or smoking, or with a young thai girl? That seems to be the only info you had about him. So share with us, REAL, what are your victories in your home country, and most of all for me, what magic were you granted that gives you so much insight into the rest of us mere humans desires, history and shortcomings. What a piece of work you are, I think I heard you editifying (my new hobby.. coining words) in a go-go bar a few nights ago.

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i know i am supposed to be thrilled that prices in Thailand are low and the Thai people are mostly poor, and all of the advantages this provides middle aged Western men living in Thailand but I just can't do it. Does anyone else find it kind of sickening how much farang in Thailand talk about how cheap everything is and what they can get? You see a young girl walking with an old man and it just destroys you. If she was born in another country her life would be so much better. Also I get the feeling that the majority of westerners in Thailand failed in their home countries.

So what do you suggest is done?

make the requirements to live in thailand much tougher for farang. for a retirement or marriage visa, they should be able to show be forced to have 10 million upwards.

do not allow farang to take thai girls to their hotel room if they did not check-in with them (like in Vietnam)

provide more education to the thai people of poor regions.

demolish the pattayya slums and bar industry.

run strict background checks on farang who try to teach (every month there is a new child rapist or murderer teaching english in thailand)

pay english teachers an equal salary as thai teachers.

If you want people to take you seriously, even on Thai Visa, I suggest you lay off the hard drugs.

The more you post, the more naive you come accross. Try waiting until after your 18th birthday before you post again...

Why would a Thai woman, poor or otherwise, give up a secure life to trail around with a geek who follows another footy club every time some overrated cretin with a plug ugly neurotic wife changes his allegience.

I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but I can't resist it most days. :o

To answer your post, I find it more sickening that rich, fat, western kids are allowed to travel. Percentage wise, the young westerners are much fatter and un-healthier that us middle agers. Sad and problematic for posters like you, but nonetheless true. Just look at some of the backpack crowd these days, they are massive and us sad middle age men are going to out live them as they are so screwed up.

If some of these poor girls you describe them, were born in another country, they would probably be as fat and miserable as you obviously are.

So, give me the names of the English Teachers that killed kids in January, februay, march, april, may, june, july, august and september (if its happened yet) this year. Or is this another figment of your retard imagination!

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